Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 0751-0800

NAT0751: Illegal combination of PROCESS quantifier and access type.

Text Illegal combination of PROCESS quantifier and access type.
Expl. The PROCESS quantifier can be ALL, (qty) or missing. Action type
can be explicitly given by TYPE attribute. If the TYPE attribute
is missing, the action type is implicitly given for the standard
actions SELECT, STORE, UPDATE, DELETE. Otherwise the action type
defaults to "X".
Only the following combinations are valid:
| Action Type | Quantifier | Program Type
|A | ALL, (Qty) | DEFINE VIEW |
|M,O | missing | DEFINE VIEW |
Actn. Check and correct program.

NAT0752: Invalid TYPE/DEST specification.

Text Invalid TYPE/DEST specification.
Expl. The TYPE/DEST specification is incorrect because:
- the given TYPE is not one of A (Access), M (Modify), O (Output)
X (eXchange); or
- the given DEST is not one of LOCAL, NET, DEBUG; or
- neither TYPE nor DEST is given inside the brackets of the
TYPE/DEST specification; or
- DEST is given in front of TYPE; or
- TYPE or DEST not followed by "="; or
- the closing bracket is missing.
Actn. Correct TYPE/DEST specification.

NAT0753: WHERE/ORDER BY clause only allowed for action type Access

Text WHERE/ORDER BY clause only allowed for action type Access
Expl. The WHERE clause and the ORDER BY clause of a PROCESS statement
accessing an Active View require action type Access. This may
be implicitly given by the standared action SELECT or
explicitly given by the type specification TYPE=A.
Actn. Check and correct program.

NAT0754: Invalid search variable specified in WHERE clause.

Text Invalid search variable specified in WHERE clause.
Expl. A search variable denoted in the WHERE clause of a PROCESS
statement is not defined in the view referred to by the
PROCESS statement, or the search variable is used in
combination with a local block field that has been mapped
to another view field via a JOIN VALUE clause.
Actn. Check and correct program.

NAT0755: Nested PROCESS loops refer to the same view.

Text Nested PROCESS loops refer to the same view.
Expl. There are two nested PROCESS loops in the program which
refer to the same Natural view. This is not possible because
each view corresponds to an instance of an Active View and
each instance can only maintain one loop context.
Actn. Use a copy of the view for the innermost loop.

NAT0756: Illegal PROCESS statement against a native database.

Text Illegal PROCESS statement against a native database.
Expl. PROCESS with action type M, O or X refers to a native
database view; or a program other than a View Program contains
a PROCESS statement referring to a native database view; or
a PROCESS statement referring to a native database view is
closed by an END-PROCESS.
Actn. Check and correct program.

NAT0757: PROCESS with action type Modify without Access loop.

Text PROCESS with action type Modify without surrounding Access loop.
Expl. An update against an Active View via PROCESS needs a surrounding
loop much like the Natural statement UPDATE does. The surrounding
PROCESS loop must refer to the same Natural view as the PROCESS
statement for update.
Actn. Make sure there is a surrounding loop.

NAT0758: Error in ORDER BY clause.

Text Error in ORDER BY clause.
Expl. The ORDER BY clause is invalid because:
- it appears in front of the WHERE clause; or
- the given sort field is not a field of the view referred to
by the PROCESS statement; or
- there are more than three sort fields.
Actn. Check and correct program.

NAT0759: Handle/dynamic variables and X-arrays cannot be redefined.

Text Handle/dynamic variables and X-arrays cannot be redefined.
Expl. A variable declared DEFINE DATA LOCAL
- with type HANDLE, -> 1 #H HANDLE OF OBJECT
- as an alphan. or binary field -> 1 #AD (A) DYNAMIC
with a dynamic length,
- as an array with a variable -> 1 #VA (A10/1:*)
number of occurrences END-DEFINE
cannot be redefined, and it must not result from a redefinition.
If a group contains one of these fields in the first position, the
group cannot be redefined.
Actn. Check and correct the variable definitions.

NAT0762: UPDATE/DELETE table mismatch with SELECT statement.

Text UPDATE/DELETE table mismatch with SELECT statement.
Expl. The table referenced in an
is not the table specified in the corresponding SELECT statement.
Actn. Check and correct syntax.

NAT0763: Incorrect alphanumeric constant specified in <<...>>.

Text Incorrect alphanumeric constant specified in <<...>>.
Expl. The constant specified in <<...>> does not adhere to the
rules for Natural constants.
For example, alpha constants must be enclosed in apostrophes.
Actn. Check and correct syntax.

NAT0764: Variable reference in <<...>> cannot be resolved.

Text Variable reference in <<...>> cannot be resolved.
Expl. 1) The token directly following the variable indicator (:)
does not adhere to the rules for variable names.
2) The variable specified is not defined in the program.
Actn. Check and correct syntax.

NAT0768: No valid table reference found in FROM clause.

Text No valid table reference found in FROM clause.
Expl. The FROM clause contains no valid table name. Either specify
a table name or a subquery of a joined table expression.
Actn. Correct the FROM clause by specifying a valid table name.

NAT0776: Program cannot be executed.

Text Program cannot be executed.
Expl. While loading the Natural program, an internal, non-recoverable error
has occurred. The program could not be loaded into the Natural buffer
Actn. Check program and/or contact your Natural administrator.

NAT0777: Buffer pool full.

