Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 3401-3450

NAT3401: NAT object STOWed for :1: but executed under :2:.

Text NAT object STOWed for ... but executed under ....
Expl. The DBID used when stowing the Natural object is assigned
to database type .1. but at runtime this DBID is assigned
to database type .2.
Actn. The DBID used at stow time and at runtime must be assigned to
the same database type.

NAT3402: Unknown DB response code :4:. DB/FNR/Subcode :1:/:2:/:3:.

Text Unknown DB response code .... DB/FNR/Subcode .../.../....
Expl. An unknown response code was received from the Adabas interface.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT3403: ADAMODE was changed from :1: to :2:.

Text ADAMODE was changed from :1: to :2:.
Expl. Natural was started with ADAMODE=:1:.
This mode is not supported by the database, or Natural could not
allocate the resources required to execute in this mode.
Natural has switched automatically to ADAMODE=:2:.
The original error message, the technical reason, was issued prior to
this message, and can be viewed with the LASTMSG command.
Actn. Contact your Natural/Adabas administrator.

NAT3410: No Natural ICU handler available.

Text No Natural ICU handler available.
Expl. The Natural ICU handler is not available.
Possible reasons are:
- The ICU handler module is not linked to Natural or cannot be loaded.
- The session profile parameter CFICU is set to OFF.
- An error occurred during the initialization of the Natural ICU.
Actn. Depends on the reason of the error. If an initialization error has
occurred, check the session initialization error messages.

NAT3411: Code page :1: not available.

Text Code page ... not available.
Expl. ICU (International Components for Unicode) is the engine to support
code pages and Unicode in Natural.
Code pages are defined in ICU in a data file that is linked to the
nucleus or loaded dynamically. If the code page is not available,
it is not part of the data file used.
Actn. Please contact Software AG support.

NAT3412: Internal error from ICU: :1:.

Text Internal error from ICU: ....
Expl. ICU (International Components for Unicode) is the engine to support
code pages and Unicode in Natural.
Possible reasons for internal errors of ICU are:
- memory allocation errors,
- internal program errors,
- corrupted definition files of converters,
- missing resources in data files.
Actn. Please contact Software AG support.

NAT3413: Conversion error, at least 1 code point not translated. H":1:"

Text Conversion error, at least 1 code point not translated. H".."
Expl. If, during Unicode conversion or the conversion from one code page
to another, a code point or character cannot be converted to the
desired destination code page, a code-page-specific substitution
character is used instead.
The generation of this message depends on the CPCVERR=ON/OFF option
in the SET GLOBALS statement.
The first failed code point of the source string is displayed in
hexadecimal format at the end of the message.
Actn. Check the content of the input/target field of the conversion.

NAT3415: Conversion result is truncated.

Text Conversion result is truncated.
Expl. During Unicode conversion or the conversion from one code page to
another, the result in the target field has been truncated.
Actn. Check the length of the target field.

NAT3416: Length/format of operand is incompatible with code page.

Text Length/format of operand is incompatible with code page.
Expl. For a Unicode conversion, or a conversion from one code page to
another, the format and length of source/target fields must
be compatible with the corresponding code page.
Example 1: The source/target field is defined as (Bn), but the value
of <minimum bytes per code point> of the relevant code page is > n;
this means that not even one code point could be stored in the
Example 2: For many code points, the minimum and maximum bytes per
code point are identical.
Before the conversion, it is checked whether the code points
fit into the defined length. If they do not, this message is issued.
This is to avoid the truncation of code point values.
Actn. Check the lengths of the source and target operands.

NAT3417: The used code page name is ambiguous in this context.

Text The used code page name is ambiguous in this context.
Expl. The target code page specified in MOVE ENCODED statement must be
unambiguous. However, specifying "UTF-16" or "UTF-32" does not uniquely
identify a target code page.
Actn. Instead of "UTF-16" and "UTF-32", specify "UTF-16BE" or "UTF-16LE",
and "UTF-32BE" or "UTF-32LE" respectively.

NAT3418: ICU Data Library :1: cannot be loaded (:2:).

Text ICU Data Library ... cannot be loaded (...).
Expl. The data library is treated like an external program.
The specified external data library could be neither loaded dynamically
nor located statically. See the supplied operating-system/TP-monitor
return code of the failing LOAD request for details.
Possible reasons:
- The data library to be loaded dynamically is not contained in the
load libraries currently defined to Natural.
- Under CICS: The data library is not defined to CICS.
- There was not enough storage available to load the data library
dynamically (under Com-plete: the Com-plete thread was too small).
- The limit for the number of programs (data libraries) to be
dynamically loaded was exceeded.
- For static data library: The data library is not defined in NATPARM
with the CSTATIC parameter or not linked to the NATPARM module.
Actn. with the CSTATIC parameter or not linked to the NATPARM module. Make sure that the data library is contained in a library available
to or linked to Natural. Contact your Natural administrator concerning
the setting of the Natural profile parameter CDYNAM and CSTATIC.

NAT3419: Local ICU buffer pool cannot be used. RC=:1:

Text Local ICU buffer pool cannot be used. RC=...
Expl. The message is displayed at session start if the local ICU buffer pool
cannot be used. The reason code (RC) indicates the reason for this
RC=1 - Local ICU buffer pool is not available.
RC=2 - Size of local ICU buffer pool is too small.
RC=3 - Local ICU buffer pool is already used by a different ICU nucleus.
If CFICU subparameter BPONLY=ON, the message leads to a termination of
the ICU initialization with the consequence that no ICU handler is
available for the current Natural session.
If CFICU subparameter BPONLY=OFF, the required buffers are allocated
in the Natural thread.
Actn. Make local ICU buffer pool available or increase size of the local ICU
buffer pool.

NAT3420: Source area conflict between code point :1: and code page :2:.

Text Source area conflict between code point ... and code page ....
Expl. A conversion error occurs either when the source is loaded to the
source area or when a changed source area is saved.
The source area has Unicode format; conversions between Unicode and
code page are necessary for several commands. Possible conflicts:
1. The source is opened with the wrong code page: Define the correct
code page either by changing the CP profile parameter or by
defining a dedicated code page for this source.
2. The source, which was changed, contains characters which are not in
the code page: Either remove characters or change the code page of
the source (e.g. to UTF-8) so that all characters can be converted.
Actn. See explanation.

NAT3421: Source with code page :1: cannot be opened.

Text Source with code page ... cannot be opened.
Expl. This Natural source was saved with a code page which differs from the
default code page of the current Natural session. The native Unix
editors cannot open this source. You have to open this source with
Natural Studio in a SPoD environment.
Actn. Open the source with Natural Studio.

NAT3422: Character :1: is not in code page :2:.

Text Character ... is not in code page ....
Expl. During compilation a character was detected which is not contained in
the code page. Keywords, variable names, constants of format A ("..."),
etc., must be in the denoted code page. Unicode characters may only be
used in the following context:
- constants of format U (U"...") or
- characters within the EMU, ICU, LCU and TCU parameters or
- within comments.
Actn. Either use the corresponding syntax for Unicode characters or check the
code page.

NAT3423: Maximum line length exceeded in line :1:.

Text Maximum line length exceeded in line ....
Expl. The source area has Unicode UTF-16 format. When you save a source,
it is converted from UTF-16 to the source encoding, which can change
the size (in code points) of a character.
This error occurs because the current source contains a line which,
after the conversion, exceeds the maximum line length.
Actn. Either split the line or choose another encoding for saving the source.

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