Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 1801-1850

NAT1801: The maximum number of CLIENT-KEY values was exceeded.

Text The maximum number of CLIENT-KEY values was exceeded.
Expl. Only a limited number of values are allowed for the attribute
Actn. Reuse CLIENT-KEY values which are not needed.

NAT1802: Invalid value specified for attribute COLUMN-TYPE.

Text Invalid value specified for attribute COLUMN-TYPE.
Expl. An invalid value was specified for the attribute COLUMN-TYPE of a
table control. This attribute specifies the type of column to be
used in a column specification control. For example, INPUTFIELD,

NAT1803: Table field not found.

Text Table field not found.
Expl. The PROCESS-GUI-statement action TABLE-FIND-FIELD failed because
the field title passed was not present in the table.
Actn. Check the passed field title against existing field titles.

NAT1804: Invalid row/column range specified in PROCESS GUI statement.

Text Invalid row/column range specified in PROCESS GUI statement.
Expl. The row/column range specified in the PROCESS GUI statement for a
table control is invalid. The row or column number specified exceeds
the current table size.
Actn. Use attribute ROW-COUNT and/or COLUMN-COUNT to check the current
size of the table.

NAT1805: No selection is active in table control.

Text No selection is active in table control.
Expl. A PROCESS-GUI-statement action was performed to inquire the
current selection in a table control, but no selection was active.

NAT1806: PROCESS-GUI-statement action failed.

Text PROCESS-GUI-statement action failed.
Expl. The PROCESS-GUI-statement action was not completed successfully either
because the parameters passed were invalid or because the windowing
system could not process the function.
Actn. Check parameters.

NAT1807: File not found.

Text File not found.
Expl. The specified file was expected in the path specified by the
environment variable NATGUI̲BMP, but it was not found.
Actn. Check whether the file name is misspelled or whether the file is
located in a directory other than NATGUI̲BMP.

NAT1808: Edit area overflow.

Text Edit area overflow.
Expl. It is not possible to insert any more characters or lines into an edit
area. The number of characters which can be entered into an edit
area is approximately 64 KB under Windows 95/98/Me and approximately
4 GB under Windows NT and Windows 2000. This error also occurs when
attempting to insert a new line beyond the end of the edit area window,
if the edit area is not autoscrollable (i.e., neither has a vertical
scroll bar nor is explicitly marked as autoscrollable).
Actn. Reduce the text written to the edit area, or (if the edit area does
not have a vertical scroll bar) set the "autoscroll" style.

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