Text | If gen. FB = "Y", DSECT = "N" and DS/DC = "DC" must entered. |
Expl. |
If a format buffer should be generated, then DSECT="N" must be declared and the DS/DC option must set to "DC". |
Actn. |
Enter "N" for DSECT option and "DC" for "DS/DC" option. |
Text | Format buffer only for file-type "A" or "U". |
Expl. |
Format buffers can only be generated for Adabas files or Userviews. |
Actn. |
Enter "N" for format buffer. |
Text | File not found. |
Expl. |
To generate copy code, a valid file name must be entered. |
Actn. |
Enter a valid file name. |
Text | Key not allowed for VSAM "RRDS" files. |
Expl. |
The specification of a descriptor type for a VSAM "RRDS" file is not allowed. |
Actn. |
Use another file organization or delete the specified key. |
Text | Date is invalid. |
Expl. |
The entered date has wrong format or values. The date must be specified in the following format : JJ-MM-DD. |
Actn. |
Enter a valid date. |
Text | Enter "DS" or "DC". |
Expl. |
In the assembler generation, either the "DC" or the "DS" statements are used to define storage. Select the desired statement. |
Actn. |
Enter "DS" or "DC". |
Text | Enter "Y" or "N". |
Expl. |
Only "Y" or "N" allowed for this Input-field. |
Actn. |
Correct error. |
Text | Generated code saved. |
Expl. |
The generated code has been saved as member in the specified library. |
Text | Code generated in source area. |
Expl. |
The generated code is stored in the source area for further editing. The GENERATION function terminates successfully. |
Text | Generation terminated abnormally. |
Expl. |
An error occurred during the generation either of COBOL copy code, of PL/1 include code, of assembler copy code, or of Data Definition Modules. The error has been displayed on the screen preceding this message. |
Actn. |
Correct the error and restart the generation. |
Text | Duplicate names found. |
Expl. |
Duplicate names were found during generation of copy code. For example, field names are truncated when they are too long. |
Actn. |
Correct field names in the file. |
Text | Copycode generation for conceptual and standard files impossible. |
Expl. |
An attempt was made to generate copy code for a conceptual or a standard file. This is not possible since copy code can be generated only for real file types, i.e., Adabas files, Userviews, VSAM, etc. |
Actn. |
Do not generate copy code for conceptual or standard files. |
Text | Level increment is a number from 1 to 40. |
Expl. |
The specified level increment must be in the value range 1 thru 40. |
Actn. |
Correct the value of the level increment. |
Text | Start level is a number from 1 to 40. |
Expl. |
Enter a start level greater than zero. |
Text | More than one primary key found. |
Expl. |
Only one element can be specified as primary key. |
Actn. |
Modify the primary key definition. |
Text | No primary key found. |
Expl. |
One primary key must defined for this VSAM file. |
Actn. |
Specify one primary key. |
Text | Generated code replaced. |
Expl. |
At generation time Predict checks whether the target library / member where the generated code is to be stored, exists or not. As you told Predict to replace the old code by the recently generated one and Predict found an old code, it has been replaced. |
Text | No files need to be regenerated. |
Expl. |
No file modified after generation. |
Text | Format may not be alpha for counter field. |
Expl. |
A counter field is a numeric field. The format must be "N", "P", "U", "B" or "I". |
Actn. |
Change the format to numeric. |
Text | Input file is not an USER VIEW or SEQ. file. |
Expl. |
In Adabas V5.1 the input data of the ADACMP utility can be described as USER VIEW of the Adabas file or as file of type "S" (sequentiell). |
Actn. |
Enter correct file name. |
Text | DDM already exists. |
Expl. |
This message is a warning. It has been issued because REPLACE option = "N" has been entered and an older Data Definition Module was found. The existing DDM has not been replaced. |
Actn. |
Enter REPLACE option = "Y". |
Text | No keys allowed for "PE" or "MU". |
Expl. |
No key definition for periodic groups and multiple fields in vsam files are allowed. |
Actn. |
Enter blank in the key field. |
Text | Field is not connected to a standard file. |
Expl. |
If you mark a field as non-standard and the field is not connected to a standard file this message will be sent. |
Actn. |
Delete the non-standard flag. |
Text | Database number invalid. |
Expl. |
The Adabas database number must not exceed 254. Database number 255 are reserved for internal use. In Natural V1.2 the database number 254 is reserved for the VSAM database. |
Actn. |
Enter a valid database number. |
Text | File number (FNR) invalid. |
Expl. |
Adabas supports only 255 different files. |
Actn. |
Enter a number less than 256. |
Text | Primary sequence field not in file. |
Expl. |
The primary sequence field specifies the default descriptor with which the file should be read. This field must belong to the file. |
Actn. |
Correct the primary sequence field. |
Text | Target database not active. |
Expl. |
The target database must be active if Data Definition Modules are generated for it. |
Actn. |
Initiate the target database. |
Text | Input file is not a USER VIEW of the Adabas file. |
Expl. |
In Adabas V5.1 the input data of the ADACMP utility can be described as corresponding USER VIEW of the entered Adabas file. |
Actn. |
