Version 6.3.8 for OpenVMS
 —  Installation  —

General Information for Starting the Daemons

This document applies to the Natural Development Server daemon and the Natural Web I/O Interface daemon. It covers the following topics:

For information on the Natural Web I/O Interface daemon, see Installing and Configuring the Natural Web I/O Interface Server in the Natural Web I/O Interface documentation.


The account from which a daemon is started requires the IMPERSONATE privilege.

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The following SYSUAF limits need to be adapted for the account from which the daemon is started.

Name Default Value Description
FILLM 128 The open file limit is the maximum number of files that can be open at one time, including active network logical links.
BIOLM 150 The buffered I/O count limit is the maximum number of buffered I/O operations.
DIOLM 150 The direct I/O count limit is the maximum number of direct I/O operations (usually disk) that can be outstanding at one time.
BYTLM 128000 The buffered I/O byte limit is the maximum number of bytes of non-paged system dynamic memory that a user's job can consume at one time.

The sizes of FILLM, BIOLM, BYTLM and PRCLM depend on the number of started sessions. Make sure to increase these values so that they meet your requirements.

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After the installation of Natural, the command procedure STARTUP_DAEMONS.COM can be found in the directory SAG$ROOT:[NATURAL].

This command procedure ensures that a daemon is started in the correct account during the startup of a machine. To use the command procedure, you have to adapt the following lines to your requirements:

$  l_user     = "SAG"
$  l_ndv_para = """START"""
$  l_nwo_para = """2800"""
Variable Description
l_user The name of the account under which the daemons are to run.

You can specify all start parameters that are valid for the Natural Development Server daemon. These parameters are described in the Natural Development Server for OpenVMS documentation.


$  l_ndv_para = """-port=1234","parm=test"""

Instead of the above parameters, you can also specify START. In this case, the values defined in START_NATDVSRV.COM are used.

l_nwo_para The port number for the Natural Web I/O Interface daemon.

When you have adapted all required lines, you have to copy the command procedure STARTUP_DAEMONS.COM to SYS$STARTUP.

Using the following command, you can add the command procedure STARTUP_DAEMONS.COM to the startup database:

$mcr sysman startup file /mode=direct /phase=end STARTUP_DAEMONS.COM /parameter=P1:<parameter-value>

<parameter-value> defines the daemon(s) to be started. It can be one of the following:

Parameter Value Description
NDV Starts only the daemon for the Natural Development Server.
NWO Starts only the daemon for the Natural Web I/O Interface server.
ALL Starts all of the above daemons.

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