Version 6.3.3
 —  Natural for Ajax  —

Setting Up Your Environment

Before you start coding, you have to make specific definitions in your development environment.

This document contains the following exercises:

Setting Up Application Designer

Currently, there is nothing to configure for Natural pages.

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Setting Up Your Development Environment for Natural

On the remote machine where you are going to develop the Natural code, a Natural Development Server must be installed and activated.

Start of instruction setTo set up Natural Studio

  1. Ask your administrator for the host name and the port number of the Natural Development Server.

  2. Connect to the Natural Development Server. See Accessing a Remote Development Environment in the Remote Development Using SPoD documentation which is provided with Natural for Windows.

  3. For this tutorial, create a new Natural library with the name CISHELLO.

    It is recommended that you create a new Natural library for each Application Designer project.

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Setting Up Your Runtime Environment for Natural

On the remote machine where you are going to test and execute the Natural code, a Web I/O Interface daemon (UNIX) or the Web I/O Interface Server (mainframe) must be installed and activated.

Start of instruction setTo set up the runtime environment for Natural for UNIX

  1. Ask your administrator for the host name and the port number of the Web I/O Interface daemon and the name of the script that is used to start up Natural sessions.

  2. Edit the configuration file <installdir>/WEB-INF/sessions.xml (the location of <installdir> depends on your application server environment) and add the following entry:

    <session id="Execute samples" trace="false">

    where host-name, port-number and script-name are to be replaced with the values you received from your administrator.

    "Execute samples" is the entry that will later be available for selection in the logon page.

  3. Restart the application server.

Start of instruction setTo set up the runtime environment for Natural for Mainframes

  1. Ask your administrator for the host name and the port number of the Web I/O Interface Server.

  2. Edit the configuration file <installdir>/WEB-INF/sessions.xml (the location of <installdir> depends on your application server environment) and add the following entry:

    <session id="Execute samples" trace="false">

    where host-name and port-number are to be replaced with the values you received from your administrator.

    "Execute samples" is the entry that will later be available for selection in the logon page.

  3. Restart the application server.

You can now proceed with the next exercise: Creating the Natural Code.

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