Version 6.3.8 for UNIX
 —  Configuration Utility  —

Working with the Configuration Utility

This document covers the following topics:

Creating a New Parameter File

You can create your own parameter files and customize them to your requirements. You can then invoke Natural with one of these parameter files. See Invoking Natural with an Alternative Parameter File for further information.

Initially, each parameter file that you create contains Natural's default settings.

It is recommended that you create your own parameter file instead of modifying the default parameter file NATPARM which is delivered with Natural.

When you are not defined as an administrator, you can only modify your own parameter file.

Start of instruction setTo create a new parameter file

  1. From the File menu, choose New.

    A new, unnamed parameter file is opened (a name is not shown at the top of the screen). The parameters in this file are set to the default values. You can set all parameters as required.

  2. Assign a name to the file by saving it.

You can also create a new parameter file by saving an existing file under a new name (administrator only).

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Opening a Parameter File

If you want to modify a different parameter file, you have to open it as described below.

Only an administrator can modify all parameter files.

Start of instruction setTo open a parameter file

  1. From the File menu, choose Open.

    A list of all available parameter files is shown.

  2. Select the required parameter file and press ENTER.

    When you select the first entry in the list, which is <OPEN>, you can enter the name of the parameter file.

    The name of the opened parameter file is shown in the top right-hand corner of the screen. You can now modify this parameter file.

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Locating and Changing a Parameter

You can locate a parameter in different ways:

Start of instruction setTo locate and change a parameter in the current parameter file

  1. From the Edit menu, choose a parameter group (for example, Natural Execution Configuration).

  2. From the resulting window, choose a category (for example, Buffer Sizes).

    A window containing parameters is shown. The names of the Natural profile parameters are shown in parenthesis, behind the label of the corresponding option.

  3. Set the parameter to the required value. See Overview of Profile Parameters for further information.

    When an input field is selected, the allowed values (or PF keys) are shown at the bottom of the screen. For several parameters it is possible to press a PF key to invoke a selection list.

  4. Save your changes as described in Saving the Changes.

Start of instruction setTo locate and change a parameter in a configuration file

  1. From the Configuration menu, choose either Global Configuration File or Local Configuration File.

  2. From the resulting window, choose a category (for example, Printer Profiles).

    A window containing parameters is shown.

  3. Set the parameter to the required value. See Overview of Configuration File Parameters for further information.

  4. Save your changes as described in Saving the Changes.

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Finding a Parameter

If you do not know in which category a parameter can be found, you can search for it.

Start of instruction setTo find a parameter

  1. Select the Search menu and press ENTER.

    The Search Parameter window appears.

  2. Specify the parameter name in the window and press ENTER.

    You can also leave the Search Parameter window empty and press ENTER. In this case, another window appears from which you can select the required parameter. It is also possible to select a category (for example, the Printer Profiles category which belongs to the global configuration file).

    A window containing the parameter is shown.

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Saving the Changes

Parameter files and configuration files are saved in different ways.

When you are not an administrator, you can only save your own parameter files. In this case, it is not possible to save a parameter file under a different name.

Start of instruction setTo save the changes for the current parameter file

  1. From the File menu, choose Save.

    A window appears asking whether you want to overwrite the existing parameter file.

  2. Choose "YES" to save your changes.

Start of instruction setTo save the changes for the global configuration file

  1. From the Configuration menu, choose Global Configuration File.

  2. From the resulting window, choose Save to Global Configuration File.

Start of instruction setTo save the changes for the local configuration file

  1. From the Configuration menu, choose Local Configuration File.

  2. From the resulting window, choose Save to Local Configuration File.

Start of instruction setTo save the current parameter file under a different name

  1. From the File menu, choose Save As.

    A message appears at the bottom of the screen, prompting you to enter a name.

  2. Enter the name for the new parameter file.

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Deleting a Parameter File

You can delete an existing parameter file.

When you invoke Natural with a parameter file that has been deleted, make sure to adapt the corresponding shortcuts. See Invoking Natural with an Alternative Parameter File for further information.

Start of instruction setTo delete a parameter file

  1. From the File menu, choose Delete.

    The following window appears.

    +--------------------- Delete Parameter File from... ---------------------+
    ¦ File Name: *                                                            ¦
    ¦ Path.....:                                                              ¦
    ¦ $PARM_PATH                                                              ¦

    The path in the above window cannot be changed.

  2. Enter the name of the parameter file that is to be deleted in the File Name field and press ENTER.

    You can also leave the asterisk (*) in the File Name field and press ENTER. In this case, a window appears and you can select the parameter file from a list.

    A windows appears asking whether you really want to delete the parameter file.

  3. Choose "YES" to confirm the deletion.

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Exporting a Parameter File

When you export a parameter file, a text file is generated which contains the values of the current parameter file. Such a text file can be used on Windows, UNIX and OpenVMS platforms; to use it there, you have to import it.

Start of instruction setTo export the current parameter file

  1. From the File menu, choose Export.

    The following window appears.

    +--------------------- Export Parameter File to ... ----------------------+
    ¦ File Name: NATPARM                                                      ¦
    ¦ Path.....:                                                              ¦
    ¦ $TMP_PATH                                                               ¦

    The name of the current parameter file is proposed as the file name. You need not enter an extension. The extension "LST" will automatically be added to the file.

  2. Optional. Specify another file name. You can also specify the path to another directory.

  3. Press ENTER.

    If you have not specified another directory, the file is stored in the Natural directory which has been defined for the temporary files. See also Installation Assignments.

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Importing a Parameter File

You can import a parameter file which has previously been exported. The import generates a binary parameter file from the text file with the extension "LST" which has been generated during the export.

Start of instruction setTo import a parameter file

  1. From the File menu, choose Import.

    The following window appears.

    +--------------------- Import Parameter File from... ---------------------+
    ¦ File Name: *                                                            ¦
    ¦ Path.....:                                                              ¦
    ¦ $TMP_PATH                                                               ¦
  2. Enter the name of the parameter file that is to be imported in the File Name field. If required, enter the path to this file. Press ENTER. You need not enter the extension.

    You can also leave the asterisk (*) in the File Name field and press ENTER. In this case, a window appears and you can select the parameter file from a list.

    When a file with the same name does not yet exist, the parameter file is imported.

    When a file with the same name already exists, you are asked whether you want to overwrite the existing file.

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