Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Dialog Component Reference  —


For list box controls and selection box controls, this attribute determines whether items are inserted into the control in sorted sequence.

For tree view controls, this attribute determines whether items are inserted into the control in ascending alphabetic sequence.

For tree view items, this attribute determines whether the item is inserted into the control in ascending alphabetic sequence. This is therefore only useful if the SORTED attribute is not set for the tree view control itself, and allows tree views to be partially sorted. In this case, the program should ensure that all tree view items with the same PARENT (i.e., sibling items) should have the same SORTED attribute value, as insertion based on sort sequence requires that the existing sibling items are already in sorted sequence.

For list view controls, this attribute determines whether items are inserted into the control in alphabetic sequence. If so, the value of the DESCENDING attribute determines whether the items are inserted in ascending or descending sequence.

For list view columns, this attribute may only be queried, and returns TRUE if the column is sorted (i.e., if the header, if any, contains a sort indicator). This does not necessarily imply that the column's values are still in sorted sequence, however, because changes could have been made to the column items or their values since the column sort was performed. The DESCENDING attribute determines whether an ascending or descending sort was performed on the column (i.e., the direction of the sort indicator, if any).

For more information, please refer to the articles Working with List View Controls and Working with Tree View Controls.

Applies to List box control, list view column, list view control, selection box control, tree view control, tree view item.
Default Value FALSE
Possible Values TRUE / FALSE

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