Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Dialog Component Reference  —


Used in particular event handlers for list view and tree view controls in order to determine the item that caused the event to be raised.

The following table indicates the events for which this attribute is set:

Event Interpretation
Activate Event Item being activated, or NULL-HANDLE in the

case of MULTI-SELECTION controls.

After-Edit Event Item whose label has just been edited.
Before-Edit Event Item whose label the user is attempting to edit.
Check Event Item that is being checked or unchecked.
Click Event Item that is being selected or deselected.
Collapse Event Tree view item that is being collapsed.
Expand Event Tree view item that is being expanded.

For more information, please refer to the articles Working with List View Controls and Working with Tree View Controls.

Applies to List view control, tree view control.
Data Type HANDLE
Default Value NULL-HANDLE
Possible Values NULL-HANDLE / handle of list view item or tree view item.

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