Demonstration Application - without JavaScript

This section covers the following topics:

Business Requirements

The demonstration application shows the use and programming of the Natural Web Interface. The functionality includes simple file maintenance with various selection functions as shown in the graphic below.

The demonstration is platform independent and is based on the Adabas files EMPLOYEES and VEHICLES.

Design Decisions

The HTML-GUI has some restrictions for application design:

  • a unique layout is not possible for different browsers.

  • the HTML-GUI elements have restricted functionality. For example, no input in selection box, only predefined fonts or buttons for submit (no default button).

So in the demonstration application we use:

  • forms with submit buttons.

  • global data exchange with hidden fields on the forms.

  • usage of the form send back method GET (URL plus visible parameters for bookmarks).

  • no usage of VB / JAVA Scripts for implementation of processing rules.

  • a command dispatcher module (D3CHOOSE) for navigation.

  • standard pictures for group/male/female persons because of copyright reasons.

Libraries, Modules and Naming Conventions

The demonstration contains one module (see also the installation of the Natural Web Server Extension):


This library contains the following modules:

T3 HTML text for online documentation
E3 Examples for online documentation
D3 Demonstration application modules


This library contains the following modules:

T3 HTML text for online documentation
E3 Examples for online documentation
D3 Demonstration application modules

Starting the Demonstration Application

The start module for the demonstration is D3MENU.

To start the demonstration application (depending on your installation of the Natural Web Server Extension), call the subprogram D3MENU in library SYSWEB or SYSWEB3 accordingly.

Example of the URL to call the demonstration application with SYSWEB:

Example of the URL to call the demonstration application with SYSWEB3:

Starting the Natural Web Interface Online Manual

You can start the online documentation from the Natural Web Interface.

The start module for the demonstration is D3MENU.

To start the online manual, call the subprogram D3MENU in library SYSWEB or SYSWEB3 accordingly.

Example of the URL to call the demonstration application with SYSWEB:

Example of the URL to call the demonstration application with SYSWEB3:


The following software must be installed:

  • Natural Web Server Extensions, a part of Natural Web Interface.

  • Adabas with the file EMPLOYEES.

Perform a CATALL for the programs D3* in the library SYSWEB (or SYSWEB3 accordingly) to activate the demonstration application.

To view the pictures of the example delivered with the Natural Web Server Extension, copy all pictures to a directory /pictures of your HTTP server or set the environment variable PICTURES for the Natural Web Server Extension to the specific directory.