Version 6.3.8 for UNIX
 —  Tools and Utilities  —

Commands for Navigation and Special Functions

The Object Handler commands in CUI (character user interface) environments are mainly provided for navigation purpose and special function settings such as specifying trace files.

An Object Handler command is entered in the Command line of any Object Handler screen. If you want to execute a Natural system command from an Object Handler screen, enter two slashes (//) before the command. Note that any Natural system command terminates the Object Handler.

Start of instruction set To invoke the Commands menu of the Object Handler

The Object Handler commands are listed below. An underlined portion of a keyword represents an acceptable abbreviation, Sub denotes subcommand.

Command Sub 1 Sub 2 Explanation
CANCEL     Cancels the current function and displays the Object Handler Main Menu.
CHANGE WORKPLAN LIBRARY Invokes the administration function and displays a screen where you can change the Workplan library.
CLEAR     Resets the current contents of the input fields in the map to the default values.



    Invokes the Commands screen.
BYE     Terminates the Object Handler.
FIN     Terminates the Object Handler and ends the Natural session.
GO HOME   Displays the Object Handler Main Menu.
GO UNLOAD   Invokes the unload function.
GO UNLOAD END Ends the current unload function.
ERROR Invokes the unload function for Natural system error messages.
EXTERNAL Invokes the unload function for external objects.
FDT Invokes the unload function for FDTs.
LIBRARY Invokes the unload function for Natural library objects.
NCP Invokes the unload function for Natural command processor sources.
RELATED Invokes the unload function for Natural-related objects.



Displays a screen where you can enter or select the SELECTION or LIST Workplan to be used for the unload function.
GO LOAD   Invokes the load function.
GO LOAD ALL Invokes the load function for all objects contained in the work file.
END Ends the current load function.
ERROR Invokes the load function for Natural system error messages.
EXTERNAL Invokes the load function for external objects.
FDT Invokes the load function for FDTs.
LIBRARY Invokes the load function for Natural library objects.
NCP Invokes the load function for Natural command processor sources.
RELATED Invokes the load function for Natural-related objects.



Displays a screen where you can enter or select the SELECTION or LIST Workplan to be used for the load function.
GO RESTART   Displays a screen where you can specify the file to be used for the restart load function.
GO SCAN   Invokes the scan function.
GO SCAN ALL Invokes the scan function for all objects contained in the work file.
END Ends the current scan function.
ERROR Invokes the scan function for Natural system error messages.
EXTERNAL Invokes the scan function for external objects.
FDT Invokes the scan function for FDTs.
LIBRARY Invokes the scan function for Natural library objects.
NCP Invokes the scan function for Natural command processor sources.
RELATED Invokes the scan function for Natural-related objects.



Displays a screen where you can enter or select the SELECTION or LIST Workplan to be used for the scan function.
GO ADMIN   Invokes the administration function.
GO ADMIN CHANGE Displays a screen where you can change the Workplan library.
CREATE Opens a menu with which you can create a Workplan.
LIST Generates a list of Workplans available in the Workplan library.
GO VIEW   Invokes the view function.
GO VIEW ERROR Invokes the view function for Natural system error messages.
FDT Invokes the view function for FDTs.
LIBRARY Invokes the view function for Natural library objects.
NCP Invokes the view function for Natural command processor sources.
GO FIND   Invokes the find function.
GO FIND ERROR Invokes the find function for Natural system error messages.
FDT Invokes the find function for FDTs.
LIBRARY Invokes the find function for Natural library objects.
NCP Invokes the find function for Natural command processor sources.



Displays a screen where you can enter or select the SELECTION or LIST Workplan to be used for the find function.
HELP     Invokes the Object Handler help function.
INIT     Reinitializes the Object Handler utility.
READ PROFILE   Updates Object Handler settings as defined in the text member PROFILE (see also Profile Settings).
SET ADVANCEDCMD ON Activates the display of commands generated by the Object Handler in advanced-user mode.
OFF Deactivates the display of commands generated by the Object Handler in advanced-user mode.
EXECUTIONMSG ON Activates a window that displays the processing status.
OFF Deactivates a window that displays the processing status.
FREE ON Activates free format editing.
OFF Deactivates free format editing.
TRACE ON Activates trace mode: a trace of each Object Handler action is output to the screen.
OFF Deactivates trace mode.
WORKFILE Activates trace mode: a trace of each Object Handler action is output to Work File 10.
TRACEFILE   Displays a screen where you can specify the name of the trace file (Work File 10).
SETTINGS     Displays a screen where you can specify the unload, load or scan settings.



LAST MESSAGE Displays the last interface return code and message issued by the processing interface of the Object Handler.
RESULT Displays the last result issued by the processing interface of the Object Handler.
PROFILE   Displays the text member PROFILES (if available).
REPORT   Displays the report created last.
STATISTICS   Displays statistics information about the objects processed.
STATUS   Displays the current Object Handler status (contents of global variables).
TRACE FILE Displays the contents of the trace file (Work File 10).

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