Version 6.3.8 for UNIX
 —  Web Technology  —

Using an external Data Source

This function enables you to parse an XML document into a Natural variable defined in a local, global or parameter data area.

The following topics are covered:

See also:

Generate from Document Type Definition

This screen is used to select a Document Type Definition/Tamino Schema as input Document Type.

The field entries shown in the screens below are default or example values.

 12:30:09               ***** NATURAL XML Toolkit *****               2007-01-19
                - Generate from Document Type Definition -        Library SYSXTK
  Select Document Type Definition/Tamino Schema as input Document Type.        
  Press 'Next' to read the Document Type.                                      
  Select a root element or Tamino Document Type that should be used            
  for further generations.                                                     
  Select DTD/Tamino Schema for generation:                                     
       Help        Exit                          Next                    Canc   

Field Descriptions

Input File

Format/Length: A253

Use Tamino 2.1.x Schema instead of DTD.

Press PF8 Next to continue.

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Select Root Element

This screen is used to select an element that should be the root of your XML document.

 12:42:17                 *** NATURAL XML Toolkit ***               2007-01-19
                            - Select Root Element -             Library SYSXTK
  X EMPLOYEE                                                                  
  _ FULL-NAME                                                                 
  _ FIRST-NAME                                                                
  _ NAME                                                                      
  _ FULL-ADDRESS                                                              
  _ ADDRESS-LINE                                                              
  _ CITY                                                                      
  _ ZIP                                                                       
  _ COUNTRY                                                                   
  _ TELEPHONE                                                                 
  _ AREA-CODE                                                                 
  _ PHONE                                                                     
  _ JOB-TITLE                                                                 
  _ INCOME                                                                    
  _ SALARY                                                                    


Field Descriptions

Root Element (for DTDs)

Default Value: (All Elements)

Mark the desired element, e.g. EMPLOYEE, with an X and press ENTER.

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Generate Natural Data Area

This screen is used to generate a Natural Data Area with definition of a group that represents the XML document.

 13:25:40               ***** NATURAL XML Toolkit *****               2007-01-19
                - Generate from Document Type Definition -        Library SYSXTK
  Generate Data Area with definition of a group that represents                
  the XML document.                                                            
  Specify a Name and Press 'Next' to start the generation.                     
  Press 'Next' to ignore this generation.                                      
  Select output LDA/GDA/PDA                                                    
  Library:  Type: Name:                                                        
  SYSXTK_  L     A3______                                                     
 Generate Data Area.                                                           
       Help        Exit                    Prev  Next                    Canc   

Field Descriptions


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A8
Default Value: (All libraries)


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A21
Default Value: L - Local Data Area


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A8
Default Value: (All objects of the selected library and type)

Press PF8 Next to continue.

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Serialize into XML Document

This screen is used to generate copycode as implementation for the serialization of the given group into an XML document.

 13:10:40               ***** NATURAL XML Toolkit *****               2007-01-19
                  - Generate from Natural Data Structure -        Library SYSXTK
  Generate Copycode as implemention for the serialization of the given         
  group into a XML document.                                                   
  Specify a Name and Press 'Next' to start the generation.                     
  Press 'Next' to ignore this generation.                                      
  Select output for Serialize Copycode                                         
  Library:  Type: Name:                                                        
  SYSXTK_  C     A2______                                                     
 Parse Copycode generation done.                                               
       Help        Exit                    Prev  Next                    Canc   

See also Serialize Copycode (in the Examples document).

Field Descriptions


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A8
Default Value: (All libraries)


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A21
Default Value: Copycode


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A8
Default Value: (All objects of the selected library and type)

Press PF8 Next to continue.

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Generate Copycode

This screen is used to generate copycode as implementation for the XML Parser Callback for the given group.

 13:02:32               ***** NATURAL XML Toolkit *****               2007-01-19
                - Generate from Document Type Definition -        Library SYSXTK
  Generate Copycode as implemention for the XML Parser Callback for the        
  given group.                                                                 
  Specify a Name and Press 'Next' to start the generation.                     
  Press 'Next' to ignore this generation.                                      
  Select output for Parse Copycode:                                            
  Library:  Type: Name:                                                        
  SYSXTK   C                                                                  
 Read DTD/Tamino Schema done.                                                  
       Help        Exit                    Prev  Next                    Canc

Generates the parser CALLBACK copycode. See also Parser CALLBACK Copycode (in the Examples document).

Field Descriptions


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A8
Default Value: (All libraries)


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A1
Default Value: Copycode


Belongs to Group: Select Output Copycode
Format/Length: A8
Default Value: (All objects of the selected library and type)

Press PF8 Next to continue.

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Show Generation Results

After the generation is complete, the generation results summary is displayed.

 13:51:11               ***** NATURAL XML Toolkit *****               2007-01-19
                - Generate from Document Type Definition -        Library SYSXTK
  Generation Results                                                           
  Generate for DTD/ino schema                                                  
    File .....: /nat_64/proj/natc/63/samples/sysxtk/empl.dtd                 
    Read DTD/Tamino Schema done.                                               
  Parser (Callback) Copycode                                                   
    Library ..: SYSXTK                                                        
    Source ...: A1                                                             
    Parse Copycode generation done.                                            
  Serialize (Compress XML) Copycode                                            
    Library ..: SYSXTK                                                        
    Source ...: A2                                                             
    Serialize Copycode generation done.                                        
  Data Area                                                                    
    Library ..: SYSXTK                                                        
    Source ...: A3                                                             
    Data Area Generation done.                                                 
 Generation done.                                                              
       Help        Exit                    Prev        Finis             Canc   

Field Descriptions


Format/Length: A253/1:v

Press PF9 Finis(h) to end the generation process.

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