Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 0851-0900

NAT0851: Error program :1: cannot be found.

Text Error program ... cannot be found.
Expl. The error program specified - either in the security profile of the
library used or with the parameter ETA - cannot be found, neither in
the library itself nor in any steplib.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0852: Incomplete security profile; call security administrator.

Text Incomplete security profile; call security administrator.
Expl. Either you are defined to Natural Security as a user of type MEMBER.
Users of this type must be contained in at least one group. You have
not been added to any group, or your user type should be changed.
Or your terminal is defined to Natural Security, but is not contained
in any group.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0853: Logon accepted to library :1:. This library is empty.

Text Logon accepted to library .... This library is empty.
Actn. No action required.

NAT0854: Logon accepted to library :1:.

Text Logon accepted to library ....
Actn. No action required.

NAT0855: New password must be at least :1: characters long.

Text New password must be at least ... characters long.
Expl. Natural Security requires that passwords have a minimum length.
Actn. Choose a longer password.

NAT0856: Automatic logon with invalid logon data; logon failed.

Text Automatic logon with invalid logon data; logon failed.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0857: This user is currently locked.

Text This user is currently locked.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0858: Format of expiration date must be as in top right corner.

Text Format of expiration date must be as in top right corner.
Expl. The expiration date for a mailbox must be entered in the same format
as the date displayed in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Actn. Enter valid expiration date in valid format.

NAT0859: Expiration date may not be a date in the past.

Text Expiration date may not be a date in the past.
Actn. Enter a valid date.

NAT0860: Invalid code.

Text Invalid code.
Actn. Enter valid code.

NAT0861: User has no special link to library.

Text User has no special link to library.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0862: This Natural session is not under Natural Security.

Text This Natural session is not under Natural Security.
Expl. In order to perform the desired function, your Natural session must
be running under Natural Security.
Actn. Invoke Natural under Natural Security (ask your Natural administrator if
necessary) before you perform the desired function.
If Natural Security is not installed, that function is not available.

NAT0863: Logon to this library not allowed via link ID ":1:".

Text Logon to this library not allowed via link ID "...".
Actn. Log on with a valid user ID; contact your Natural Security
administrator if necessary.

NAT0864: No. Lib. ID Library Name*Type*Linked via*Spec.

Text No. Lib. ID Library Name*Type*Linked via*Spec.
Expl. Text displayed by Natural Security.

NAT0865: Invalid security file. Please contact your DBA.

Text Invalid security file. Please contact your DBA.
Actn. Contact your database administrator.

NAT0866: Your Natural nucleus is not a Natural Security nucleus.

Text Your Natural nucleus is not a Natural Security nucleus.
Expl. There is an inconsistency between your Natural nucleus and your
Natural system file (FNAT). The nucleus is marked as non-Security,
but the Natural system file contains Natural Security-specific programs.
Possible reasons for this inconsistency are:
- the nucleus has been illegally zapped.
- the Natural master control record has been illegally zapped.
- the Natural Security NATLOAD has not been performed successfully.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator. Repeat the NATLOAD for Natural,
and - if your system is a Natural Security one - also repeat the
NATLOAD for Natural Security.

NAT0867: Mailbox does not exist / not assigned to your environment.

Text Mailbox does not exist / not assigned to your environment.
Actn. Choose another mailbox ID; or contact your Natural Security

NAT0868: The expiration date of mailbox :1: is already reached.

Text The expiration date of mailbox ... is already reached.
Actn. If necessary, change the expiration date.

NAT0869: The file security record has been directly manipulated.

Text The file security record has been directly manipulated.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0870: Upload is not permitted.

Text Upload is not permitted.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0871: Download is not permitted.

Text Download is not permitted.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0872: Invalid function code.

Text Invalid function code.
Actn. Enter valid function code.

NAT0873: User ID or password invalid.

Text User ID or password invalid.
Actn. Enter correct user ID and correct password.

NAT0874: Press ENTER for next page, or "." to terminate session.

Text Press ENTER for next page, or "." to terminate session.

NAT0875: This user is currently not active.

Text This user is currently not active.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0876: New password is not valid. Please choose a different one.

