Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 1501-1550

NAT1501: Insufficient control information for :1: file :2:.

Text Insufficient control information for ... file ....
Expl. Either there is insufficient DCB for a READ statement, or
a RECFM=F parameter has been specified for a variable WRITE
A possible reason is an incompatible DCB specification in
job control.
Actn. Ensure that the referenced work file has previously been used
as an output file. If the file is unlabelled, ensure that the
characteristics of the files agree with previous WRITE.

NAT1502: Permanent physical I/O error.

Text Permanent physical I/O error.
Expl. The work file cannot be processed because of permanent I/O errors.
Possible reason is a physical damage to the file.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1503: Work file :1: closed within READ WORK FILE loop.

Text Work file ... closed within READ WORK FILE loop.
Expl. Within a READ WORK FILE processing loop, another Natural program
or subprogram has caused the closing of the work file, either by an
explicit CLOSE WORKFILE statement or implicitly due to an
end-of-file condition during a READ WORK FILE processing loop. If
the work file has been closed, an open READ WORK FILE loop for the
work file must be exited with an ESCAPE BOTTOM statement.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT1504: READ end-of-file reached but no AT END processing coded.

Text READ end-of-file reached but no AT END processing coded.
Expl. The READ WORK FILE ONCE option was specified and the file has
reached the end-of-file condition.
This condition should be checked with an AT END OF FILE clause.
Actn. Correct program.

NAT1505: Invalid data for numeric input field.

Text Invalid data for numeric input field.
Expl. The READ WORK FILE SELECT option checks all data fields for valid
input data.
A non-numeric value was found in a field defined as numeric.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1506: Packed numeric value and variable definition do not match.

Text Packed numeric value and variable definition do not match.
Expl. A READ WORK FILE statement without the RECORD option is attempting to
read a packed variable that is defined with an even number of
digits (e.g. P6, P5.1). However, the numeric data in the work file
does not fit into the variable, but would require an odd number
of digits where the number of digits is one more than the current
A possible reason is that the data has been written to the work file
using another variable definition or using redefinitions.
Actn. Increase the number of digits in the variable definition by one so
that the number of digits is odd, or check the application that wrote
the data to the work file.

NAT1507: The output work file :1: is full.

Text The output work file ... is full.
Expl. The space allocated for an output work file is not large enough
to hold all the records written by the Natural program.
Actn. Ask your Natural administrator to increase the size of the output
work file.

NAT1508: The :1: file :2: is already open for another user.

Text The ... file ... is already open for another user.
Expl. The print or work file is being used by another user
and cannot be shared by users.
Actn. Check concurrent programs to ensure that they are not using the
same file.

NAT1510: Record too small for :1: file :2:.

Text Record too small for ... file ....
Expl. For z/VSE systems, this message indicates that the WLRERR
exit was entered for a reader using DTFDI or a work file
using DTFMT or DTFSD.
For z/OS systems, this message indicates that for RECFM=F the
record is shorter than the dataset record length and padding
by blanks (print files) or nulls (work files) is not allowed.
Record padding is controlled by the subparameter PAD of the
PRINT or WORK parameter.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator to ensure that the Natural JCL has
been specified correctly. For z/OS systems, start the session with
subparameter PAD=ON to allow record padding or correct your application.


Expl. A work file can be created within a Natural program and
subsequently read within it, but not vice versa.
If a work file has been opened as a result of executing a
READ WORK FILE statement, the execution of a WRITE WORK FILE
statement will generate a runtime error.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1512: Record too large for :1: file :2:.

Text Record too large for ... file ....
Expl. The length of the record to be written exceeds the output dataset
record length and truncation by blanks (print files) or nulls
(work files) is not allowed.
Record truncation is controlled by the subparameter TRUNC of the
PRINT or WORK profile parameter.
Actn. Start the session with subparameter TRUNC=ON to allow record truncation
or correct your application program or correct the output dataset record
length, e.g. by profile subparameter LRECL.

NAT1513: Error occurred when closing work file :1:.

Text Error occurred when closing work file ....
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1514: Not supported file organization for :1: file :2:.

Text Not supported file organization for ... file ....
Expl. Currently, Natural only supports sequential files as work files.
Actn. Check file organization of the file to be processed and correct it.

NAT1515: Too many work files open in parallel.

Text Too many work files open in parallel.
Expl. This Natural version is active under Com-plete.
Com-plete has the restriction that not more than 5 work files
(SD-files) can be processed in parallel by one transaction.
Therefore, Natural checks to ensure that not more than 5 are
opened at the same time.
It is possible that in a set of subsequent transactions
more than 5 work files can be processed, but not more than 5
at a time.
Actn. Reduce number of work files in use.

NAT1516: GETMAIN error on open for :1: file :2:.

Text GETMAIN error on open for ... file ....
Expl. There is not enough main storage to satisfy a GETMAIN request that is
issued when the specified file is opened.
Actn. Increase the size of the storage thread. For non-thread environments
increase the available region or partition size.