Enter correct INPUT File ID or define input data as USER VIEW of the Adabas file or as sequentiell file. |
Text | File ID must be entered. |
Expl. |
The File ID is a mandatory parameter for this function. |
Actn. |
Enter a valid File ID. |
Text | Database has no number. |
Expl. |
At GENERATION DDM from a file, the specified database-id must have a number, because the DDM depends on the database number. If no database-id is entered, database number 0 is set in the DDM. In this case the database number will be taken at runtime out of the parameter facilities (ADAPARM module, dynam. Natural parameter,..). |
Actn. |
Enter a database with a valid number or set database-id to BLANK. |
Text | Primary sequence field is not a descriptor. |
Expl. |
The primary sequence field defines the default descriptor by which the file should be read. If the primary sequence field is not a descriptor, no valid READ statement results for the default. The Data Definition Module was not generated for this reason. |
Actn. |
Enter a valid primary sequence field, i.e., a descriptor. |
Text | An Adabas error occurred. |
Expl. |
The listed Adabas response code occurred. |
Actn. |
See the DBA. |
Text | Enter program name or "*". |
Expl. |
If you want to delete the xref data of a program you have to specify the program name or "*". The asterisk should be entered if preprocessor abends data should be deleted. |
Actn. |
Enter program name or "*". |
Text | Missing command. |
Expl. |
The conversion for Predict Version 1 data to Predict Version 2 data was invoked in batch mode. As no command was supplied the command processor isssues this message. |
Actn. |
Restart the batch session and supply some valid commands. |
Text | The DDM to be incorporated is not a VSAM DDM. |
Expl. |
You have tried to incorporate a DDM which is not of type VSAM. |
Actn. |
Check type of DDM. |
Text | File is not security protected. |
Expl. |
The file is not security protected. Therefore, no security definitions can be generated. |
Actn. |
Do not generate security definitions for unprotected files. |
Text | Source field for sub-/super-descriptor not in DDM. |
Expl. |
The field specified in the sub-/super-descriptor definition is not defined as field in the DDM. The sub-/super-descriptor is only allowed to refer fields defined in the DDM. |
Actn. |
Check source field names of the sub-/super-descriptor. |
Text | File is of wrong type. |
Expl. |
Data Definition Modules can only be generated for Adabas files and Userviews of the Adabas file or VSAM files and their Userviews. |
Actn. |
(only files of type "A","U","V","R","L" or "W" allowed) Enter a valid file. |
Text | Max. 90 sub-/super-descriptors can be incorporated. |
Expl. |
The incorporated VSAM DDM contains more than 90 sub-/super-descriptors. Only 90 descriptors can be incorporated. |
Text | File is not an Adabas file. |
Expl. |
The generation of ADAWAN/ADACMP or Adabas security definitions can only be executed for Adabas files. |
Actn. |
Check file type. |
Text | Only F, FB, V, VB, U or blank allowed. |
Expl. |
The RECORD FORMAT at GENERATION ADAWAN/ADACMP definitions must be: F---fixed FB--fixed blocked V---variable VB--variable blocked U---unblocked " "--not specified |
Actn. |
Correct error. |
Text | Duplicate file record found. |
Expl. |
Predict does not allow duplicate names within the same object types This message is issued, if such an inconsistency is encountered. The duplicate records are deleted by the MIGRATE utility during the unload file process. |
Actn. |
Unload and load your file by the MIGRATE utility. |
Text | Security definition already exists. |
Expl. |
If you want to generate a DDM for which a security definition exists this message will be sent. |
Actn. |
Change security definiton if necessary. |
Text | Cipher-code must be entered. |
Expl. |
The data should be loaded into the database in ciphered form. |
Actn. |
Enter cipher-code or contact your DBA. |
Text | The specified objects have been unloaded successfully. |
Expl. |
The objects have been unloaded successfully to work file 1. |
Text | No object was found. |
Expl. |
To perform an unload or a load, an Object ID and an object type must be entered. No objects that meet the conditions were found. |
Text | Cipher-code is not allowed. |
Expl. |
The data should not be laoded into the database in ciphered form. |
Actn. |
Reset cipher-code or contact your DBA. |
Text | Field length in VSAM file different to field length user view. |
Expl. |
Generally no format overwrite is allowed when using VSAM files. However, you may define an alphanumeric field in a user view which is shorter than the original field, but never a longer one. Numeric fields must have the same attributes as the master field. |
Actn. |
Correct error. |
Text | Format defined in VSAM file is of a different type. |
Expl. |
When defining a VSAM user view the format of the field can"t be changed, it has to be the same as the format of the field in the master file. |
Actn. |
Do not change the format of a field in a user view of a VSAM file. |
Text | No ".I", ".W" between X and Y marks. |
Expl. |
This message is issued, if you are trying to misuse the line commands ".I" or ".W" and ".MX-Y" or ".CX-Y". You may not copy or move the lines between the X and Y mark and try to insert some lines between these two marks at the same time. |
Actn. |
Do not try to insert lines between the lines you want to copy or move. |