Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 2551-2600

NAT2551: Filler may not be used.

Text Filler may not be used.
Expl. A SUPER-, SUB-, OR PHONETIC-DESCRIPTOR may not be defined
out of a field with name "FILLER".
Actn. Enter a valid field name.

NAT2552: Length of superdescriptor > 126.

Text Length of superdescriptor > 126.
Expl. The maximum length of a superdescriptor must be less than or equal
to 126 characters, i.e., the sum of the length of all fields contained
in a superdescriptor must not exceed 126.
Actn. Correct length.

NAT2553: Field is a sub-, super-, or phonetic-descriptor.

Text Field is a sub-, super-, or phonetic-descriptor.
Expl. No recursive description can be used for a super-, sub-,
or phonetic-descriptor.
Actn. Change SOURCE-FIELD of descriptor.

NAT2554: Field not alphanumeric.

Text Field not alphanumeric.
Expl. The field was defined as a phonetic descriptor. The source field of a
phonetic descriptor must always be alphanumeric.
Actn. Enter a field which is alphanumeric.

NAT2555: Specify only one field for subdescriptors.

Text Specify only one field for subdescriptors.
Expl. Only one field can be used to define a subdescriptor.
A subdescriptor is a descriptor which contains a subfield of one Adabas
field only.
Actn. Enter only one field name.

NAT2556: Specify only one field for phonetic descriptor.

Text Specify only one field for phonetic descriptor.
Expl. A phonetic descriptor contains one field only; this field must
be alphanumeric.
Actn. Enter only 1 field.

NAT2557: Files found are not Adabas or VSAM files.

Text Files found are not Adabas or VSAM files.
Expl. The "related-fields/files-function" can only be executed for an
Adabas-file or an Userview (file type "A" or "U"), for a VSAM file
or its userview (file type "V" or "W") or for a LOGICAL VSAM file
or its userview (file type "L" or "R").
Actn. Enter a valid file name.

NAT2558: File entered is not a standard file.

Text File entered is not a standard file.
Expl. The function "standard file related field" refers to standard files
(file type = "Z"). The file entered is not a standard file.
Actn. Enter a standard file name or leave blank.

NAT2559: Member not found.

Text Member not found.
Expl. The Natural member cannot be found in the specified
source library.
Actn. Restart the punch-job with valid member and library names.

NAT2560: Enter "Y", "N", or blank for ciphered.

Text Enter "Y", "N", or blank for ciphered.
Expl. Ciphered flag can only be yes (Y) or no (N). Note that a blank
means no.
Actn. Enter a valid ciphered flag.

NAT2561: No preprocessor abend data found.

Text No preprocessor abend data found.
Expl. The preprocessor writes control records to the dictionary. Should
the preprocessor abend for any reason, the active reference records
must be deleted. This records can be deleted under the control of
Predict. No control record was found in the dictionary with the
specified search criteria.
Actn. Enter valid search criteria.

NAT2562: Invalid file-number (n001-n255).

Text Invalid file-number (n001-n255).
Expl. A file must be numbered with a number from 1 to 255.
The first digit (n) may be used in Predict as an identifier which
identifies the files.
Actn. Enter a valid file number.

NAT2563: Security level must be 0-15.

Text Security level must be 0-15.
Expl. The Adabas security level for access or update must be between
0 and 15; "0" means "not protected", and "15" gives the highest
protection level.
Actn. Enter a valid security level.

NAT2564: Invalid file type.

Text Invalid file type.
Expl. An invalid file type was entered. Valid file types are:
A-Adabas file
C-conceptual file
L-logical VSAM file
O-operating system file
P-partitioned data set
R-userview on VSAM file
S-sequential data set
U-user view on Adabas file
V-user view on VSAM file
W-user view on logical VSAM file
Z-standard file
Actn. Enter a valid file type.

NAT2565: Member name already used.

Text Member name already used.
Expl. At generation time the user requested to store the generated code
in a member which is already used for some other file. To prevent
the user from overwriting code Predict issues this message and
prompts the user to enter a new member and / or library name where
the generated code is to be stored.
Actn. Enter valid member and library names.