NAT1517: FREEMAIN error on close for :1: file :2:.

Text FREEMAIN error on close for ... file ....
Expl. A FREEMAIN request failed when closing the specified file.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1518: GET or PUT to not opened :1: file :2:.

Text GET or PUT to not opened ... file ....
Expl. An internal error condition may have occurred.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1519: Invalid device type.

Text Invalid device type.
Expl. The device type for a printer is not a printer, or
the device type for a work file is neither a tape nor a disk.
Actn. Check JCL and correct error; if necessary, contact your
Natural administrator.

NAT1520: Device or logical printer :1: not available.

Text Device or logical printer ... not available.
Expl. The device used to process a work file has not been assigned to
the Natural program.
Actn. Check JCL and correct error, or contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1521: Invalid variable record.

Text Invalid variable record.
Expl. The first 4 bytes of a variable input-work-file record do not
constitute a valid record descriptor-word.
The setting of the Natural parameter BWORKD may be incorrect.
Actn. Check JCL or file and correct error,
or contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1522: NATAMUSR: Access method exit NATAM9EX not installed.

Text NATAMUSR: Access method exit NATAM9EX not installed.
Expl. The User Access Method exit entry point NATAM9EX is not
resolved in User Access Method module NATAMUSR.
Actn. Check if the exit has an entry point NATAM9EX.
Check if the exit is linked to module NATAMUSR.

NAT1525: This work file cannot be accessed with dynamic variables.

Text This work file cannot be accessed with dynamic variables.
Expl. Dynamic variables are only allowed in a READ WORK ... ONCE statement
for a TYPE=STREAM work file.
Actn. Do not use dynamic variables with this type of work file.

NAT1526: OFFSET keyword not allowed for an UNFORMATTED work file.

Text OFFSET keyword not allowed for an UNFORMATTED work file.
Expl. OFFSET specifies a read position relative to the start of a work-file
record. In an UNFORMATTED work file, however, there is no concept of
records, therefore the OFFSET keyword is not allowed.
To position forward relative to the end of the field processed last,
use the FILLER keyword.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT1527: TYPE=UNFORMATTED work files not supported for this object.

Text TYPE=UNFORMATTED work files not supported for this object.
Expl. Work files of TYPE=UNFORMATTED can only be read and written by
Natural programs that are compiled (CATALOGed, STOWed) under Natural
Version 4 and above.

NAT1528: Invalid TYPE specified in DEFINE WORK statement.

Text Invalid TYPE specified in DEFINE WORK statement.
Expl. Valid work-file types are:
"FORMATTED" for a regular, record-oriented work file.
"UNFORMATTED" for a work file to be read or written as a byte stream.
Actn. Specify a valid work-file type.

NAT1529: Name in DEFINE WORK not allowed for this work file.

Text Name in DEFINE WORK not allowed for this work file.
Expl. The work-file access method specified for this work file does not
accept a name operand. The name operand is optional and can be
omitted if the work file TYPE is specified.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT1530: Invalid ASA control character for print file :1:.

Text Invalid ASA control character for print file ....
Expl. An invalid ASA control character has been found in the output record
for the print file indicated in the error message.
This occurs most likely with ASA=OFF in the Natural print-file
definition, in which case it is the user"s responsibility to set a
valid ASA control character.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1531: Data transfer to/from Entire Connection failed.

Text Data transfer to/from Entire Connection failed.
Expl. - Writing output to the additional report TRANSFER requires Entire
Connection protocol mode TCP/IP.
- Entire Connection data transfer is not implemented in Natural for
Actn. Set profile parameter ECPMOD to "ON" (the TCP/IP protocol is used).

NAT1532: Record length must not exceed 32 KB.

Text Record length must not exceed 32 KB.
Expl. The length of a record read/written with a READ/WRITE WORK FILE
statement must not exceed 32 KB.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1533: Invalid attribute value :1: in DEFINE WORK statement.

Text Invalid attribute value ... in DEFINE WORK statement.
Expl. One of the attribute values specified for the ATTRIBUTES clause
of the DEFINE WORK statement is invalid.
Actn. Specify a valid attribute value.

NAT1548: TPS spool request failure.

Text TPS spool request failure.
Expl. A non-zero return code on a TPS spool request has occurred.
Actn. See the appropriate TPS documentation for details.

NAT1549: TPS spooling interface not available.

Text TPS spooling interface not available.
Expl. For online environments:
Module TPSSPINO is not available in the TP environment.
For batch environments:
TPSSPINB is not linked to NSITPS.
Actn. Depending on your environment, either make TPSSPINO available,

NAT1550: Natural ADVANCED FACILITIES has not been initialized.

Text Natural ADVANCED FACILITIES has not been initialized.
Expl. WRITE or DISPLAY has been requested, but
Natural ADVANCED FACILITIES has not been initialized.
Most probably the session was started with an invalid
PRINTER parameter.
Actn. Install Natural ADVANCED FACILITIES correctly, and
restart the session.

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