Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 0451-0500

NAT0451: Entire DB Request Handler not loaded or cannot be found.

Text Entire DB Request Handler not loaded or cannot be found.
Expl. The Entire DB Request Handler is contained for Natural Version 2.1
in the module "AERNAT", and for Natural Version 2.2 in the module
"NATDREQ". Most likely, this module is not linked to Natural.
Actn. Check the link job and re-link Natural with the required module.

NAT0452: Entire cannot be initialized.

Text Entire cannot be initialized.
Expl. The cause is either that
- there was not enough space to satisfy the request;
- the Entire buffer (ZSIZE) is too small - minimum is 44;
- the Adabas/Entire nucleus (AERNUC) is not accessible, because it
is not linked or cannot be loaded dynamically.
Actn. Contact your Entire DB administrator.

NAT0454: Relocatability error in Entire DB.

Text Relocatability error in Entire DB.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0455: First command to Entire not "DLOGON".

Text First command to Entire not "DLOGON".
Expl. Before accessing the Entire data in any way, a DLOGON statement
must be successfully executed. This allows the user identity to
be determined, the application to be set, and security check and
accessibility of data to be determined.
Actn. Ensure that the system calls a DLOGON before access, and correct code.

NAT0456: Invalid function code for Entire.

Text Invalid function code for Entire.
Expl. Entire has received a control block (same format as Adabas) which
has a function code field (offset 2 in the CB) that cannot be
interpreted by Entire.
This is most likely caused by an incompatibility of systems and/or
overwriting of the Entire work area.
Actn. Produce an application dump and contact Software AG support.

NAT0457: Entire version incompatibility.

Text Entire version incompatibility.
Expl. This is caused by linking the interface CSECT DDIPFNAT (AERNUC)
with another version of the initialization module ADDINIT (AERNAT).
Actn. Check the Natural/Entire link job for "INCLUDE" datasets,
or contact your system administrator.

NAT0458: No "RETAIN AS" set with the given name exists.

Text No "RETAIN AS" set with the given name exists.
Expl. This occurs when, for example, a FIND references a non-existent
or released ISN set. See FIND statement, RETAIN clause, in the
Entire DB Programmer"s Guide for further information.
Actn. Make sure that usage of ISN sets in application program is correct.

NAT0459: Control Block is not aligned.

Text Control Block is not aligned.
Expl. The Control Block in direct command must be full-word aligned.
Actn. Check the program and align the Control Block.

NAT0460: Record length is greater than Open length.

Text Record length is greater than Open length.
Expl. Entire DB has attempted to write a record via EXPORT/IMPORT to work
file 1. This work file has already been opened with a record of
length less than 4096 bytes.
Actn. Check program for reads/writes and make sure that the first read or
write is at least 4096 bytes. Alternatively, check the DCB.

NAT0461: Error in CONTROL clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.

Text Error in CONTROL clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.
Expl. The CONTROL clause of the DEFINE WINDOW statement must be specified
as follows:
If the CONTROL clause is omitted, CONTROL WINDOW will apply by default.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0462: Error in SYMBOL clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.

Text Error in SYMBOL clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.
Expl. See the Natural documentation for the correct syntax of the DEFINE
WINDOW statement.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0463: Invalid color or invalid attribute specified.

Text Invalid color or invalid attribute specified.
Expl. You have specified an invalid attribute or an invalid color code,
either in the REVERSED clause or the FRAMED clause of the DEFINE WINDOW
The only attribute you may specify in a REVERSED or FRAMED clause
is CD (color definition).
The color definition must be specified as (CD=cc), where "cc" is the
color code. For information on valid color codes, see
the Natural documentation.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0464: Window name in DEFINE/SET WINDOW missing or invalid.

Text Window name in DEFINE/SET WINDOW stmt. missing or invalid.
Expl. In a DEFINE/SET WINDOW statement, the name of the window
must be specified directly after the keywords "DEFINE/SET WINDOW".
For window names, the same rules apply as for names of user-defined
variables (as described in the Natural documentation).
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0465: Inconsistent usage of WINDOW :1:.