NAT2566: Invalid record format.

Text Invalid record format.
Expl. An invalid RECFM was specified. Valid RECFM"s are:
FB--fixed block
VB--variable blocked
VBS-variable blocked standard
FBS-fixed block standard
Actn. Enter a valid RECFM.

NAT2567: File number already exists. New file number assigned.

Text File number already exists. New file number assigned.
Expl. During the load process of files Predict checks whether the file
number of the file to be loaded is available. If the file number is
already assigned to another file Predict seeks for the next free
file number and assignes this one to the file to be loaded.

NAT2568: Duplicate file number on input data set.

Text Duplicate file number on input data set.
Expl. If two master files were found on the input data set having the
same number, this message is issued. To prevent inconsistencies
the attribute "file type" of the second master file is changed
to "conceptual".

NAT2569: Table overflow.

Text Table overflow.
Expl. The function "LIST Adabas FIELDS USED BY PROGRAMS" is restricted
by the following conditions:
no more than 50 user views may be defined to one Adabas file
no more than 100 DDMs generated with prefixes are supported
no more than 100 fields with same Adabas short name are supported.
This message appears if mentioned limits are reached and the process

NAT2570: Natural specification only if language = "N".

Text Natural specification only if language = "N".
Expl. The specification of
Natural-file number
Natural-database number
is only allowed if the language = "N" is entered.
Actn. Enter language = "N".

NAT2571: File number already exists.

Text File number already exists.
Expl. An attempt was made to add a file which number already exists
in the dictionary. The first digit of the file number may be
used to distinguish between files in different DATABASES.
(Remember: in Predict the file numbers range from n001 to n255).
Actn. Change the file number.

NAT2572: User views can only be copied from file type A, U, V, R, L or W.

Text User views can only be copied from file type A, U, V, R, L or W.
Expl. An User view can only be created cia the COPY function from another
User view or an Adabas or VSAM file. Valid file types are "A", "U",
"V", "R", "L" or "W".
Actn. Enter a valid file type.

NAT2573: If language = "N" only Natural parameters allowed.

Text If language = "N" only Natural parameters allowed.
Expl. If you specify language = "N" only
natural program
natural library
natural file number
natural database number
could be entered.
Actn. Enter only the natural parameters.

NAT2574: File does not exist.

Text File does not exist.
Expl. If you want to display the elements which are used and not defined
the entered file must exist.
Actn. Enter a existing file.

NAT2575: Member- and library name must be specified.

Text Member- and library name must be specified.
Expl. In this function of the subsystem "Maintenance generated code" the
Member- and library name must be specified.
Actn. Enter Member- and/or library name.

NAT2576: Unknown programming language.

Text Unknown programming language.
Expl. An invalid language was entered during program or module
addition or modification. Valid languages are:
N---Natural (only for a program entry)
" "--(blank) other
Actn. Enter a valid language.

NAT2577: Only "B", "O" or blank allowed.

Text Only "B", "O" or blank allowed.
Expl. The mode can only be O (online) or B (batch).
Actn. Enter a valid mode.

NAT2578: The related Adabas field does not exist.

Text The related Adabas field does not exist.
Expl. An attempt was made to reference an Adabas field that does not exist
in the related Adabas file.
Actn. Enter a valid Field ID or leave blank.

NAT2579: File is not an Adabas file.

Text File is not an Adabas file.
Expl. The related Adabas file must be a file of file type "A".
Actn. Enter a valid File ID or leave blank.

NAT2580: A filler may be used in REDEFINEs only.

Text A filler may be used in REDEFINEs only.
Expl. Predict recognizes the field type filler, but it may only be specified
in a REDEFINE. It is not possible to define fillers for basic fields.
Actn. Do not use fillers when defining basic (real) fields.

NAT2581: Only "C", "I", and blank are valid types.

Text Only "C", "I", and blank are valid types.
Expl. For a relationship entry, the type may only be C (coupled in Adabas),
I (implicit) or blank (implicit).
Actn. Enter a valid type.

NAT2582: File 1 or 2 missing.