Text Buffer pool full.
Expl. The Natural buffer pool is full. With Natural Version 2,
the cataloged Natural program must be loaded into the
Natural buffer pool. If there is not enough space available,
the program cannot be executed.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT0778: Program not ready for execution.

Text Program not ready for execution.
Expl. The program to be executed is in the process of being cataloged by
another user. When loading this program into the Natural buffer pool,
Natural can not guarantee that the program code is in a correct and
executable state.
Actn. Execute the program at a later point in time.

NAT0779: Program cannot be executed.

Text Program cannot be executed.
Expl. This message appears if Natural has tried unsuccessfully 32 times
to load the program into the Natural buffer pool.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT0781: Internal Natural DB2 error.

Text Internal Natural DB2 error.
Actn. Provide the Natural source and object program and contact
Software AG support.

NAT0782: No fields were selected by a FIND or READ statement.

Text No fields were selected by a FIND or READ statement.
Expl. A FIND or READ statement does not retrieve any fields (empty view),
but is directed to access an SQL database (e.g. DB2). This will
result in the generation of an SQL SELECT statement with an empty
column list. However, this is not permitted.
Actn. Retrieve at least one field in the FIND or READ statement.

NAT0783: Invalid Natural statement for DB2 access.

Text Invalid Natural statement for DB2 access.
Expl. The following Natural statements are not supported when accessing
a DB2 database:
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0784: Insufficient space for SQL :1: generation.

Text Insufficient space for SQL ... generation.
Expl. During the generation, the corresponding buffer has overflowed.
Either provide a greater thread/partition/region,
or split the program"s SQL parts and put them into different programs.
The message relates either to the buffer containing the SQL
statements or to the buffer containing the SQL XREF data.
Actn. Start Natural in greater thread/partition/region, or reduce the number
or size of SQL statements.

NAT0785: Internal Natural DB2 error.

Text Internal Natural DB2 error.
Actn. Provide the Natural source and object program, and contact
Software AG support.

NAT0786: No fields assigned for an UPDATE statement.

Text No fields assigned for an UPDATE statement.
Expl. Natural DB2: An UPDATE statement is present, but
no database fields are specified for the view.
Actn. Assign a value to a DB2 column.

NAT0787: A read-only field may not be modified.

Text A read-only field may not be modified.
Expl. Natural DB2: Read-only fields were specified in an UPDATE statement.
This is not allowed, because these fields may not be modified.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0788: UPDATE/DELETE must not be used in conj. with FIND SORTED.

Text UPDATE/DELETE must not be used in conj. with FIND SORTED.
Expl. UPDATE/DELETE must not be used in conjunction with READ BY,
according to DB2 processing logic.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT0789: Field in SORTED BY clause is not referenced.

Text Field in SORTED BY clause is not referenced.
Expl. Natural DB2: A field referenced in the SORTED BY clause
is not referenced anywhere in the program.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0790: No primary key in an IMS access.

Text No primary key in an IMS access.
Expl. Natural DB2 needs a primary key for UPDATE or DELETE
if the loop contains a terminal statement.
Actn. Change program according the Natural DB2 file-server logic.

NAT0791: Data type not supported.

Text Data type not supported.
Expl. The search criterion contains a Natural variable or constant
of a format that is not supported by the DB2 database manager.
Unsupported formats are:
N (numeric unpacked)
I1 (integer with length of 1)
L (logical)
D (date)
T (time)
Actn. Do not use the above formats in a program that accesses a DB2 database.

NAT0792: Null or length referenced without the master field.

Text Null or length referenced without the master field.
Expl. When referencing a length-indicator or null-indicator field,
the corresponding master field to which the length or null
indicator applies must also be referenced.
Actn. Correct program.

NAT0793: Null or length indicator cannot be used as descriptor.

Text Null or length indicator cannot be used as descriptor.
Expl. A null indicator or length indicator cannot be used as a descriptor,
only master fields can be used as search criteria.
Actn. Change search criterion in Natural program.

NAT0794: SELECT FOR UDPATE, but UPDATE not allowed.

Text SELECT FOR UDPATE, but UPDATE not allowed.
Expl. This message also appears with the statement
Actn. Check and correct program.

NAT0797: Invalid use of set name in search criterion.

Text Invalid use of set name in search criterion.
Expl. A set name has been specified in the basic search criterion of a
FIND statement; however
- the file to be accessed is not an Adabas file, or
- the search criterion belongs to a COUPLED criterion.
In either case, a set name must not be used.
See the Natural documentation, FIND statement, for information on
the use of a set name.
Actn. Change the search criterion in your program.

NAT0798: Invalid common table expression.

Text Invalid common table expression.
Expl. The specified common table expression is invalid. A common table
expression has to follow the keyword WITH̲CTE and has the syntax:
cte-name (colname,...) AS (fullselect).
Most likely, parentheses, the keyword AS or commas are missing or
specified too often.
Actn. Correct the common table expression.

NAT0799: Scalar fullselect has to consist of a single column value.

Text Scalar fullselect has to consist of a single column value.
Expl. Scalar fullselect can be used as scalar values in expressions.
Scalar fullselect is a fullselect enclosed in parentheses which
returns a single row consisting of a single column value. The
specified fullselect result set consists of more than one column.
Actn. Specify only one column in the selection list of the fullselect.

NAT0800: Logon failed after :1: consecutive errors.

Text Logon failed after ... consecutive errors.
Expl. The Natural session has been terminated as a result of too
many unsuccessful logon attempts.
Actn. Start a new Natural session after verifying your user ID and/or

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