Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 3251-3300

NAT3251: Invalid utility call - versions conflict. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Text Invalid utility call - versions conflict. DB/FNR .../....
Expl. Invalid utility call - versions conflict.
Actn. Check whether utilities and database nuclei are of the same
version. Contact your nearest support centre.

NAT3252: Invalid subroutine call - coding error. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Text Invalid subroutine call - coding error. DB/FNR .../....
Expl. Invalid subroutine call - coding error.
Actn. Contact your nearest support centre.

NAT3253: System file not loaded or inconsistent. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Text System file not loaded or inconsistent. DB/FNR .../....
Expl. System file not loaded or inconsistent.
Actn. Check the system files.

NAT3254: Command time-out or overflow of attached buffer. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Text Command time-out or overflow of attached buffer. DB/FNR .../....
Expl. One of the following has occurred:
- The time limit set by the Adabas parameter CT was exceeded.
- A buffer overflow occurred while an attached buffer was being
Actn. Contact your database administrator.

NAT3255: Attached buffers exhausted. DB/FNR :1:/:2:.

Text Attached buffers exhausted. DB/FNR .../....
Expl. All attached buffers were allocated at the time the command was
Actn. Contact your database administrator.

NAT3288: Invalid column name list of correlation clause.

Text Invalid column name list of correlation clause.
Expl. The column name list of the correlation clause has to be enclosed
in round brackets and the column names have to be separated by comma.
Each column name is a long identifier and has to be unique within
the column name list.
Actn. Correct the column name list.

NAT3289: Invalid table locator reference in FROM clause.

Text Invalid table locator reference in FROM clause.
Expl. A table locator reference has to conform to the following syntax:
TABLE ( table̲locator̲variable LIKE table̲name )
The table̲locator̲variable has to be of format I4.
The table̲name has to be the name of a valid DB2 DDM.
Actn. Correct the table locator reference in the FROM clause.

NAT3290: Invalid table function reference in FROM clause.

Text Invalid table function reference in FROM clause.
Expl. A table function reference has to conform to the following syntax:
TABLE ( function̲name ( expr , ... )) correlation̲clause
Check for matching opening and closing parentheses.
Table function references must have a correlation clause.
The function̲name is a long identifier; it can be qualified by a
schema̲name, which is a short identifier.
Actn. Correct the table function reference in the FROM clause

NAT3291: Invalid CAST expression.

Text Invalid CAST expression.
Expl. A CAST expression has to conform to the following syntax:
CAST ( expression AS data̲type )
Check the correct setting of parentheses and keywords. The data̲type
can be either a built-in data type or a distinct̲type, which is
a long identifier that can be qualified by a schema name (short
Actn. Correct the CAST expression.

NAT3292: Invalid value specified as QUERYNO.

Text Invalid value specified as QUERYNO.
Expl. The QUERYNO has to be specified as a non-negative integer number.
Actn. Specify a non-negative integer number as QUERYNO.

NAT3293: Content of scroll variable is invalid at offset :1:.

Text Content of scroll variable is invalid at offset ....
Expl. The content of a scroll variable has to conform to the following
rule: <sensitivity> <direction> <integer>
- <sensitivity> is optional and can be either INSENSITIVE or SENSITIVE.
- <direction> can be one of the following: NEXT, PRIOR, FIRST, LAST,
- <integer> has to specified if <direction> is RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE.
It has to be a integer number, like -5 or 0 or 6. It cannot be
specified with any <direction> other than RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE.
The specifications of <sensitivity> <direction> <integer>
have to be separated from one another by one or more spaces.
Actn. Correct the content of the scroll variable.

NAT3294: SENSITIVE STATIC not allowed for READ-ONLY cursors.

Text SENSITIVE STATIC not allowed for READ-ONLY cursors.
Expl. SENSITIVE STATIC SCROLLABLE cursors are only allowed if the associated
query is not READ-ONLY.
Queries are READ-ONLY if they contain UNION, GROUP BY, HAVING, or
nested TABLE expressions, and if they are used in a READ RESULT SET
Actn. Either change the query, or change to INSENSITIVE STATIC SCROLL

NAT3295: Conversion of DATE/TIME string :1: failed with error :2:.

Text Conversion of DATE/TIME string ... failed with error ....
Expl. The conversion of a DB2 DATE/TIME string failed with the Natural error
indicated in this message, because the DATE/TIME string received from
DB2 could not be converted to a Natural date/time variable.
This could happen if, for example, a date prior to 01.01.1582
stored in DB2 is to be placed into a Natural date variable.
This also occurs if a DB2 TIME string is retrieved which is
either "00:00 AM" or "24.00.00".
See the Natural error code for further information.
Actn. Do not use DATE/TIME strings which cannot be handled by Natural.

NAT3296: Limit of successive "not found" conditions exceeded.

Text Limit of successive "not found" conditions exceeded.
Expl. The limit of successive "not found" (sqlcode +1oo) conditions has been
exceeded. This occurs if, within a processing loop involving
scrollable cursors, the number of "not found" conditions exceeds
its limit. The limit is 5. The processing loop is closed.
The counter of successive "not found" conditions is reset when a
condition other than "not found" occurs, or when a terminal I/O occurs.
The limit check is performed to avoid undesired database loops.
Actn. Change program logic to avoid this condition.

NAT3297: NDB :1: conversion failed with FC :2: / RC :3: :4: :5:

Text NDB :1: conversion failed with FC :2: / RC :3: :4: :5:
Expl. NDB Stored Procedures encoded with UNICODE using Natural alphanumeric
fields (A) receive UTF8 encoded data which have to be converted to
EBCDIC. This conversion failed with the specified function and reason
code. :4: is the destination length, and :5: is the destination length
necessary to fully convert the UTF8 data to EBCDIC.
Actn. Contact technical support.

NAT3298: Error during Multifetch: :1:.

Text Error during Multifetch: ....
Expl. During creation of the NDB Multifetch buffer (DB2SIZE6) an error
has occurred; the error message indicates which kind of error.
Usually, this is a getmain error or an internal error.
Actn. In the case of a getmain error, either increase the thread size or
decrease the multifetch factor specified in the program.
In the case of an internal error, contact Natural support.

NAT3299: Rowset positioning requires integer value or variable.

Text Rowset positioning requires integer value or variable.
Expl. The Rowset positioning clause requires the specification of an integer
value or variable which determines the size (number of rows) of the
multi-fetch buffer.
The Rowset positioning clause has the following syntax:
where "int" can be an integer numeric constant or a variable of
format/length I4.
Actn. Correct the Rowset positioning clause accordingly.

NAT3300: Internal Adabas error :1: occurred.

Text Internal Adabas error :1: occurred.
Expl. Adabas has encountered an internal error.
Actn. For more information see: Internal Adabas Error Messages.

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