Removed Features

This document provides an overview of functionality no longer supported with this Natural version. The following topics are covered:

Natural Web Interface

Natural 6.3 is the last version to deliver SYSWEB.

The interface SYSWEB3 is now to be used instead of SYSWEB. SYSWEB is only delivered on the product CD and can only be installed manually. It is therefore recommended that you update your programs written for SYSWEB to run with the new interface SYSWEB3. See Migrate Natural Web Interface SYSWEB to SYSWEB3 in the Web Technology documentation for further information.


Natural 6.3 is the last version to deliver the utilities NATUNLD, NATLOAD and SYSTRANS.

The utilities NATUNLD, NATLOAD and SYSTRANS are no longer installed by default. The Natural Object Handler is to be used instead.

However, if you want to continue using these utilities, you can still issue the system commands which invoke these utilities (SYSUNLD and SYSTRANS). When you issue such a system command for the first time, you have the possibility to install the corresponding utility. Follow the installation instructions displayed on the screen. When the installation for a utility has been completed, you can invoke it using the corresponding system command.

The documentation for these utilities can be found as a PDF book in the archive of the Natural Documentation CD.