Text New password is not valid. Please choose a different one.
Expl. The new password was denied for one of the following reasons:
1) The new password is too similar to previous passwords.
2) The new password does not conform to the rules for passwords.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0877: Utility access denied by Security. Contact your DBA.

Text Utility access denied by Security. Contact your DBA.
Expl. The utility is for restricted use only.
Actn. Please contact your security administrator.

NAT0878: Assigned group :1: is currently not active.

Text Assigned group ... is currently not active.
Expl. In a Natural Security (NSC) environment:
- The NSC group ID shown in the message is defined with a date
which marks this group ID as currently inactive.
Additional information for NSF environments:
- The group ID, for the user ID defined in the security system,
is not defined in NSC, or the NSC group profile is inactive,
or the NSC user profile is of another user type.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0879: No active group assigned.

Text No active group assigned.
Expl. The user is not assigned to a group
with a valid activation date.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0880: More than 10 syntax errors occurred in BATCH compile.

Text More than 10 syntax errors occurred in BATCH compile.
Actn. Correct syntax errors and re-compile.

NAT0884: Internal error, save area chain destroyed.

Text Internal error, save area chain destroyed.
Expl. The relocatable save area in Natural is destroyed. Natural resets the
chain and restarts.
Natural always tests the correct chains of its save areas.
The error is caused by a wrong register 13, a save area overflow,
or a wrong relocated user area.
One reason for a save area overflow may be too many recursive
program calls.
Actn. Natural corrects automatically and restarts.
If need be, reduce the number of recursive program calls.

NAT0885: Internal error, I/O buffer overwritten.

Text Internal error, I/O buffer overwritten.
Expl. The buffer area that is used to generate output to the screen/printer
is also used for other purposes.
A condition has arisen where the contents of this I/O buffer have
been destroyed, and the buffer has not been re-initialized.
Actn. Note down the command sequence and contact your Natural administrator.

NAT0886: Storage overflow in extended buffer.

Text Storage overflow in extended buffer.
Expl. Certain tables during processing and compilation of Natural programs
are stored in the extended buffer.
The size of the extended buffer is defined by the Natural administrator
with the ESIZE profile parameter.
This error may also be caused by an attempt to write too many data to
the Natural stack.
Actn. Reduce size of source program, or contact your Natural administrator.

NAT0887: Internal stack overflow.

Text Internal stack overflow.
Expl. Excessive program recursion has caused an internal overflow
of the program-storage stack during program execution.
Actn. Reduce the number of nested subroutines;
or contact your Natural administrator.

NAT0888: Storage overflow during compilation or execution.

Text Storage overflow during compilation or execution.
Expl. This error is caused by an overflow situation:
- At compilation time, this error is issued if the length of an arith-
metic expression in an IF condition exceeds the maximum of 32 KB.
- At execution time, this error is due to a relocation of the DATSIZE
buffer at execution of a Natural subprogram from a 3GL program
(Natural 3GL program interface).
Actn. Compilation: Reduce the number of arithmetic operations
in the condition.
Execution: Use the CALLNAT interface INTERFACE4.

NAT0890: Invalid source parameter construction.

Text Invalid source parameter construction.
Expl. A possible cause for the error is the construction of a parameter
source notation within another source parameter.
Natural supports only one level of parameter source processing.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0894: Invalid format/length for operand.

Text Invalid format/length for operand.
Expl. An invalid format/length definition is used for an operand.
This can have the following reasons:
MINVAL/MAXVAL: The combination of operands with their format/length
definitions does not comply with the rules for the generation of
intermediate formats. Use the IR clause to set a certain format/length
as result.
Actn. Change the format/length of the operands.

NAT0899: Internal error in structure of DDM :1:.

Text Internal error in structure of DDM ....
Expl. The DDM was not correctly generated and contains an internal
Actn. Re-generate the DDM.

NAT0900: Storage overflow while assigning data area.

Text Storage overflow while assigning data area.
Expl. The storage area that contains the data area for the program
overflowed during address assignment for data fields.
There are more than 50 external subroutines referenced in the
There was an overflow while composing an executable object.
Actn. Reduce the data areas in the program or use fewer database fields
or ask your Natural administrator to review the USIZE parameter value.

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