The Object Handler provides a function processing sequence for the advanced user. The following functions are available if advanced-user mode is activated:
Scan Work File
Restart Load
For the functions administration, view, find, scan work file and restart load, refer to the relevant sections in Functions.
This section describes how to activate advanced-user mode and provides a description of the unload or load processing sequence performed in this mode.
To activate advanced-user mode
In the Welcome to the Natural Object Handler window, select the Advanced user check box (not selected by default).
From the Options menu, select Advanced
Set advanced-user mode as the default by choosing
Profile from the Options menu, and
changing the entries in the SYSOBJH - Modify Profile
From the New user profile entry drop-down list
box, select Advanced User, in the Entry
value box, enter a Y
(Yes), and choose
See also the section Profile Settings.
You cannot unload Natural-related objects and external files in
remote environments located on mainframe platforms. Natural DDMs can
only be unloaded in remote environments located on mainframe
To unload objects in advanced-user mode
In the Welcome to the Natural Object Handler window, choose the Unload command button.
From the Actions menu, choose
The Unload window appears with a list of the types of object currently available in your Natural system environment.
Select one type of object and, from the context menu, choose Unload.
From the Actions menu, choose
Unload and select the type of object required.
If you want to use a SELECTION or a LIST Workplan, you need to choose the second method and choose Unload from the Actions menu.
The Unload window appears for the type of object selected.
Specify the objects to be processed:
If available for the type of object selected, choose the Details button for further object specifications: see also the relevant sections in Object Specification.
Choose the Settings button to specify unload options and parameters as described in the section Settings.
Choose the Unload command button.
A message appears confirming the execution of the unload.
You cannot load Natural-related objects and external files in remote environments located on mainframe platforms. Natural DDMs can only be loaded in remote environments located on mainframe platforms.
To load FDTs, see also FDTs in the section Object Specification.
This section contains information on how to execute the load function in advanced-user mode.
To load objects in advanced-user mode
In the Welcome to the Natural Object Handler window, choose the Load command button.
From the Actions menu, choose
The Load window appears with a list of the types of objects currently available in your Natural system environment.
Select one type of object and, from the context menu, choose Load.
From the Actions menu, choose
Load and select the type of object required.
If you want to use a SELECTION or a LIST Workplan, you need to choose the second method and choose Load from the Actions menu.
The Load window appears for the type of object selected.
Specify the objects to be processed:
If available for the type of object selected, choose the Details button for further object specifications: see also the relevant sections in Object Specification.
Choose the Settings button to specify load options and parameters as described in the section Settings.
Choose the Load command button.
A message appears confirming the load.