Text Inconsistent usage of WINDOW ....
Expl. Either the window name has been defined twice in two
DEFINE WINDOW statements.
or a window is referenced in the program (e.g. with
an INPUT WINDOW statement), but the window has
not been defined in a DEFINE WINDOW statement.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0466: Error in SIZE clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.

Text Error in SIZE clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.
Expl. The SIZE clause of a DEFINE WINDOW statement must be specified
as one of the following:
SIZE lines * columns
If the SIZE clause is omitted, SIZE AUTO will apply by default.
For an explanation of the DEFINE WINDOW syntax, see the
Natural documentation.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0467: Error in BASE clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.

Text Error in BASE clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.
Expl. The BASE clause of the DEFINE WINDOW statement must be specified as
one of the following:
- BASE line-position / column-position
If the BASE clause is omitted, BASE CURSOR will apply by default.
For an explanation of the DEFINE WINDOW syntax, see the Natural
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0468: Error in TITLE clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.

Text Error in TITLE clause of DEFINE WINDOW statement.
Expl. In the TITLE clause of a DEFINE WINDOW statement, an alphanumeric
variable or constant must be specified immediately after the keyword
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0469: CLOSE WORK FILE statement has been invalidly placed.

Text CLOSE WORK FILE statement has been invalidly placed.
Expl. A CLOSE WORK FILE statement must not be placed within
a READ WORK FILE loop that refers to the same work file.
Actn. Place the CLOSE WORK FILE statement outside the READ WORK FILE loop.

NAT0470: Operand for RET, SORTKEY or VAL function is not valid.

Text Operand for RET, SORTKEY or VAL function is not valid.
Expl. The operand for RET, SORTKEY or VAL must be alphanumeric. In addition,
the length of the SORTKEY operand should not exceed 253.
Actn. Specify an alphanumeric program name with the RET function.
Do not apply the system function SORTKEY or VAL to a non-alphanumeric
field. Ensure the length of the SORTKEY operand does not exceed 253.

NAT0471: Invalid operands in SUBSTRING option.

Text Invalid operands in SUBSTRING option.
Expl. The field name specified in the SUBSTRING option must have
alphanumeric (A), binary (B) or Unicode (U) format.
The starting position in the field and the length of the substring must
be numeric. They must not position beyond the physical length of the
underlying field.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT0472: This user-defined name is a Natural reserved word.

Text This user-defined name is a Natural reserved word.
Expl. The Natural profile parameter KC=ON (keyword check) has been set,
which means that a user-defined name (identifier) must not be the
same as a Natural reserved word.
Actn. Use a different name.

NAT0473: Error in parameter of DEFINE PRINTER statement.

Text Error in parameter of DEFINE PRINTER statement.
Expl. This error occurs if one of the following conditions is not met:
- The operand after "PROFILE", "FORMS" or "NAME" must be of
alphanumeric format, and its length must not exceed 8.
- The operand after "DISP" must be of
alphanumeric format, and its length must not exceed 4.
- The operand after "COPIES" must be a numeric integer
(format N, P or I; without decimal digits).
- Each of the above clauses must not be specified more than once.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT0474: Field attribute DF cannot be used for this type of field.

Text Field attribute DF cannot be used for this type of field.
Expl. The field attribute DF can only be used for fields of
type date.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT0475: INCLUDE statements must be nested on less than 20 levels.

Text INCLUDE statements must be nested on less than 20 levels.
Expl. This program has INCLUDE statements nested on at least 20 levels.
Actn. Reduce the number of levels on which INCLUDE statements are nested to
less than 20.

NAT0476: Data size of :1: must not exceed :2:.

Text Data size of ... must not exceed ....
Expl. The size of a variable or a data structure exceeds the
maximum size allowed.
Actn. Reduce the size of the variable or data structure.