Text File 1 or 2 missing.
Expl. A relationship can only be established between 2 files: enter
a file name.
Actn. Enter a file name.

NAT2583: Purge for automatic rule not allowed.

Text Purge for automatic rule not allowed.
Expl. Before a automatic rule can be purged, all connections to the fields
must be released and the DDM"s of the corresponding files must
be regenerated. If no connection between verification and field is
active, the status will be changed to conceptual.
Then the rule can be purged.
Actn. Release connection between verification and fields and regenerate
DDM"s of corresponding files.

NAT2584: Relation field 1 or 2 does not exist.

Text Relation field 1 or 2 does not exist.
Expl. A relationship can only be established between 2 fields within
2 different files. If the file exists, the field must exist in the
file, too.
Actn. Enter a valid relationship field.

NAT2585: In BATCH needed countersignatures not possible.

Text In BATCH needed countersignatures not possible.
Expl. You are authorized to modify this file, but you need a countersignature.
This is in Batch not possible.
Actn. Generate DDM online.

NAT2586: Field 1 or 2 missing.

Text Field 1 or 2 missing.
Expl. A relationship can only be established between 2 fields: Enter
a field name.
Actn. Enter a relationship field.

NAT2588: File is not a predict file.

Text File is not a predict file.
Expl. The specified file is not a predict file.
Actn. Enter the correct filenumber.

NAT2589: Formatbuffer for input file is empty.

Text Formatbuffer for input file is empty.
Expl. At generation ADACMP definitions an input file id was entered.
This file should describe the input data for the ADACMP utility,
but no formatbuffer was generated.
Actn. Check input file for corresponding fields to the Adabas file.

NAT2590: Usage must be "ACC" or "UPD".

Text Usage must be "ACC" or "UPD".
Expl. The usage of a user can only be ACC (access only) or UPD (update).
Actn. Enter a valid usage code.

NAT2591: Invalid verification type.

Text Invalid verification type.
Expl. The verification type can only be:
U-user routine
Actn. Enter a valid verification type.

NAT2592: Type = blank required for REDEFINE group.

Text Type = blank required for REDEFINE group.
Expl. The field-type of a REDEFINE member must be BLANK.
Actn. Enter a blank.

NAT2593: Standard field name is...

Text Standard field name is...
Expl. The field referenced is a standard field. i.e. the field name
cannot be changed. By using the RENAME function, the name of the
standard field can be changed and now all related field names
are rippled.
Actn. Either do not change the field name or use the RENAME function.

NAT2594: Formats "I" and "F" require option "FI".

Text Formats "I" and "F" require option "FI".
Expl. By Adabas definition, an integer field requires the option "FI".
The same is true for a floating point field.
Actn. Enter option "FI".

NAT2595: No Adabas name allowed for REDEFINITIONS.

Text No Adabas name allowed for REDEFINITIONS.
Expl. A member of a REDEFINE group may not contain an Adabas name.
Actn. Delete Adabas short name.

NAT2596: Length of descriptor is greater than 126.

Text Length of descriptor is greater than 126.
Expl. By Adabas definition, the maximum length for a descriptor field is
126 bytes.
Actn. Either make the field length less than or equal to 126, or do not
flag it as a descriptor.

NAT2597: New user id assigned.

Text New user id assigned.
Expl. During the loading of Predict version 1 data this message will be
sent because the concept of users has changed in Predict version 2
and a new userid is assigned to the user entry.

NAT2598: Binary length > 126 not allowed.

Text Binary length > 126 not allowed.
Expl. By Adabas definition, the maximum length of a binary field cannot
exceed 126.
Actn. Enter a length less than or equal to 126.

NAT2599: Adabas field is not a descriptor.

Text Adabas field is not a descriptor.
Expl. The related field in the Adabas file is not defined as a descriptor.
Actn. Do not enter the descriptor option.

NAT2600: REDEFINE group cannot have option.

Text REDEFINE group cannot have option.
Expl. The SUPPRESSION option can only be defined for an existing Adabas
field, not for a redefined field.
Actn. Clear the SUPPRESSION option.

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