Version 6.3.8 for UNIX
 —  Statements  —


This document covers the following topics:


Belongs to Function Group: Arithmetic and Data Movement Operations


The MULTIPLY statement is used to multiply two operands. Depending on the syntax used, the result of the multiplication may be stored in operand1 or operand3.

If a database field is used as the result field, the multiplication results in an update only to the internal value of the field as used within the program. The value for the field in the database remains unchanged.

For multiplications involving arrays, see also Rules for Arithmetic Assignments, Arithmetic Operations with Arrays (in the Programming Guide).

Two different structures are possible for this statement.

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Syntax 1 - MULTIPLY Statement without GIVING Clause

When Syntax 1 used, the result of the multiplication can be stored in operand1.

MULTIPLY [ROUNDEDoperand1 BY operand2

For an explanation of the symbols used in the syntax diagram, see Syntax Symbols.

Operand Definition Table:

Operand Possible Structure Possible Formats Referencing Permitted Dynamic Definition
operand1   S A   M   N P I F               yes no
operand2 C S A   N   N P I F               yes no

Syntax Element Description:

Syntax Element Description
operand1 BY operand2

operand1 is the multiplicand, operand2 is the multiplier.

As the GIVING clause is not used, the result is stored in operand1, hence the statement is equivalent to:

<oper1> := <oper1> * <oper2>

If operand1 is a numeric constant, the GIVING clause is required; see Syntax 2 - MULTIPLY with GIVING Clause


If you specify the keyword ROUNDED, the value will be rounded before it is assigned to operand1 or operand3.

For information on rounding, see Rules for Arithmetic Assignment, Field Truncation and Field Rounding in the Programming Guide.

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Syntax 2 - MULTIPLY Statement with GIVING Clause

When Syntax 2 used, the result of the multiplication can be stored in operand3.

MULTIPLY [ROUNDEDoperand1 BY operand2 GIVING operand3

For an explanation of the symbols used in the syntax diagram, see Syntax Symbols.

Operand Definition Table:

Operand Possible Structure Possible Formats Referencing Permitted Dynamic Definition
operand1 C S A   M     N P I F               yes no
operand2 C S A   N     N P I F               yes no
operand3   S A   M A U N P I F B*    T         yes yes

* Format B of operand3 may be used only with a length of less than or equal to 4.

Syntax Element Description:

Syntax Element Description
operand1 BY operand2 GIVING operand3

operand1 is the multiplicand, operand2 is the multiplier.

As the GIVING clause is used, operand1 will not be modified and the result will be stored in operand3, hence the statement is equivalent to:

<oper3> := <oper1> * <oper2>

If operand1 is a numeric constant, the GIVING clause is required.


If you specify the keyword ROUNDED, the value will be rounded before it is assigned to operand1 or operand3.

For information on rounding, see Rules for Arithmetic Assignment, Field Truncation and Field Rounding in the Programming Guide.

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** Example 'MULEX1': MULTIPLY                                           
DEFINE DATA LOCAL                                                       
1 #A      (N3) INIT <20>                                                
1 #B      (N5)                                                          
1 #C      (N3.1)                                                        
1 #D      (N2)                                                          
1 #ARRAY1 (N5/1:4,1:4) INIT (2,*) <5>                                   
1 #ARRAY2 (N5/1:4,1:4) INIT (4,*) <10>                                  
MULTIPLY #A BY 3                                            
WRITE NOTITLE 'MULTIPLY #A BY 3'            25X '=' #A                  
MULTIPLY #A BY 3 GIVING #B                                      
WRITE 'MULTIPLY #A BY 3 GIVING #B'          15X '=' #B                  
MULTIPLY ROUNDED 3 BY 3.5 GIVING #C                       
WRITE 'MULTIPLY ROUNDED 3 BY 3.5 GIVING #C'  6X '=' #C                  
MULTIPLY 3 BY -4 GIVING #D                    
WRITE 'MULTIPLY  3 BY -4 GIVING #D'         14X '=' #D
MULTIPLY -3 BY -4 GIVING #D                 
WRITE 'MULTIPLY -3 BY -4 GIVING #D'         14X '=' #D
MULTIPLY  3 BY  0 GIVING #D                   
WRITE 'MULTIPLY  3 BY  0 GIVING #D'         14X '=' #D
WRITE / '=' #ARRAY1 (2,*) '=' #ARRAY2 (4,*)           
MULTIPLY #ARRAY1 (2,*) BY #ARRAY2 (4,*)      
WRITE / 'MULTIPLY #ARRAY1 (2,*) BY #ARRAY2 (4,*)'     
      / '=' #ARRAY1 (2,*) '=' #ARRAY2 (4,*)           

Output of Program MULEX1:

MULTIPLY #A BY 3                         #A:   60                        
MULTIPLY #A BY 3 GIVING #B               #B:    180                      
MULTIPLY ROUNDED 3 BY 3.5 GIVING #C      #C:   10.5                      
MULTIPLY  3 BY -4 GIVING #D              #D: -12                         
MULTIPLY -3 BY -4 GIVING #D              #D:  12                         
MULTIPLY  3 BY  0 GIVING #D              #D:   0                         
#ARRAY1:      5      5      5      5 #ARRAY2:     10     10     10     10
MULTIPLY #ARRAY1 (2,*) BY #ARRAY2 (4,*)                                  
#ARRAY1:     50     50     50     50 #ARRAY2:     10     10     10     10

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