Version 6.3.8 for OpenVMS
 —  Web Technology  —

Setting up Specific Generation Options

The generation options are arranged on on two screens and are grouped into data fields and path definition.

The following topics are covered below:

Invoking the Generation Options Setup Screens

Start of instruction set To invoke the first screen of the generation options function

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First Screen

Special characters that are not valid in XML have to be converted into valid names. The following map enables you to change the default conversion settings, if required.

 09:51:35                 *** NATURAL XML Toolkit ***                 2007-01-17
 User DEFAULT                    - Options -                      Library SYSXTK
  Additional fields                                                            
  Counter separator character ............. @                                  
  XML name replacements                                                        
  Namespace separator character ':' with .. $                                  
  Dot sign '.' with ....................... /                                  
  Natural variable name replacements                                           
  Plus sign '+' with ...................... plus_______
  Hash / Number sign '#' with ............. hash_______                        
  Slash sign '/' with ..................... slash______                        
  At sign '@' with ........................ at_________                        
  Paragraph sign '§' with ................. paragraph__                        
  Ampersand sign '&' with ................. ampersand__                        
  Dollar sign '$' with .................... dollar_____                        
       Help        Exit                          Next                    Canc   


Field Descriptions

Counter Separator Character

Belongs to Group: Additional Fields
Format/Length: A1
Default Value: @

Namespace Separator Character ":" WITH:

Belongs to Group: XML Name Replacements
Format/Length: A1
Default Value: $

Dot Sign '.' WITH:

Belongs to Group: XML Name Replacements
Format/Length: A1
Default Value: /

Plus Sign '+' WITH:

Belongs to Group: XML Variable Name Replacements
Format/Length: A11
Default Value: plus

Hash / Number Sign '#' WITH:

Belongs to Group: Natural Variable Name Replacements
Format/Length: A11
Default Value: hash

Slash Sign '/' WITH:

Belongs to Group: Natural Variable Name Replacements
Format/Length: A11
Default Value: slash

At Sign '@' WITH:

Belongs to Group: Natural Variable Name Replacements
Format/Length: A11
Default Value: at

Paragraph Sign '§' WITH:

Belongs to Group: Natural Variable Name Replacements
Format/Length: A11
Default Value: para

Ampersand Sign '&' WITH:

Belongs to Group: Natural Variable Name Replacements
Format/Length: A11
Default Value: amp

Dollar Sign '$' WITH:

Belongs to Group: Natural Variable Name Replacements
Format/Length: A11
Default Value: dollar

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Second Screen

The second map of the Options function serves to define the location of the target or source DTD file used for the conversion.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the second screen of the Generation Options function

  1. On the Main Menu screen, press PF10 Optio(n).

  2. On the first screen, press PF8 Next.

    The second screen of the Options function is displayed. The map fields are described below.

 11:04:10                 *** NATURAL XML Toolkit ***                 2007-01-17
 User DEFAULT                    - Options -                     Library SYSXTK
  External file:                                                               
  Natural library:                                                             
       Help        Exit                    Prev                          Canc   

Field Descriptions

External file

Format/Length: A253
Default Value: (Resource directory of current library)

Natural library

Format/Length: A8
Default Value: (current library)

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Saving Your Options Permanently

All settings made in the Options menu are written to the text member XML-INI.

Whenever a new Natural patch level or service pack is installed, all settings made in the Options menu are overwritten.

In order to keep your settings permanently, you are recommended to save the text member XML-INI to the FUSER before you install a patch level or service pack.

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