Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 1101-1150

NAT1101: The specified maximum page count has been exceeded.

Text The specified maximum page count has been exceeded.
Expl. The value for the maximum number of pages, as specified in the
Natural session parameter MP, has been exceeded.
Actn. Increase the value for the MP parameter,
or reduce the number of pages produced.

NAT1102: Input hexadec. value does not contain hexadec. characters.

Text Input hexadecimal value does not contain hexadecimal characters.
Expl. For the specification of hexadecimal input, only the
characters "0" to "9" and "A" to "F" may be used.
Actn. Enter valid hexadecimal characters.

NAT1103: Field number in REINPUT statement must not exceed 255.

Text Field number in REINPUT statement must not exceed 255.
Expl. The field number to mark a field in the REINPUT statement may
be specified as a numeric constant or the content of a numeric
integer variable with a value of 255 or less.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1104: Classical I/O not permitted while modal window is active.

Text Classical I/O not permitted while modal window is active.
Expl. When a modal window has been activated by a PROCESS PAGE MODAL
statement, a classical I/O (WRITE, PRINT, DISPLAY, INPUT) is not
In a modal window, only rich GUI processing initiated by a PROCESS
PAGE statement is allowed.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1105: Undefined keyword :1: in input.

Text Undefined keyword ... in input.
Expl. In keyword/delimiter input mode, individual fields can be selected
via keywords, that is, the field name or the text that was specified
preceding the field name in the INPUT statement.
The specified value cannot be identified as a keyword from the
INPUT statement.
Actn. Either use %F or IM=F for forms mode in order to be prompted with
keyword text, or use the correct keyword value.

NAT1106: Value (length :2:) too long for input field (length :1:).

Text Value (length ...) too long for input field (length ...).
Expl. The data string entered for a field in delimiter mode is
longer than the internal length definition of the field.
Actn. Enter a data string of correct length.

NAT1107: PROCESS PAGE (MODAL) not supported.

Text PROCESS PAGE (MODAL) not supported.
Expl. The execution of a PROCESS PAGE (MODAL) statement is only
supported when Natural is running as a Rich GUI server.
Actn. Purchase/install/configure the appropriate components.

NAT1108: REINPUT statement not preceded by INPUT statement.

Text REINPUT statement not preceded by INPUT statement.
Expl. When a REINPUT statement is to be executed, the last communication
with the screen must have been via an INPUT statement.
REINPUT is not permitted for a screen that was produced by a WRITE
or DISPLAY statement.
Neither is REINPUT permitted for an INPUT statement inside a loop,
subroutine or special condition block, when the loop, subroutine or
special condition block has already been terminated.
e.g.: REPEAT
REINPUT will produce this error because at execution of the
REINPUT statement the loop which contains the respective
INPUT statement has already been closed.
Actn. INPUT statement has already been closed. Check program and correct error.

NAT1109: REINPUT cannot be executed in batch mode.

Text REINPUT cannot be executed in batch mode.
Expl. A program containing a REINPUT statement cannot be executed
in batch mode.
Actn. Do not execute REINPUT in batch mode.

NAT1110: Restart after synchronizing OBJIN and SYNIN.

Text Restart after synchronizing OBJIN and SYNIN.
Expl. If an input error occurs, Natural must terminate the current program.
The restart point is defined as the next "%%" (that is, the current
terminal-control function value) in both OBJIN and SYNIN.
After flushing input from both OBJIN and SYNIN until the next "%%",
Natural resumes processing with the next command after "%%" in SYNIN
and reads input data after the next "%%" in OBJIN.
Note: The first "%" is the character indicating a terminal command.
It may be any special character, as defined by the Natural
administrator with the Natural session parameter CF or by the
GLOBALS command or a SET GLOBALS statement.
Actn. Check input data and correct error.

NAT1111: Error in input data stream.

Text Error in input data stream.
Expl. An invalid character was detected after the equal sign "="
in the input data stream.
Actn. Check the usage of assign characters in the input data stream.

NAT1112: No data entered for a mandatory input field.

Text No data entered for a mandatory input field.
Expl. Input fields can be defined with the option that an input value
is required, in which case it must be supplied with the INPUT
Actn. Enter a valid value.

NAT1113: Subroutine was not entered via PERFORM.

Text Subroutine was not entered via PERFORM.
Expl. The REINPUT statement refers to a previous INPUT statement that is
located in a subroutine; or a RETRY statement refers to a database
statement that is located in a subroutine.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1114: Internal output buffer overflow.

Text Internal output buffer overflow.
Expl. An overflow condition occurred during the writing of information
to an output area.
Actn. Reduce the program-defined page size and then re-run the program,
or start the Natural session with an increased page size (PS).

