Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  System Functions  —

Natural System Functions for Use in Processing Loops

This document describes those Natural system functions which can be used in a program loop context.

It covers the following topics:

Using System Functions in Processing Loops

The following topics are covered:


Natural system functions may be specified in

that are used within any of the following statement blocks:

that is, for all FIND, READ, HISTOGRAM, SORT or READ WORK FILE processing loops.

If a system function is used within an AT END OF PAGE statement, the corresponding DISPLAY statement must include the GIVE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS clause.

Records rejected by a WHERE clause are not evaluated by a system function.

If system functions are evaluated from database fields which originated from different levels of processing loops initiated with a FIND, READ, HISTOGRAM or SORT statement, the values are always processed according to their position in the loop hierarchy. For example, values for an outer loop will only be processed when new data values have been obtained for that loop.

If system functions are evaluated from user-defined variables, the processing is dependent on the position in the loop hierarchy where the user-defined variable was introduced in reporting mode. If the user-defined variable is defined before any processing loop is initiated, it will be evaluated for system functions in the loop where the AT BREAK, AT END OF DATA or AT END OF PAGE statement is defined. If a user-defined variable is introduced within a processing loop it will be processed the same as a database field from that processing.

For selective referencing of system function evaluation for user-defined variables it is recommended to specify a loop reference with the user-defined variable to indicate in which loop the value is to be processed. The loop reference may be specified as a statement label or source code line number.

Use in SORT GIVE Statement

System functions may also be referenced when they have been evaluated in a GIVE clause of a SORT statement.

For a reference to a system function evaluated with a SORT GIVE statement, the name of the system function must be prefixed with an asterisk (*).

Arithmetic Overflows in AVER, NAVER, SUM or TOTAL

Fields to which the system functions AVER, NAVER, SUM and TOTAL are to be applied must be long enough (either by default or user-specified) to hold any overflow digits. If any arithmetic overflow occurs, an error message will be issued.

Normally, the length is the same as that of the field to which the system function is applied; if this is not long enough, use the NL option of the SORT GIVE statement to increase the output length as follows:


This will not only increase the output length but also causes the field to be made longer internally.

Statement Referencing (r)

Statement referencing is also available for system functions (see also Referencing of Database Fields Using (r) Notation in the section User-Defined Variables of the Programming Guide).

By using a statement label or the source-code line number (r) you can determine in which processing loop the system function is to be evaluated for the specified field.

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Format/length: Same as field.

Exception: for a field of format N, AVER(field) will be of format P (with the same length as the field).

This system function contains the average of all values encountered for the field specified with AVER. AVER is updated when the condition under which AVER was requested is true.

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Format/length: P7

COUNT is incremented by 1 on each pass through the processing loop in which it is located. COUNT is incremented regardless of the value of the field specified with COUNT.

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Format/length: Same as field.

This system function contains the maximum value encountered for the field specified with MAX. MAX is updated (if appropriate) each time the processing loop in which it is contained is executed.

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Format/length: Same as field.

This system function contains the minimum value encountered for the field specified with MIN. MIN is updated (if appropriate) each time the processing loop in which it is located is executed.

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Format/length: Same as field.

Exception: for a field of format N, NAVER(field) will be of format P (with the same length as the field).

This system function contains the average of all values - excluding null values - encountered for the field specified with NAVER. NAVER is updated when the condition under which NAVER was requested is true.

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Format/length: P7

NCOUNT is incremented by 1 on each pass through the processing loop in which it is located unless the value of the field specified with NCOUNT is a null value.

Whether the result of NCOUNT is an array or a scalar value depends on its argument (field). The number of the resulting occurrences is the same as of field.

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Format/length: Same as field.

This system function contains the minimum value encountered - excluding null values - for the field specified with NMIN. NMIN is updated (if appropriate) each time the processing loop in which it is located is executed.

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Format/length: Same as field.

This system function contains the value which the field specified with OLD contained prior to a control break as specified in an AT BREAK condition, or prior to the end-of-page or end-of-data condition.

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Format/length: Same as field.

Exception: for a field of format N, SUM(field) will be of format P (with the same length as the field).

This system function contains the sum of all values encountered for the field specified with SUM. SUM is updated each time the loop in which it is located is executed. When SUM is used following an AT BREAK condition, it is reset after each value break. Only values that occur between breaks are added.

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Format/length: Same as field.

Exception: for a field of format N, TOTAL(field) will be of format P (with the same length as the field).

This system function contains the sum of all values encountered for the field specified with TOTAL in all open processing loops in which TOTAL is located.

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The following examples are provided below:

Example 1 - AT BREAK Statement with Natural System Functions OLD, MIN, AVER, MAX, SUM, COUNT

** Example 'ATBEX3': AT BREAK  (with Natural system functions)          
DEFINE DATA LOCAL                                                       
1 EMPLOY-VIEW VIEW OF EMPLOYEES                                         
  2 NAME                                                                
  2 CITY                                                                
  2 SALARY    (1)                                                       
  2 CURR-CODE (1)                                                       
LIMIT 3                                                                 
  AT BREAK OF CITY                                                      
    WRITE /  OLD(CITY) (EM=X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X)               
      31T '   MINIMUM:' MIN(SALARY(1))  CURR-CODE(1) /                  
      31T '   AVERAGE:' AVER(SALARY(1)) CURR-CODE(1) /                  
      31T '   MAXIMUM:' MAX(SALARY(1))  CURR-CODE(1) /                  
      31T '       SUM:' SUM(SALARY(1))  CURR-CODE(1) /
      35T COUNT(SALARY(1)) 'RECORDS FOUND' /          
  AT END OF DATA                                      
    WRITE 22T 'TOTAL (ALL RECORDS):'                  
              T*SALARY TOTAL(SALARY(1))  CURR-CODE(1) 

