Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 2901-2950

NAT2901: Internal error.

Text Internal error.
Expl. An internal error has occured.
Actn. Contact sag support.

NAT2902: Unknown language in preprocessor found.

Text Unknown language in preprocessor found.
Expl. A unknown language was found by the preprocessor. The preprocessor
terminates abnormally.
The preprocessor accepts two input data fields:
1. language
2. program id
valid languages are : BAL and ASM,ASSEMBLER
COBOL,BAL and ASSEMBLER may be truncated.
Actn. Correct input data and restart the preprocessor.

NAT2903: No source code as input found.

Text No source code as input found.
Expl. No source code found on work file 1.
Actn. Check work file 1.

NAT2904: No defaults defined. See DDA.

Text No defaults defined. See DDA.
Expl. For an unknown reason the default record is missing.
Actn. See DDA. The DDA can add the default record via the DDA services.

NAT2905: To many entries for this command.

Text To many entries for this command.
Expl. The number of parameters for a command is restricted.
Possibile missing end-exec.
The command COPY,FORMAT-BUFFER has 2 parameters
The command GENERATE has 12 parameters
The command PROGRAM-ID has 1 parameter.
Actn. Check parameters.

NAT2906: Entry name to long.

Text Entry name to long.
Expl. The given entry was to long. The entry is skipped.
Actn. Check entry name.

NAT2907: Invalid command in preprocessor.

Text Invalid command in preprocessor.
Expl. Valid preprocessor commands are only :
Actn. Verify command.

NAT2908: Unknown keyword.

Text Unknown keyword.
Expl. The entered keyword was not correct. Keyword skipped.
Actn. Verify keyword.

NAT2909: No program name found.

Text No program name found.
Expl. The preprocessor needs a program name to store the active records.
The program name can be specified via:
INPUT (second parameter)
Preprocessor statement (EXEC Adabas PROGRAM-ID...)
Source language statement (see documentation)
Actn. Check source code or specify a program name via input.

NAT2910: Numeric data expected.

Text Numeric data expected.
Expl. The preprocessor expected a numeric data field, but it was not
Actn. Check input data.

NAT2911: Keyword out of sequence.

Text Keyword out of sequence.
Expl. The keywords of a PREPROCESSOR command are in the wrong sequence.
Actn. Correct sequence of keywords.

NAT2912: File not found.

Text File not found.
Expl. The given file-id is not (or no longer) defined in Predict.
Actn. Verify the file-id.

NAT2913: No member generated.

Text No member generated.
Expl. For the file was no member generated in Predict. So the copy
function could not be executed.
Actn. Generate a member for the file and restart the preprocessor
or use the generate option of the preprocessor.

NAT2914: More than 1 member generated.

Text More than 1 member generated.
Expl. For this file more than 1 members are generated, but the member,
which should be taken, not specified.
Actn. Specify a member and restart the preprocessor.

NAT2915: Member for this file must be regenerated.

Text Member for this file must be regenerated.
Expl. The file is modified after generation and so the member(s)
must be regenerated.
Actn. Regenerate member and restart the preprocessor.

NAT2916: Member not generated for this file.

Text Member not generated for this file.
Expl. The specified member name is not in the generated copy code list
of the file.
Actn. Verify which members are generated for the file and restart the

NAT2917: No change allowed by DDA.

Text No change allowed by DDA.
Expl. The DDA has decided that this value should not be overwritten
by the user. The preprocessor has set the value to the default
Actn. If necessary modify the default value.

NAT2918: Buffer name invalid.

Text Buffer name invalid.
Expl. The specified buffer name in the command GENERATE or FORMAT-BUFFER
must be vaild according to the rules of the used language in the
Actn. Specify a correct buffer name and restart the preprocessor.

NAT2919: Duplicate field names generated.

Text Duplicate field names generated.
Expl. During generation one or more fields with the same name have been
generated. This error may occure because the resulting length of the
field name including prefix and suffix is longer than 32 characters
and is truncated to 32 characters.
Actn. Regenerate with a shorter prefix and a shorter suffix.

NAT2920: Invalid level number generated.

Text Invalid level number generated.
Expl. The generate level was to high for cobol(greater than 49).
Actn. Do not specify such a high start-level and level-increment.

NAT2921: Invalid field name generated.

Text Invalid field name generated.
Expl. The generated field names are not correct for the source language
and the validation character was set to blank.
Actn. Specify a synonym for the invalid fields or specify a validation

NAT2922: Field without occurrences found.

Text Field without occurrences found.
Expl. At least 1 periodic group or multiple value field has been
found without an explicit occurrence number.
If the file is an Adabas file or an userview the default occurrence
number of 99 or 191 is assumed for periodic groups or multiple value
fields respectively. In all other cases a default of 1 is assumed.
Actn. Supply a value for maximum number of occurrences on field level if
defaults are not suitable.

NAT2923: Fields not initialised.

Text Fields not initialised.
Expl. Periodic-group-field and multiple-value-fields can not be initialised
by the value clause.

NAT2924: Fields with wrong format generated.

Text Fields with wrong format generated.
Expl. Fields with wrong format are generated. For example in
COBOL the BIT format is not allowed and therefore a CHARACTER
format is generated. This message is a warning. Check the
generated formats and change it if necessary.
Actn. Check generated format.