NAT1115: Invalid alphabetic value for SET GLOBALS statement.

Text Invalid alphabetic value for SET GLOBALS statement.
Expl. Permitted values are:
CC ON/OFF CF any character
DU ON/OFF DC any character
EJ ON/OFF IA any character
FS ON/OFF ID any character
Note: "T" and "F" are synonyms of "ON" and "OFF" respectively.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1116: Invalid numeric value for SET GLOBALS statement.

Text Invalid numeric value for SET GLOBALS statement.
Expl. Valid values are:
LS 0-250
LT 0-2147483647 but must not exceed default LT value supplied
at session start.
MT 0-maximum determined by operating environment.
PD 0-255
PS 0-250
SF 1-30
SL 20-80
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1117: Requested map not available.

Text Requested map not available.
Expl. A map to be used in an INPUT USING MAP must exist in object
form in the current library; however, the requested map was
not found in the current library.
Actn. Make sure you are using the correct library and the correct map name.

NAT1118: Format/length conflict in loaded map.

Text Format/length conflict in loaded map.
Expl. The fields specified in the INPUT USING MAP statement must agree in
sequence, format and length with the fields defined in the map.
Actn. Check program and map and correct error.

NAT1119: The loaded map is incompatible with the variable list.

Text The loaded map is incompatible with the variable list.
Expl. The fields in the INPUT USING MAP statement must agree in sequence
and number with the fields defined in the map.
However, the number of elements in the loaded map is not the same
as in the supplied variable list.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1120: Positional parameter must not override pre-entered value.

Text Positional parameter must not override pre-entered value.
Expl. To a positional parameter entered in delimiter mode no more
than one value may be assigned. For example:
%1=VALUE1,VALUE2 -> will produce this error.
VALUE1,%1=VALUE2 -> is a correct specification, as
Natural allows specified positions
or keys to override values entered
in positional mode.
Actn. Check input and correct error.

NAT1121: Number in "%nnn" out of range.

Text Number in "%nnn" out of range.
Expl. The field position requested by "%nnn" is not defined in the
INPUT statement. The highest possible number is determined by
the number of input fields defined.
Actn. Enter valid number for input field.

NAT1122: No "=" found after "%nnn".

Text No "=" found after "%nnn".
Expl. Natural treats "%nnn" as a keyword. A value must be
specified after the assign character: %nnn=value.
Actn. Use valid syntax construct for input value.

NAT1123: Number in "%nnn" not numeric.

Text Number in "%nnn" not numeric.
Actn. Enter integer field number for field selection.

NAT1124: End of file in input after continuation.

Text End of file in input after continuation.
Expl. A data concatenation was requested in the data stream for an INPUT
statement, but no data were found in the next line.
Actn. Enter data in continuation line.

NAT1125: Too many significant digits in numeric input value.

Text Too many significant digits in numeric input value.
Expl. The integer part of a numeric input value contains more
significant digits than defined in the variable definition.
Actn. Enter valid input data.

NAT1126: PROCESS PAGE UPDATE not preceded by PROCESS PAGE statement.

Text PROCESS PAGE UPDATE not preceded by PROCESS PAGE statement.
Expl. When a PROCESS PAGE UPDATE statement is to be executed, the last
communication with an external rendering engine must have been
via a PROCESS PAGE statement.
No INPUT, WRITE, PRINT or DISPLAY statements may be executed between
a PROCESS PAGE statement and its corresponding PROCESS PAGE UPDATE
It is not possible, however, to place a PROCESS PAGE statement
within a loop, subroutine or special condition block, and then
execute the PROCESS PAGE UPDATE statement when the status under which
the PROCESS PAGE statement was executed has already been terminated.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1127: Error during assignment of floating point variable(s).

Text Error during assignment of floating point variable(s).
Expl. The most likely cause of this error is that one of the variables
overflowed. Single-precision floating-point variables can only
represent values of a precision of 7 digits or less.
Double-precision floating-point variables may be used for
approximately 19 digits. Extended precision must be used for
values of 20 digits or more.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1128: Values for "DC", "IA", "ID" must exclude one another.

Text Values for "DC", "IA", "ID" must exclude one another.
Expl. A value for one of the parameters DC, IA or ID has been specified
with a SET GLOBALS statement which is the same as the value for
one of the other two parameters.
Actn. Specify values for DC, IA, and ID which are different from one another.

NAT1129: Physical terminal buffer overflow.

Text Physical terminal buffer overflow.
Expl. The physical terminal buffer has overflowed during execution of an
INPUT statement. As the execution of an INPUT statement implies
immediate writing of the resulting map to the terminal, an overflow
condition is regarded as an error.
Actn. Decrease the number of fields to be displayed; or ask your Natural
administrator to increase, if possible, the size of the physical
terminal buffer (in the TP-driver source).

