Version 6.3.8 for OpenVMS
 —  Tools and Utilities  —

Replacing Characters - ERRCHAR

If your terminal does not display certain characters correctly, it is possible to search for these characters and replace them by new characters of your choice. This is done by executing the program ERRCHAR in the Natural system library SYSERR. However, it is only possible to replace characters in Natural system short messages. When using ERRCHAR, you scan for a specific character and replace the hexadecimal code that represents this character with another hexadecimal code.

After executing the program ERRCHAR, the ERRCHAR menu is displayed with the following functions:

The following input fields are provided in the ERRCHAR menu:

Field Explanation
Message Number The range of messages to be included in the search or search/replace operation.
Language Code The language code of Natural system short messages to be included in the search or search/replace operation.
Scan Value The hexadecimal value to be scanned for.
Replace Value The hexadecimal value to replace all scan values found. Use the function ASCII character table for your terminal to determine which characters your terminal can represent.

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