Text | ISN list not sorted. DB/FNR .../.... Subcode .... |
Expl. |
An ISN list could not be sorted because of either an excessive number of resulting ISNs or a discrepancy between the number of ISNs returned and the actual number of records found (the latter is only possible only if "security by value" is being used). |
Actn. |
Reduce number of ISNs in SORT. |
Text | Not completely executed. DB/FNR/subc/field .../.../.../.... |
Expl. |
The required function has not been executed completely. For an OP command with command option 2 = E or for an RE command, the specified record buffer length was shorter than the length of the ET data read. The record buffer has been truncated. |
Actn. |
Increase the record buffer length or ignore the warning. |
Text | An end-of-file or end-of-list condition detected. DB/FNR .../.... |
Text | S2/S9 issued before minimum time between synchronized checkpoints. |
Expl. |
Either a S2/S9 command was issued before the minimum time between synchronized checkpoints has elapsed, or the minimum number of commands was not issued. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Synchronized checkpoint pending. |
Expl. |
Notification is given that a synchronized checkpoint is about to be taken. |
Actn. |
Issue a valid C2/C3 command. |
Text | Sx command interrupted due to time limit. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
An Sx command has been interrupted because the maximum amount of time permitted has been exceeded. |
Actn. |
Contact your database administrator. |
Text | Command interrupted to prevent WORK overflow. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
The command was interrupted to prevent a WORK overflow because of a pending backout operation. |
Actn. |
The value specified for the LP parameter might have to be increased. |
Text | Last transaction backed out of database .... Subcode .... |
Expl. |
This response is caused by one of the following: - The last user transaction has been backed out by Adabas (ET logic users only) or an exclusive control user (non-ET user) or an access-only user exceeded the non-activity time limit; - The nucleus was abnormally terminated and the user issued a command; - The protection log area was too small and an internal BT was executed. The ADDITIONS 2 field in the CB contains additional information: Transaction timeout : 0 - TT Security : 5 - SE Non-activity timeout: 1 - TN Hold queue deadlock : 6 - DL STOP user : 2 - ST Read consistency : 7 - RC LP overflow : 3 - LP OP during transaction : 8 - OP AUTO-RESTART : 4 - AR Open required for user: 9 - OR |
Actn. |
AUTO-RESTART : 4 - AR Open required for user: 9 - OR
Check the appropriate reason. |
Text | Too many occurrences for periodic group. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
Too many occurrences for a periodic group. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Invalid file number. DB/FNR .../.... Subcode .... |
Expl. |
The file number was invalid. Possible causes are: - The file number was either 0 or greater than 255. - The file was not in the database. - The file was locked. - A required Adabas system file was not loaded. |
Actn. |
Make sure that you use the correct file number. |
Text | Incorrect usage of file number. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
The file number was modified between successive L2/L5 calls. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Update not permitted for access-only file. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
An attempt was made to update a file which was opened for access only. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Incorrect entry made for a CID value. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
One of the following incorrect entries was used for a CID value: - X"00000000" - X"40404040" - X"FFxxxxxx" |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | An invalid CID value was detected. DB/FNR .../.... Subcode .... |
Expl. |
A time-out occurred because a command ID was not found. This program error can be caused by: - CMD ID being assigned to another Ln command (n = 1,...9); - CMD ID being assigned to another file; - CMD ID not found for an S8 command. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Invalid command. DB/FNR .../.... Subcode .... Command .... |
Expl. |
The command entered was invalid: - invalid command code; - access-only user attempted to issue update command; - non-ET-logic user issued BT command; - CLU user issued ET command. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Invalid starting ISN specified. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
The starting ISN specified for an L2/L5 command sequence was invalid: - the ISN is not assigned to a record in the file; - the ISN was larger than the MAXISN in effect for the file. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Invalid ISN found in ISN buffer. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
An ISN = 0 or => the first free ISN or ISN > 16777216 was found in the ISN buffer. |
Actn. |
Correct the ISN buffer. |
Text | ISN in ISN lower limit for S1/S4 not found. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
The ISN specified in ISN Lower Limit for an S1/S4 (or S2/S9) command was not found. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Invalid ISN buffer length for S9 command. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