NAT0477: Numeric value supplied is out of valid range :1:.

Text Numeric value supplied is out of valid range ....
Expl. The value specified is out of the permitted bounds.
Actn. Supply a correct numeric value.

NAT0478: Incorrect usage or specification of CODEPAGE clause.

Text Incorrect usage or specification of CODEPAGE clause.
Expl. The CODEPAGE clause can only be used for operands of format A or B.
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT0479: Invalid operand type combination in MOVE ENCODED statement.

Text Invalid operand type combination in MOVE ENCODED statement.
Expl. The MOVE ENCODED statement is used to convert data from one code page
encoding into another encoding. Therefore you have to either supply one
of the operands as an alphanumeric or binary field with a CODEPAGE
clause appended, or specify one operand as alphanumeric or binary
and the other operand as type Unicode.
Valid operand combinations are:
Actn. Correct error in program.

NAT0480: Incorrect usage of field attribute SB.

Text Incorrect usage of field attribute SB.
Expl. A selection-box clause (SB=..) may only be used for alphanumeric fields.
- the parameter fields specified have to be alphanumeric as well,
- the number of parameter fields must not exceed 20.
A selection-box clause (SB=..) must NOT be used for
- fields defined as named constants (see CONST clause in DEFINE DATA),
- system variables (e.g. *PROGRAM, *COM),
- multiple-value fields (e.g. #ARRAY(1:10)).
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0481: Multiple usage of a SB= or RB= clause not permitted.

Text Multiple usage of a SB= or RB= clause not permitted.
Expl. You may not define more than one Selection-Box (SB=..) or
Radio-Button (RB=..) clause for an INPUT field.
Actn. Check program and correct error.

NAT0482: Length indicator cannot be referenced in UPDATE or STORE.

Text Length indicator cannot be referenced in UPDATE or STORE.
Expl. A length indicator field may be used to retrieve the length of an Adabas
Long-Alpha or LOB field (LA/LOB) in a read (READ/FIND) operation.
It must not be referenced in a view used in a STORE or UPDATE statement.
2 L@LA-FIELD (I4) <-- Length indicator field
If an LA or LOB field is part of the STORE/UPDATE field list,the
corresponding length field information is automatically added by the
Natural runtime system, based on the current length of the dynamic
variable. To prevent a duplicate length setting for the same
LA/LOB field, length fields are not allowed in the STORE/UPDATE fields.
Actn. LA/LOB field, length fields are not allowed in the STORE/UPDATE fields. Remove length fields from data view used in UPDATE or STORE.

NAT0483: Index missing for sub-/super-descriptor field :1:.

Text Index missing for sub-/super-descriptor field ....
Expl. A sub-/super-descriptor field containing a periodic-group field (or
parts thereof) was specified in a data view without index. This is not
permitted by Adabas for database calls other than HISTOGRAM (L9). With
a HISTOGRAM you cannot read more than a single field. This view
definition consists of multiple fields and thus cannot be used for a
HISTOGRAM. Furthermore, due to the missing index, it cannot be used for
other database calls.
What to do?
1. Reduce the number of view fields to only the sub-/super-descriptor
- without index to make the view usable for HISTOGRAM only;
- with an index to make the view usable for all browsing statements.
2. If multiple fields are defined in the view, supply an index or
index-range for the sub-/super-descriptor to make it usable for all
database browsing statements other than HISTOGRAM.
Actn. database browsing statements other than HISTOGRAM. See description.

NAT0484: Field structure of view :1: only usable for HISTOGRAM.

Text Field structure of view ... only usable for HISTOGRAM.
Expl. The view referenced is only applicable to a HISTOGRAM statement, as
it consists of only a single sub-/super-descriptor field containing a
periodic-group field (or parts thereof) without an index specification.
This is not permitted by Adabas and will cause Adabas errors when used
with a database statement other than HISTOGRAM.
Actn. Supply index or index-range for the sub-/super-descriptor field,
or use the view only for HISTOGRAM statements.

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