NAT2925: Field names truncated.

Text Field names truncated.
Expl. If the names are to long they have been truncated. If you want
to eliminate the truncation use only short names.

NAT2926: Filler generated.

Text Filler generated.
Expl. If no name could be found for an object, because there are only
invalide characters, a filler is generated. This message is a
Actn. Check object name and change it if necessary.

NAT2927: The generated code is missing.

Text The generated code is missing.
Expl. The generated code for the copy function was not found.
Possibily the code is purged by the user.
Actn. Generate/regenerate the member for the file in Predict and
restart the preprocessor.

NAT2928: More than one file found.

Text More than one file found.
Expl. For the specified search criteria more than one file was found.
This message is a warning.
Actn. Specify the search criteria.

NAT2929: File name not specified.

Text File name not specified.
Expl. For the commands COPY,GENERATE,FORMAT-BUFFER the file name must
be specified.
Actn. Restart the preprocessor with a specified file name.

NAT2930: File must be recovered.

Text File must be recovered.
Expl. A transaction is aborted and therefore the file must be recovered.
Use the DDA services to recover the file.
Actn. Use the DDA service function to recover the file.

NAT2931: No generation for conceptual file.

Text No generation for conceptual file.
Expl. With a conceptual file you cannot start the generation function.
Actn. Use another file type for generation.

NAT2932: Start level must be 1 thru 40.

Text Start level must be 1 thru 40.
Expl. It is not possible to specify a start level greater 40.
Actn. Verify the value for the start level.

NAT2933: Level increment must be 1 thru 40.

Text Level increment must be 1 thru 40.
Expl. The specify level increment must be in the value range 1 thru 40.
Actn. Correct the value of the level increment and restart preprocessor.

NAT2934: Number of comments must be less than or equal to 16.

Text Number of comments must be less than or equal to 16.
Expl. The maximal number of comments is 16. More comments are not allowed.
Actn. Modify the number of comments and restart the preprocessor.

NAT2935: Please enter "Y" or "N".

Text Please enter "Y" or "N".
Expl. You must specify for the input data "Y" or "N".
Actn. Correct input data.

NAT2936: Truncation may only be left, rigth or middle.

Text Truncation may only be left, rigth or middle.
Expl. The truncation of object name is possible in following ways:
"R" - right positions are truncated
"L" - left positions are truncated
"M" - middle positions are truncated.
Actn. Specify one of this 3 truncation modes.

NAT2937: Format buffer only possible for files of type "A" or "U".

Text Format buffer only possible for files of type "A" or "U".
Expl. Only for Adabas files and userviews a format buffer
can be generated.
Actn. Do not try to generate a format buffer for other files.

NAT2938: Increment + start level must be < 49.

Text Increment + start level must be < 49.
Expl. The sum of the specified values for the start and increment level must
less than 49.
Actn. Modify the values of start and increment level.

NAT2939: Invalid truncation character.

Text Invalid truncation character.
Expl. A invalid truncation character was specified.
Actn. Verify the truncation character.

NAT2940: No program documentation available.

Text No program documentation available.
Expl. The DDA specified in the system defaults that every entry must be
described. The preprocessor checks this constraint and rejects the
function, if no documentation is available.
Actn. Enter a Predict documentation.

NAT2941: Object must be edited.

Text Object must be edited.
Expl. If you modify an object and the variable for the edit object
in the DDA-Service is set to "Y" or "F", you must edit this
Actn. Change variable in DDA-services or edit this object

NAT2942: Field will be marked non standard.

Text Field will be marked non standard.
Expl. A field will be marked as NON-STANDARD, i.e. it is no longer connected
to a standard file and the field will not be modified via rippling

NAT2943: Type must be blank for PE counter.

Text Type must be blank for PE counter.
Expl. Enter blank for element type.

NAT2944: No override in VSAM.

Text No override in VSAM.
Expl. No override of format and length in VSAM is allowed.

NAT2945: Edit mask only allowed for Adabas files and its Userviews.

Text Edit mask only allowed for Adabas files and its Userviews.
Expl. The definition of edit masks is only allowed for Adabas files and
Actn. Enter the edit masks in the Adabas file or in the Userview.

NAT2946: Edit mask must be E1 thru E15.

Text Edit mask must be E1 thru E15.
Expl. Only edit mask E1 thru E15 allowed.
Actn. Check used edit mask and correct error.

NAT2947: VSAM requires occurrence for PE/MU-FIELDS.

Text VSAM requires occurrence for PE/MU-FIELDS.
Expl. The number of occurrences for a periodic group or a multiple field
of VSAM file is required.
Actn. Specify number of occurrences.

NAT2948: Occurrence number must be same as in master-field.

Text Occurrence number must be same as in master-field.
Expl. The number of element-occurrences in a VSAM userview must equal
to the occ. of the master-field.
Actn. Enter the valid number of occurrences.

NAT2949: No occurrence allowed.

Text No occurrence allowed.
Expl. The specification of occurrences is only allowed, if the field type
is MU or PE.
Actn. Enter blank for number of occurrences.

NAT2950: Only PR, AL, SA, SV allowed for VSAM files.

Text Only PR, AL, SA, SV allowed for VSAM files.
Expl. In a VSAM file only PR, AL, SA, SV for the descriptor option allowed.
Actn. Change descriptor type.

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