Either the number of ISNs to be sorted as provided in ISN Quantity was 0, or an incorrect SVC number was specified in the link routine. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Search/value buffer overflow. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
There was not enough work space available to accommodate the combined sizes of the search and value buffers as indicated in the Search Buffer Length and Value Buffer Length fields. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Incorrect descriptor. DB/FNR .../.... Subcode .... |
Expl. |
Descriptor was invalid for an L3/L6 or S2/S9 command: - The field was not a descriptor. - The descriptor was changed between successive calls. - The descriptor is contained within a periodic group. - The ADDITIONS1 field contained a different descriptor than the descriptor contained in the search buffer. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Incorrect value repositioning attempted. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
A value repositioning was attempted with an L3/L6 command (bytes 7-8 of the Additions 1 field contain spaces) and the Command Option 2 field did not contain the value "V". The command ID is released. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | The record does not meet ADASTAR distribution criteria. |
Actn. |
Correct error in program, or contact your database administrator. |
Text | The ADASTAR NETTAB table does not contain the logical ID. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error, or contact your database administrator. |
Text | ADASTAR has passed the command to the physical node. |
Actn. |
No action required. |
Text | Syntax error detected in format buffer. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
The syntax error may be one of the following: - The terminating period was missing. - The first position contains a period. - Length and/or format was specified with a range definition. - An invalid element was detected. - The L9 descriptor name in the search buffer did not agree with the name in the format buffer. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Error in format buffer. DB/FNR/subc/field .../.../.../.... |
Expl. |
This error may be caused by one or more of the following: - A phonetic descriptor was specified. - A field was specified incorrectly. - An index for a periodic group or multiple-value field was specified incorrectly. - A periodic group was referenced incorrectly. - A count was specified for a field which is not a multiple-value field. - A multiple-value field was indexed incorrectly. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | Internal format buffer too small. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
The internal format buffer is too small to generate a format according to the user format buffer definition. |
Actn. |
Increase size of Adabas parameter LFP. |
Text | Descriptor in format and search buffer not equal. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
The descriptor specified in the format buffer did not agree with the descriptor specified in the search buffer. |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | The format buffer was invalid. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
The format buffer was invalid for use with an update command (A1/A4) or an add command (N1/N2). |
Actn. |
Check program and correct error. |
Text | PE/MU overflowed when using N-option for update. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
Multiple-value field or periodic group overflowed when using the N option for update. |
Text | Mismatch of format buffer usage for supplied CID. DB/FNR .../.... |
Expl. |
Mismatch of format buffer usage for the supplied command ID. - A test option user has supplied a different format buffer than that of the previous Adabas call. - A non-test option user, using global command IDs, may receive this response when a test option user has supplied an incorrect format buffer for the global command ID. - A command ID of global ID format buffer has been found in the format pool and has a different file number than the file supplied by the caller.; - The file number was changed in subsequent Adabas calls with the same normal or global command ID, independent of the test option. |
Actn. |
Check the usage of the command IDs. |
Text | Maximum value for Adabas parm NISNHQ exceeded. DB/FNR .../.... |
Actn. |
Contact your database administrator. |
Text | File / USERID not available at open time. DB/Subcode .../.... |
Expl. |
OP command : - The requested usage of one or more files conflicts with the current usage of a file by another user or Adabas utility. - The USERID provided during the OP command was already assigned to another user. - A previously executed Natural session stopped abnormally without closing the database. The USERID still exists in the user queue of Adabas. |
Actn. |
The DBA should check for USERID in Adabas user queue and remove it, if a previously executed Natural session stopped abnormally. |
Text | Compressed record too long. DB/FNR .../.... Subcode .... |
Expl. |
The compressed record was too long for the protection area (WORK) or the data storage disk device. |
Actn. |
Review possible record sizes of the file concerned. |
Text | A syntax error in the record buffer was detected. DB .... |
Expl. |
A syntax error in the record buffer was detected during processing of an OP command. |
Actn. |
Correct the record buffer by changing the OPRB parameter. |