Version 6.3.13 for Windows
 —  Release Notes for Natural Version 6.3 for Windows  —

Release Information for Natural Version 6.3.11

This document covers the following topics:

New Features


The following new Natural parameter is provided in this version:

Parameter Description
RQTOUT Specifies the timeout value for the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement.

Application Programming Interfaces

The utility SYSEXT provides the following new application programming interface (API):

API Description
USR6307N Get and set the timeout value of the new RQTOUT parameter.

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Changes and Enhancements

Finding Objects with Long Names

It is now possible to search only for the long names of Natural objects. For this purpose, the Search for long names check box has been added to the Find Objects dialog box. See Finding Objects in a Library in Using Natural Studio.

As a consequence, the Results Window now contains the additional column Long Names. The column which was previously named Name has been renamed to Object Name. See Results Window in Using Natural Studio.

Double-Byte Character Support

In the Natural output window, when using A format input fields, it is possible to enter more characters in the field than the target field can hold if the code page length of the characters differs from their Unicode length. If the default code page is a double-byte code page, the field content is now truncated to the allowed length when the user selects another field on the page.

Configuration Utility

The new parameter RQTOUT can also be specified in the Configuration Utility. See HTTP Parameters in the Configuration Utility documentation.

New Work File Attributes

New attributes are available for the work file assignments in the Configuration Utility and for the DEFINE WORK FILE statement: REMOVECR (default) and KEEPCR. Using these attributes, you can decide whether to remove or keep carriage return characters when reading ASCII work files. See Work File Assignments in the Configuration Utility documentation and the description of DEFINE WORK FILE in the Statements documentation.

Natural Web I/O Interface Client

The Natural Web I/O Interface is now delivered in the Version 1.3.9. This version now also supports Firefox 4, 5 and 6. On Windows, it also supports Safari 5.1.

Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 is now supported. See Installing the Natural Web I/O Interface Client on Oracle GlassFish Server in the Natural Web I/O Interface documentation.

Apache Ant 1.8.1 or above is now required to perform the deployment on JBoss Application Server. This tool is freely available on

Effects on Buffer Pool Behavior Due to Changes in a Previous Version

With Natural Version 6.3.5 (which has already been released some time ago), internal functions returning data about Natural objects have been enhanced. Amongst others, functions retrieving the long name of an object (such as Natural subroutines) require more sections of file FILEDIR.SAG to be present in the buffer pool. This change will be noticed in an environment where the parameter BPSFI is set to OFF and where a large number of Natural subroutines, Natural functions and Natural classes is heavily used.

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Natural Security

The following enhancements are provided with Natural Security Version 6.3.11:

Administrator Services - Logon Records

The user interface of the Logon Records functions has been enhanced and now provides more and improved selection options. At the same time, the performance of these functions has been enhanced.

Support of NaturalONE Development Mode

Natural Security's protection mechanisms for Eclipse Navigator view actions have been enhanced and now support the NaturalONE development mode. For details, see the section Protecting the Navigator View in the Natural Security documentation.

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A revised and updated Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation is available with this version.

Please note that the term stub subprogram, which in earlier versions of EntireX was also used to refer to application-dependent, Workbench-generated pieces of code for issuing and receiving remote procedure calls, is no longer used. In the EntireX documentation and in the Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation, these objects are now referred to as interface objects.

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Notice of Future Changes

The following changes are planned for future versions of Natural.

Natural Web I/O Interface Client

Natural Web I/O Interface Version 1.3.9 is the last version which supports the following:

As already announced in the Release Information for Natural Version 6.3.6, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) will no longer be supported with a future version. A migration path will then be offered.

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