NAT1130: Unintended century switch when stacking date string.

Text Unintended century switch when stacking date string.
Expl. DFSTACK=C has been specified, i.e. date strings are put on
the stack without the century information (Natural V22 mode).
When recovering this information (under control of a Sliding
Window or the current century), an unintended century switch
would occur: the year is not within the range of the sliding
window or not in the current century.
Actn. Correct error in program or specify DFSTACK=I.

NAT1131: Screen input/output error.

Text Screen input/output error.
Expl. The terminal driver has returned an error during a read/write
operation to a terminal device.
Actn. Ensure that the terminal device being used is supported by Natural.

NAT1132: Line size mismatch in IOPATTR buffer at offset :1:.

Text Line size mismatch in IOPATTR buffer at offset ....
Expl. A mismatch between page buffer and page-attribute buffer
has been detected. This error most probably occurs because
not all lines of the page buffer have been generated with
the same line size.
Actn. Check your programs for FORMAT statements with different
line sizes.

NAT1133: Invalid terminal function requested.

Text Invalid terminal function requested.
Actn. Enter valid terminal function.

NAT1134: Terminal function not supported.

Text Terminal function not supported.
Actn. Press ENTER to continue the session.

NAT1135: Hardcopy function not supported.

Text Hardcopy function not supported.
Expl. The hardcopy (%H) function requires a spooling subsystem
and a valid device address.
These are not available for the active terminal/TP monitor.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator concerning hardcopy support.

NAT1136: More than 250 lines in an output page.

Text More than 250 lines in an output page.
Expl. An output statement was executed which results in more than
250 lines in the current output page. The maximum value for
the PS parameter is 250.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1137: Date is outside valid range.

Text Date is outside valid range.
Expl. A date or time field contains a value which does not represent a
valid date. Possible reasons are:
- The date value is less than 1582 or greater than 9999.
- The date value is to be edited as Roman numerals, but the date value
is greater than 2887.
- The value is negative or not a valid packed number.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1138: SKIP value is invalid.

Text SKIP value is invalid.
Expl. A value greater than 250 must not be specified in a SKIP statement.
Actn. Enter a valid value.

NAT1139: Input for "mandatory full" field is not complete.

Text Input for "mandatory full" field is not complete.
Expl. The value for a field that is defined as "mandatory full" must
fill the field completely.
Actn. Enter a valid value.

NAT1140: Input is not a floating point number.

Text Input is not a floating point number.
Expl. The input entered was not a valid floating point number.
A valid floating point number starts with an optional sign (+,-),
followed by a mantissa with at most one decimal point and an optional
The exponent has to start with the character "E", followed by an
optional sign (+,-), followed by one or two decimal digits.
Actn. Enter a valid number.

NAT1141: Input results in floating point overflow.

Text Input results in floating point overflow.
Expl. A positive or negative floating point number was entered,
which is too large for floating point processing.
Actn. Enter a valid number.

NAT1142: Input results in integer value overflow.

Text Input results in integer value overflow.
Expl. An integer value was entered which is too large
to be processed as indicated in the program.
Actn. Enter a valid integer value.

NAT1143: Input does not correspond to input edit mask.

Text Input does not correspond to input edit mask.
Expl. Data were input which do not correspond to the input mask
as defined within the program.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT1144: Data to be assigned/output do not correspond to edit mask.

Text Data to be assigned/output do not correspond to edit mask.
Expl. One of the following errors occurred:
- A MOVE EDITED statement was issued with a target edit mask,
and the source data do not correspond to the target edit mask.
- A DISPLAY/INPUT/PRINT/WRITE statement was issued with an edit mask,
and the source data do not correspond to the specified edit mask.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1145: Input does not match edit mask :1:.

Text Input does not match edit mask ....
Expl. The data value entered for an input field does not correspond to the
edit mask assigned to the field.
Actn. Enter a value which is suitable for the edit mask displayed.


Expl. Only one DISPLAY GIVING SYSTEM FUNCTIONS may be used per
report. This applies also to external routines such as
CALLNATS, external subroutines, etc.
Actn. Check program and called routines and remove duplicate

NAT1148: No help available for this data field.

Text No help available for this data field.
Expl. The help key was pressed or the help character was entered
for a field for which no error text or error routine has been
Actn. Ask your Natural administrator for assistance.

NAT1149: Requested message is not available.

Text Requested message is not available.
Expl. A user-defined message, which was requested by a REINPUT
statement, is not contained in the database.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1150: Attribute buffer overflow.

Text Attribute buffer overflow.
Expl. An overflow of the attribute buffer is caused by too many
attributes for one logical page.
Actn. Reduce the number of fields on one page.

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