End-Drag Event

This document covers the following topics:

Applies To

Dialog, ActiveX Controls, Bitmap Control, List Box Control, List View Control, Tree View Control.


If not suppressed, this event is received by the drag source (see the DRAG-MODE attribute) when a drag-drop operation is terminated (either successfully or unsuccessfully). The event is raised if (and only if) a BEGIN-DRAG event was previously raised.

Applications may determine the type of drop (if any) by inspecting the "Drop Effect" parameter returned by the INQ-DRAG-DROP action. If no drop occurred, this parameter is set to DM-NONE, otherwise it is set to one of the other simple drag mode constants (DM-MOVE, DM-COPY or DM-LINK) to indicate the type of drag operation that was performed. If this parameter is set to DM-MOVE, the application should delete the source data.