Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Utilities  —

Managing Messages in Different Libraries

You can transfer messages between different libraries and rename, find, list or delete messages in different libraries. Depending on the Natural system environment(s) affected, you can either unload and load the messages to work files, or directly copy/move them from one library to another.

Start of instruction setTo copy/move, rename, find, list or delete messages

Start of instruction set To unload or load messages from or to a work file

This section covers the following topics:

Unloading Messages - ERRULDUS

The ERRULDUS program is used to unload all message types supported by Natural; that is, user-defined long and short messages created with the SYSERR utility and Natural system messages. The messages are read from the FNAT or FUSER system file and written into work file 2.

Start of instruction set To invoke ERRULDUS

The ERRULDUS menu contains the following input fields:

Field Explanation
Code The type of messages to be unloaded. Valid types are:
US User-defined short messages
UL User-defined long messages
U User-defined short and long messages
NS Natural system short messages
NL Natural system long messages
H Natural help texts
. Terminate processing
Source Library The name of the library from which messages are to be unloaded. The name can be truncated by using an asterisk (*). If you enter an asterisk (*) only, messages from all libraries are unloaded. Source Library is ignored for messages of type NS or NL.
Source Language Code The language code of the messages to be unloaded.
Target Library The name of the library to which messages are to be loaded. Target Library is ignored for messages of type NS or NL.
Target Language Code The language code to which messages are to be loaded.
Error Number Two numbers of up to four digits corresponding to the first and last numbers of the range of messages to be unloaded. If no first number is specified, it is assumed to be 1.
Replace Enter Y to overwrite the target library. Default is N (No).
Report If specified as ON, a list of all messages that were unloaded is displayed when unloading is complete. If specified as OFF, no such list is displayed.

ERRULDUS reads input until a period (.) is detected in the Code field. After unloading, a statistical listing is displayed.

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Loading Messages - ERRLODUS

The ERRLODUS program is used to load messages previously unloaded with the ERRULDUS program.

The messages are read from work file 2 and are written to the FNAT or FUSER system file. ERRLODUS overwrites existing messages in the system file if Replace was specified as Y when unloading.

If you specify ERRLODUS as ON, a list of all messages that were loaded (added or replaced) is displayed when loading is complete.

Under Natural Security, the online use of ERRLODUS is only available for users of type Administrator, regardless of the setting of the Utilities option in the security profile of the library. See also Utilities in Library Maintenance in the Natural Security documentation.

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