Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 1701-1750

NAT1701: Non-activity time limit exceeded; press ENTER.

Text Non-activity time limit exceeded; press ENTER.
Expl. For this application/user, a non-activity time limit is defined.
The elapsed time between the last screen I/O and the current I/O
exceeded the defined limit.
Natural Security requires the user to log on again.
Actn. Press ENTER; then log on again.

NAT1702: User is not authorized to use update statements.

Text User is not authorized to use update statements.
Expl. An UPDATE/STORE/DELETE statement was issued, but the user
is not currently authorized to issue such update commands.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1703: Maximum transaction duration exceeded.

Text Maximum transaction duration exceeded.
Expl. For this application/user, a maximum transaction duration has been
defined in Natural Security.
The time elapsed between the start of transaction and a subsequent
database call or screen I/O has exceeded the defined limit.
This limit is checked independently from the transaction time limit
defined in Adabas.
The transaction has been backed out.
The Natural system variable *TIME-OUT contains the time remaining
before a time-out will occur.
Actn. Restart the transaction.

NAT1704: Invalid dialog source header.

Text Invalid dialog source header.
Expl. The first lines of the Natural source do not constitute a valid
dialog header.
Actn. Consult the documentation on the dialog format.

NAT1705: Unknown dialog source format :1:.

Text Unknown dialog source format ....
Expl. The format identifier (as shown in the message) in the Natural
dialog source does not identify one of the known formats.
Actn. Consult the documentation on the dialog format.

NAT1706: Invalid value for attribute :1:.

Text Invalid value for attribute ....
Expl. The value that has been assigned to the attribute is not allowed in
this context.
Actn. Assign a valid attribute value.

NAT1707: Attribute :1: is invalid for element type :2:.

Text Attribute ... is invalid for element type ....
Expl. The attribute is not in the set of allowed attributes for
this type of dialog element.
Actn. Choose an allowed attribute for this dialog element type.

NAT1708: Error occurred while scanning for :1:.

Text Error occurred while scanning for ....
Expl. The dialog source does not conform to the format expected by
the dialog editor. The expected format is indicated in the error
Actn. Correct the dialog source.

NAT1709: The name :1: is already in use.

Text The name ... is already in use.
Expl. An attempt was made to re-use a variable name which is already
in use for some other dialog element or pre-defined constant.
Actn. Use another name. The dialog editor usually suggests a unique

NAT1710: Error opening source window.

Text Error opening source window.
Expl. The dialog source window could not be opened.

NAT1711: Invalid dialog element name :1:.

Text Invalid dialog element name :1:.
Expl. The specified dialog element name is either syntactically invalid or

NAT1712: Invalid index for dialog element.

Text Invalid index for dialog element.
Expl. The index specified for this dialog element is either syntactically
incorrect or out of range.

NAT1713: Control :1: not found.

Text Control :1: not found.
Expl. The specified control name is undefined at this point in the dialog.

NAT1714: Invalid OLE control property :1:.

Text Invalid OLE control property :1:.
Expl. The specified property is not appropriate for this control.

NAT1715: This dialog cannot be saved in non-enhanced format.

Text This dialog cannot be saved in non-enhanced format.
Expl. This dialog uses features which require the enhanced source format,
for example custom controls.
Actn. To save the dialog with these features, select the enhanced format
in the Save As dialog box.

NAT1716: Invalid event name :1:.

Text Invalid event name :1:.
Expl. The specified event name is either syntactically invalid or undefined
for this dialog element.

NAT1717: Failure creating control :1:.

Text Failure creating control :1:.
Expl. The indicated control could not be created.
If this error occurs when inserting an ActiveX control into a dialog
in the dialog editor, a common reason for this failure is that there
is no development license available for the ActiveX control on this machine.
A development license is usually available from the vendor of the ActiveX
Actn. Please check if the ActiveX control is correctly installed and registered.
Also check if you have a development license or only a runtime license for
the ActiveX control.

NAT1718: Incomplete code section.

Text Incomplete code section.
Expl. A user-code section is not terminated as defined in the dialog source

NAT1719: Operation cancelled by user.

Text Operation cancelled by user.
Expl. The operation was not completed because the user cancelled it.

NAT1720: Invalid object type.

Text Invalid object type.
Expl. It is not possible to emded this type of object.
Actn. Please choose a created embedded object (i.e. *.neo).

NAT1721: Error in dialog source at line :1:, column :2:: :3:

Text Error in dialog source at line :1:, column :2:: :3:
Expl. The dialog editor has detected the Natural error with text
:3: in the dialog source at the line :1:, column :2:.
Actn. Correct the source.

NAT1750: An unknown preprocessor directive has been encountered.

Text An unknown preprocessor directive has been encountered.
Expl. The Natural Preprocessor encountered a source line which appears to be
a directive, but has an invalid directive keyword.

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