Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 1001-1050

NAT1001: DBID or file number of set do not agree with current file.

Text DBID or file number of set do not agree with current file.
Expl. If a FIND set is to be used in another FIND statement as a logical
criterion, the set must have been selected from the same set that
is currently being processed in the FIND statement.
However, in the case of this error, the database ID and/or file number
of the previously retained set is different from that of file that is
currently being processed.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1003: Global limit for database calls reached -> LT parameter.

Text Global limit for database calls reached -> LT parameter.
Expl. The maximum number of records permitted to be read from the database was
exceeded. The number is set with the profile and session parameter LT.
When a record is read from a database, with a FIND, READ or HISTOGRAM
statement, a counter field is first incremented and then compared with
the current value of the LT parameter. If the actual LT value is
exceeded, runtime error NAT1003 is issued.
When a Level 1 program is newly started, the counter field is reset and
starts again with zero. When another object is called which runs on a
level higher than 1, the counter is not reset and continues with the
value that was already reached by the previous program.
Actn. Increase the value of the LT parameter.

NAT1004: In FIND UNIQUE, 0 records or more than 1 record found.

Text In FIND UNIQUE, 0 records or more than 1 record found.
Expl. The FIND UNIQUE statement requires that exactly one record be
found in the database.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1005: More records found than specified in search limit.

Text More records found than specified in search limit.
Expl. The "WITH LIMIT = nnn" clause may be used to specify that a WHERE
condition is only to be evaluated if fewer than "nnn" records have
been selected after the evaluation of the basic search criteria.
Actn. Increase the WITH limit, or redefine the basic search criteria.

NAT1006: Value specified for index is "0" or greater than maximum.

Text Value specified for index is "0" or greater than maximum.
Expl. The value specified for an index of a multiple-value field or a
periodic group is either greater than the maximum or less than 1.
For Adabas, the maximum index value may be up to 65534, depending on the
Adabas version and definition of the FDT.
For VSAM and DL/I, the maximum index value is 191.
For DDMS, the maximum index value is 9999.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1007: Integer value supplied is not in valid range.

Text Integer value supplied is not in valid range.
Expl. The integer value supplied is either negative or greater than 4GB-1.
This is not permitted.
Actn. Supply an integer value in the range from 0 to 4294967295.

NAT1008: Variable index defined in a RETAIN-List-Record-Buffer.

Text Variable index defined in a RETAIN-List-Record-Buffer.
Expl. A variable index is not allowed for a RETAIN-list record buffer,
because the format buffer will not be released with EC command.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1009: Program interrupted after too many database calls.

Text Program interrupted after too many database calls.
Expl. Natural counts all database calls and compares the result with
the setting of the parameter MADIO.
When this value is reached, a loop is assumed and the program
The database-call count is reset to 0 after a screen I/O operation.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT1010: STORE/UPDATE/DELETE rejected due to UPDATE OFF command.

Text STORE/UPDATE/DELETE rejected due to UPDATE OFF command.
Expl. The program is being executed while "UPDATE OFF" is in effect.
Whenever the program issues an STORE/UPDATE/DELETE statement for
the database, this warning message is used to indicate that a
database-updating statement was encountered but not executed.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1011: Requested function key not allocated.

Text Requested function key not allocated.
Expl. A user can only request a function by pressing a function key
if the key has been defined in the program with a SET KEY
If this error message appears in response to NEXT, the KEY
command may be used to assign a value to the function key.
Actn. Define the function key as described above.

NAT1012: Update not allowed for system file.

Text Update not allowed for system file.
Expl. The user is not authorized to issue SAVE or CATALOG commands.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1013: Illegal terminal command requested.

Text Illegal terminal command requested.
Expl. For information on valid terminal commands,
see the Natural documentation.
Actn. Enter a correct terminal command, or press ENTER.

NAT1016: Application interrupted by a user action.

Text Application interrupted by a user action.
Expl. One of the following actions caused an application interrupt:
- The mainframe terminal user interrupted the Natural program via an
attention interrupt: RESETting the terminal and pressing
the ENTER key.
- Closing the Entire Connection upload or download dialog box by
clicking on the CANCEL button caused an attention interrupt.
- The application was interrupted via the typical system-interrupt
key combination (e.g., CTRL+BREAK for Windows, CTRL+C for UNIX).
Actn. No action required.

NAT1017: Update not allowed for read-only database (:1:).

Text Update not allowed for read-only database (...).
Expl. The database indicated is set to "read-only" via the NTDB macro or
the dynamic parameter DB.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT1019: Magnetic card reader must be activated with SET KEY.

Text Magnetic card reader must be activated with SET KEY.
Expl. Before reading data via a magnetic card reader, the magnetic
card reader must have been made program-sensitive via a
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT1028: Not permitted to invoke recursive database loop.

Text Not permitted to invoke recursive database loop.
Expl. An already active database loop may not be started
a second time.
Example: PERFORM SUB001
FIND view-name WITH field = "any-value"
PERFORM SUB001 <-- recursive call
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT1029: Interrupt after too many Natural program calls.

Text Interrupt after too many Natural program calls.
Expl. Every FETCH, CALLNAT, PERFORM statement is counted.
This count is compared against the value supplied in the Natural
parameter module or set via the dynamic parameter facility for MAXCL.
If this value is less than or equal to the counted value, Natural
destroys the name of the error transaction and issues this error.
Actn. Check program and correct error, or set MAXCL to "0" or to a large
enough value.

NAT1030: Internal error; invalid access to Natural system file.

Text Internal error; invalid access to Natural system file.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator, and, if necessary,
Software AG support.

NAT1031: Invalid access to a VSAM dataset.

Text Invalid access to a VSAM dataset.
Expl. Access to a VSAM dataset was requested, but the
Natural system does not include support for VSAM.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1032: Invalid access to a DL/I database.

Text Invalid access to a DL/I database.
Expl. Access to a DL/I database was requested, but the
Natural system does not include support for DL/I.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT1049: Invalid contents of direction operand.

Text Invalid contents of direction operand.
Expl. The variable-direction operand (#op), used in a
statement contains an invalid character.
Only the following values are permitted:
"D" or "d" for DESCENDING
"A" or "a" for ASCENDING.
Actn. Fill the direction operand with a valid character.

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