Version 6.3.8 for UNIX
 —  Editors  —

Editor Profile

Each user has an editor profile with parameters which can be set according to individual needs. The first time you invoke the editor, it uses the default settings determined by your administrator.

The options provided to display and modify your default editor profile settings are described in the following section.

Displaying and Hiding Profile Settings

Start of instruction setTo display or hide the current editor profile settings

  1. In the command line of the editor, enter the following:


    (See also the PROF editor command.)

    The following lines appear at the top of the editing area:

     >> -----------Columns 001 072 <<  Program SAGDEMO  Lines  19     User SAG      
    Command ===>                                       Mode   Struct Lib  SAGTEST  
    ****** ****************************** top of data *****************************
    =prof> date: 30/01/08 16:07:57 user: MMO      init size: 14 size: 14           
    =prof> var   - 250,..recovery off (100 0)...autosave off... empty line off     
    =prof> mask off.caps on .hex off  nulls on  std.autoren on  std auto order off 
    =prof> log off .mso on .fix off .escape on  + .  tabs off                      
    =prof> advance on .protect off.limit off
  2. You can hide the display of the profile settings by entering the following in the command line of the editor:


    The profile settings disappear. The current profile settings are retained.

The individual items of the current editor profile and the editor commands that can be used to temporarily change an item (if modifiable) are described in the following section.

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Modifying Profile Settings for Temporary Use

You can modify your default editor profile settings for the duration of the current editor session or until you change the settings again.

Start of instruction setTo change your editor profile settings for the current session

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Modifying Profile Settings for Permanent Use

You can use the profile facility of the program editor to change your profile settings not only for the current session as described earlier, but also for future editor sessions. Settings modified with the editor profile facility are valid for each new Natural session or until you change them again. These settings can be overridden for the duration of the current session by using the editor commands described in Modifying Profile Settings for Temporary Use.

Start of instruction setTo modify your editor profile settings for permanent use

This section covers the following topics:

Editor Profile Commands

The direct commands and alternative PF keys available in the editor profile facility are described in the following section. You enter a direct command in the command line (Command ===>) at the bottom of the editor profile screen.

Command PF Key Function
CANCEL PF12 Cancels the current modification and displays the previous screens. Any modifications made to the profile have no effect for the current session.
EXIT PF3 Leaves the current screen and either returns to the previous screen or invokes the EXIT Function prompt window (see also Exit Function).
FLIP None Toggles between PF1 - PF12 and PF13 - PF24.
READ PF6 Reads the profile parameters for the user ID currently contained in the Profile Name field. Any modifications made so far, but not yet saved, are overwritten (valid only for the Main Menu).
SAVE PF5 Saves all currently valid profile parameters both for the current session and on the database. However, it does not leave the current function (valid only for the Main Menu).

Modifying Editor Default Settings

If you select Modify from the Main Menu or press PF4, the Modify Defaults screen is displayed with the following options:

Option Function
PA/PF-Keys Modifies the PA/PF-key assignments: see Displaying and Modifying PA/PF-Key Assignments.
Commands Modifies the command defaults: see Modifying Command Defaults.
Find Modifies the parameter settings of the FIND command: see Modifying FIND Command Defaults.
General Enables or disables the EXIT Function prompt window and modifies the number of lines displayed before error line: see Modifying General Defaults.

Displaying and Modifying PA/PF-Key Assignments

If you select PA/PF-Keys from the Main Menu or press PF2, the Modify PF/PA-Keys screen is displayed with the current PA/PF-key assignments. To modify a PF-key assignment, replace the name of an existing command (editor command, system command or program name) by another command (maximum five characters).

Start of instruction setTo modify a PA-key or PF-key assignment

The default PA/PF-key assignments for the editor are:

PF Key Command Function
PF1 HELP Invokes the Natural online help facility.
PF2 SAVE Executes the system command SAVE which saves the source code currently in the source work area as a source object in the current library in the current system file. See also Saving and Cataloging Sources.
PF3 EXIT Exits the editor. See also Exit Function.
PF4 RUN Checks and runs the program in the editing area.
PF5 RFIND Repeats the last FIND command.
PF6 STOW Executes the system command STOW which saves and catalogs the source code currently in the source work area. See also Saving and Cataloging Sources.


