Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Editors  —

Table Attributes Subwindow

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For context-sensitive help on attribute entries, select the entry so it has the focus, and press F1.

Entry in Attrib. Subwindow Represents
Name Handle name of the table (may be overwritten with another name).
Font Output field where the font currently selected is displayed.
... Dialog box for selecting fonts.
Header font Output field where the font currently selected for the table header is displayed.
... Dialog box for selecting fonts.
DIL text DIL-TEXT attribute value (string).
... Dialog box for determining sources of DIL-TEXT attribute values.
Context Menu CONTEXT-MENU attribute value. Specifies the context menu (if any) associated with the control.
Rectangle: The following four attributes decide the table's x and y axis position, its height and its width on the screen.

X - RECTANGLE-X attribute value.
Y - RECTANGLE-Y attribute value.
W - RECTANGLE-W attribute value.
H - RECTANGLE-H attribute value.

Row count ROW-COUNT attribute value.
Row height ROW-HEIGHT attribute value.
Header height HEADER-HEIGHT attribute value.
Width 1st col. FIRST-COLUMN-WIDTH attribute value.
Frozen cols. FIRST-COLUMN-WIDTH attribute value.
Help ID HELP-ID attribute value. You must use the help topic's .h file to map the numerical ID that you enter here to the corresponding help topic ID (created by a markup in the .hlp file).
First visible col. FIRST-VISIBLE-COLUMN attribute value.
First visible row FIRST-VISIBLE-ROW attribute value.
Columns header STYLE attribute value: buttons with field names are displayed at the top of each column.
Extendable STYLE attribute value: end users can delete and insert rows using DEL and INS.
No lines STYLE attribute value: the table control is displayed without the lines that normally separate the cells.
Resize columns STYLE attribute value: end users may resize the columns horizontally.
Single cell selection STYLE attribute value: if set, end users may only select single cells. If not set, end users may select ranges of cells.
Resize rows STYLE attribute value: end users may resize the rows vertically.
Whole row selection STYLE attribute value: selecting an individual cell sets the selection to the entire row.
Draggable columns STYLE attribute value: if set, end users may drag the columns.
Integral height STYLE attribute value: partial rows are not displayed.
Foreground color:  
Selection box FOREGROUND-COLOUR-NAME attribute value.
... Dialog box for editing FOREGROUND-COLOUR-VALUE attribute value.
Background color:  
Selection box BACKGROUND-COLOUR-NAME attribute value.
... Dialog box for editing BACKGROUND-COLOUR-VALUE attribute value.
Visible VISIBLE attribute value.
Enabled ENABLED attribute value.
Modifiable MODIFIABLE attribute value.
RTL RTL attribute value. If this entry is checked, the dialog element direction is right-to-left.
Has first column HAS-FIRST-COLUMN attribute value.
Horizontal scroll bar HORIZ-SCROLLABLE attribute value.
Vertical scroll bar VERT-SCROLLABLE attribute value.
OK Save settings and exit the window.
Cancel Exit the window without saving the settings.
Help Provides online help on the attributes window.

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