Output of program ATBEX3:

        CITY                 NAME           SALARY   CURRENCY
-------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------
SALT LAKE CITY       ANDERSON                  50000 USD     
SALT LAKE CITY       SAMUELSON                 24000 USD     
S A L T   L A K E   C I T Y      MINIMUM:      24000 USD     
                                 AVERAGE:      37000 USD     
                                 MAXIMUM:      50000 USD     
                                     SUM:      74000 USD     
                                         2 RECORDS FOUND     
SAN DIEGO            GEE                       60000 USD     
S A N   D I E G O                MINIMUM:      60000 USD     
                                 AVERAGE:      60000 USD     
                                 MAXIMUM:      60000 USD     
                                     SUM:      60000 USD     
                                         1 RECORDS FOUND     
                     TOTAL (ALL RECORDS):     134000 USD 

Example 2 - AT BREAK Statement with Natural System Function AVER

** Example 'ATBEX4': AT BREAK  (with Natural system functions)          
DEFINE DATA LOCAL                                                       
1 EMPLOY-VIEW VIEW OF EMPLOYEES                                         
  2 NAME                                                                
  2 CITY                                                                
  2 SALARY    (2)                                                       
1 #INC-SALARY (P11)                                                     
LIMIT 4                                                                 
  COMPUTE #INC-SALARY = SALARY (1) + SALARY (2)                         
  SKIP 1                                                                
  AT BREAK CITY                                                         
    WRITE NOTITLE                                                       
      'AVERAGE:'            T*SALARY (1)  AVER(SALARY(1)) /       

Output of program ATBEX4:

NAME                 CITY           ANNUAL    CUMULATIVE 
-------------------- -------------------- ---------- ------------
HAMMOND              ALBUQUERQUE               22000        42200
ROLLING              ALBUQUERQUE               34000        65200
FREEMAN              ALBUQUERQUE               34000        65200
LINCOLN              ALBUQUERQUE               41000        78700
AVERAGE:                                       32750             
AVERAGE CUMULATIVE:                                         62825

Example 3 - AT END OF DATA Statement with System Functions MAX, MIN, AVER

** Example 'AEDEX1S': AT END OF DATA                                    
DEFINE DATA LOCAL                                                       
1 EMPLOY-VIEW VIEW OF EMPLOYEES                                         
  2 PERSONNEL-ID                                                        
  2 NAME                                                                
  2 FIRST-NAME                                                          
  2 SALARY    (1)                                                       
  2 CURR-CODE (1)                                                       
LIMIT 5                                                                 
EMP. FIND EMPLOY-VIEW WITH CITY = 'STUTTGART'                           
  IF NO RECORDS FOUND                                                   
  DISPLAY PERSONNEL-ID NAME FIRST-NAME                                  
          SALARY (1) CURR-CODE (1)                                      
  AT END OF DATA                                               
    IF *COUNTER (EMP.) = 0                                     
      WRITE 'NO RECORDS FOUND'                                 
      ESCAPE BOTTOM                                            
    WRITE NOTITLE / 'SALARY STATISTICS:'                       
                  / 7X 'MAXIMUM:' MAX(SALARY(1))  CURR-CODE (1)
                  / 7X 'MINIMUM:' MIN(SALARY(1))  CURR-CODE (1)
                  / 7X 'AVERAGE:' AVER(SALARY(1)) CURR-CODE (1)

Output of program AEDEX1S:

   ID                                                 SALARY     CODE  
--------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------
11100328  BERGHAUS             ROSE                      70800 DM      
11100329  BARTHEL              PETER                     42000 DM      
11300313  AECKERLE             SUSANNE                   55200 DM      
11300316  KANTE                GABRIELE                  61200 DM      
11500304  KLUGE                ELKE                      49200 DM      
SALARY STATISTICS:                                                     
       MAXIMUM:      70800 DM                                          
       MINIMUM:      42000 DM                                          
       AVERAGE:      55680 DM                                         

Example 4 - AT END OF PAGE Statement with System Function AVER

** Example 'AEPEX1S': AT END OF PAGE (structured mode)                  
DEFINE DATA LOCAL                                                       
1 EMPLOY-VIEW VIEW OF EMPLOYEES                                         
  2 PERSONNEL-ID                                                        
  2 NAME                                                                
  2 JOB-TITLE                                                           
  2 SALARY    (1)                                                       
  2 CURR-CODE (1)                                                       
FORMAT PS=10                                                            
LIMIT 10                                                                
READ EMPLOY-VIEW BY PERSONNEL-ID FROM '20017000'                        
  DISPLAY NOTITLE GIVE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS                                 
          NAME JOB-TITLE 'SALARY' SALARY(1) CURR-CODE (1)               
  AT END OF PAGE                                                        

Output of program AEPEX1S:

        NAME                  CURRENT            SALARY   CURRENCY
                             POSITION                       CODE  
-------------------- ------------------------- ---------- --------
CREMER               ANALYST                        34000 USD     
MARKUSH              TRAINEE                        22000 USD     
GEE                  MANAGER                        39500 USD     
KUNEY                DBA                            40200 USD     
NEEDHAM              PROGRAMMER                     32500 USD     
JACKSON              PROGRAMMER                     33000 USD     
                           AVERAGE SALARY: ...      33533 USD

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