Scrolls upwards.


Scrolls downwards.
PF9 CHECK Checks whether the source code currently in the source work area contains any syntax errors.
PF10 HOME Places the cursor in the command line.
PF11 UNDO Backs out the last change made to the source.
PF12 CANCEL Exits the editor. See also Exit Function.
PF13 PROFILE Invokes the editor profile facility.
PF14 RESET Resets all pending editor and line commands and deletes all line labels.
PF15 SWAP Toggles the cursor between the upper and lower half of a split screen if split-screen mode is set.
PF16 LAST Executes the system command LAST (see the System Commands documentation) which recalls the last command issued and places it in the command line.
PF17 RCHANGE Repeats the last CHANGE editor command.
PF18 FLIP Toggles the PF-key display between PF1 - PF12 and PF13 - PF24.


Scrolls to the beginning of the source.


Scrolls to the end of the source.

To modify a PF-key assignment, replace the name of an existing command (editor command, system command or program name) by another command (maximum five characters).

Modifying Command Defaults

If you select Commands from the Main Menu or press PF5, you can enable or disable selected editor commands and specify default characters for editor commands. The input fields contained on the screen are explained in the table below. For more information on a specific field, enter a question mark (?) in the field and press ENTER.

Field Description
aorder Enables or disables the autoorder function.
autosave Enables or disables the autosave function.
caps Specifies whether text is to be translated into upper case.
cols Specifies whether a line is to be displayed that shows the current column positions.
decimal character Specifies the character used to mark decimal positions in numbers used in tabs. See also Example 3 - TABS DECIMAL of the TABS editor command.
empty Specifies whether lines containing only blank characters are to be deleted automatically.
fix Specifies whether the number of columns entered in fixlen (see below) remain in display when scrolling to the right.
fixlen Only applies if fix (see above) is set to ON.

Specifies the number of columns starting with column 1 to remain in display when scrolling to the right.

hex Specifies whether characters are to be displayed in hexadecimal format.
justify Enables or disables justification or specifies the justification type.
limit Specifies the maximum number of lines to be searched by FIND or RFIND editor command.
log Enables or disables the log file. When enabled, the UNDO editor command can be used to back out the last change.
mask line Enables or disables the mask line function.
message line Enables or disables message output.
mso Indicates that multiple-session operations are allowed such as copying between split-screen sessions. Non-modifiable item.
scroll mode Specifies how scrolling is to be performed (pagewise, half-pagewise, to cursor).
tabs Enables or disables tabulation.
tabulator character Specifies the logical tabulation character used to automatically move input to a specific tab position.

Modifying FIND Command Defaults

If you select Find from the Main Menu or press PF8, a screen is displayed with the current parameter settings. These settings are used whenever you issue the FIND editor command without parameters from the command line of the program editor. You can modify these values in a window before the search is performed.

The following parameters can be modified:

Parameter Function
FIND string Specifies the string to be searched for.
search from/to col Specifies the start and end numbers of the range of columns to be searched.
search from/to label Specifies the start and end labels of the marked block of lines to be searched.

Modifying General Defaults

If you select General from the Main Menu, a screen is displayed with the current defaults. You can modify these settings as required. A short description of each setting follows:

Option Function
Prompt Window for Exit Function Specifies whether a prompt window is to appear when leaving the program editor with the exit function (see the relevant section).
Prompt Window for Cancel Function Specifies whether a prompt window is to appear when leaving the program editor with the cancel function. See also Exit Function.
Lines displayed before error line Specifies the number of lines to be displayed at the top of the page preceding the line containing a syntax error. If you specify 0 (zero), the line containing the syntax error is placed in the first line of the editing area.

Displaying Technical Information

If you select Technical Info from the Main Menu or press PF7, a screen is displayed with information about the object currently being edited and the computing environment. The following items are provided:

Item Description
User ID ID of the current user.
Current library Name of the library to which you are currently logged on.
Current program Name of the object currently in the editing area.
Current type Type of object (for example, program) currently in the editing area.
Object type Internal type code of the current object.
Mode Programming mode (see also Mode).
Operating system Name of the operating system installed.
Steplib Name of the library concatenated with the current library.

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