Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Utilities  —

DBLOG Snapshot Function

The snapshot function provides detailed information on one particular Adabas command, DL/I call or SQL statement.

This section covers the following topics:

Snapshot Function for Adabas Commands

This snapshot function interrupts program execution after executing the first Adabas command that matches the selection criteria specified in the DBLOG Menu. The Snapshot Report (see the following example screen) generated for the specified Adabas command is displayed immediately after program interruption.

The snapshot function automatically logs all Adabas buffers. Therefore, you do not have to mark any of the optional buffers in the DBLOG Menu before you start the snapshot function. The default Snapshot Report displays the control block (CB), which is either the classic control block (ACB) or the extended Adabas control block (ACBX).

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking Snapshot Report for Adabas Commands

Start of instruction set To invoke the Snapshot Report screen for Adabas commands

  1. In the DBLOG Menu, specify an Adabas command and additional criteria, if desired, and enter function code S.

    The message DBLOG snapshot facility started now is displayed.

  2. Execute a Natural program which contains the Adabas command specified in the DBLOG Menu.

    The program stops executing and a Snapshot Report screen similar to the example below appears:

    16:36:39             ***** NATURAL TEST UTILITIES *****              2006-12-12
                                - Snapshot Report -                                
    Command Code : L3           Command ID   :  ??? 00200101 File Number  : 013C   
    Response Code:      0       ISN          :          1300                       
    ISN Low Limit: 00000000     ISN Quantity :             0                       
    FB Length    : 0009         RB Length    : 0014          SB Length    : 0008   
    VB Length    : 0014         IB Length    : 0000          Com. Option 1:        
    Com. Option 2: V            Additions 1  : AE]?          Additions 2  :  ? ?   
    Additions 3  :              Additions 4  :                                     
    Global FID   : 0000000000000000 Command Time : 00000019 Pgm: SAGTEST  Lin: 0020
    Control Block                                                                  
    0000 * 30D5D3F3 00200101 013C0000 00000514 * ?NL3 ?????    ?? * 0000           
    0010 * 00000000 00000000 00090014 00080014 *          ? ? ? ? * 0010           
    0020 * 000000E5 C1C5BBCA 40404040 00120014 *    VAE]?     ? ? * 0020           
    0030 * 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *                  * 0030           
    0040 * 00000000 00000000 00000019 00000000 *            ?     * 0040           
    0050 * 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *                  * 0050           
    0060 * 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *                  * 0060           
    0070 * 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *                  * 0070           
    Command ===> CB________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  CB    FB    RB     -     +    SB    VB    IB    Canc

Displaying Buffers on Snapshot Report

The Snapshot Report screen shows the control block (CB) by default. If you want to display different Adabas buffers or scroll through a report, choose the appropriate PF key or, in the Command line, enter its equivalent direct command described in this section.

The availability of a PF key depends on the buffer currently displayed. If a buffer extends beyond the screen or contains multiple format/record buffers, PF keys required to scroll through the buffer are provided on the screen.

PF Key Direct Command Buffer
PF4 CB Displays the control block. This is the default.
PF5 FB Displays the format buffer.


Displays the record buffer (RB) or scrolls (--) to the beginning of a long buffer.
PF7 - Scrolls up one page in a long buffer.
PF8 + Scrolls down one page in a long buffer


Displays the search buffer (SB) or scrolls (++) to the end of a long buffer.


Displays the value buffer (VB). For multiple format/record buffers, shows the previous (<) record/format buffer.


Displays the ISN buffer (IB). For multiple format/record buffers, shows the next (>) record/format buffer.

For information on the fields displayed in a control block or buffer, see Displaying Adabas Buffers.

Top of page

Snapshot Function for DL/I Calls

This snapshot function generates the Snapshot Report (see the following example screen) of the first DL/I call that matches the selection criteria specified in the DBLOG Menu. A snapshot does not interrupt the program flow. The snapshot data is kept in the Natural DBLOG buffer to be displayed only if the user enters the appropriate DBLOG command as described below.

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking Snapshot Report for DL/I Calls

Start of instruction set To invoke the Snapshot Report screen for DL/I calls

  1. In the DBLOG Menu, specify a DL/I call and additional criteria, if desired, and enter function code S.

    The message DBLOG snapshot facility started now is displayed.

  2. Execute a Natural program which contains the DL/I call specified in the DBLOG Menu. (Log data is written to the Natural DBLOG buffer.)

  3. Display the snapshot data by entering the following command:


    In the DBLOG Menu, enter function code E.

    A Snapshot Report screen for DL/I calls similar to the example below appears:

    16:33:27                ***** NATURAL DBA Utility *****              2006-12-12
    User SAG                      - Snapshot Report -              Library SAG     
             DL/I Call ......... : GHNP           Pgm: SAGTEST     Line: 0110      
             PSB Name .......... : PBNDL01                                         
             PCB Number ........ : 1              out of 3                         
             Contents of this PCB                 Contents of NDB/NSB              
             Database Name ..... : DNDL01         DBD is physical                  
             Segment Level ..... : 2              Segment Level .. : 2             
             Statuscode ........ : BLANK                                           
             Processing Options  : A                                               
             Segment Name ...... : OFFERING       DBID/FNR ....... : 246   12      
                                                  Min/Max Length . : 41    41      
             Length of KFBA .... : 9                                               
             Number of SENSEGs . : 10  <WARNING>  Number of SENSEGs: 5       
             Number of SSAs .... : 2                                               
    IOA:     Char :  ?010791DARMSTADT                                              
             Zone : 02FFFFFFCCDDEECCE44444444444444444444444400000000000000        
             Digit: 0901079141942314300000000000000000000000000000000000000        
    KFBA:    Char : 004010791                                                      
             Zone : FFFFFFFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        
             Digit: 0040107910000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        
    SSA 1 :  Char : COURSE  *- (COURSEN  =004)                                     
             Zone : CDEDEC445644CDEDECD447FFF500000000000000000000000000000        
             Digit: 36492500C00D364925500E004D00000000000000000000000000000        
    SSA 2 :  Char : OFFERING*F-                                                    
             Zone : DCCCDCDC5C640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        
               Digit: 66659957C6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Snapshot Report Information for DL/I Calls

The following information is provided on the Snapshot Report screen for DL/I calls:

The first 120 bytes of the Key Feedback Area, of all SSAs (up to 15 SSAs are possible) and of the I/O area are displayed, both in decimal and hexadecimal format.

The DBD Name in the PCB is used to read the corresponding NDB (Natural equivalent of DBD) from the Natural FDIC system file. In this NDB, the segment whose name is given in the PCB is located and its minimum/maximum length and segment level number are displayed. The segment level number should match the number in the PCB. In this way, it is possible to detect inconsistencies between Natural NDBs and DL/I DBDs.

The PSB name is used to read the corresponding NSB (Natural equivalent of PSB) from the Natural FDIC system file. From this NSB, the number of sensitive segments is displayed. This number should match the number in the PCB. In this way, it is possible to detect inconsistencies between Natural NSBs and DL/I PSBs.

The snapshot function checks whether the DL/I DBD/PSB and the Natural NDB/NSB contain the same values in the fields Level Number and Number of SENSEGs. The same values, however, do not necessarily ensure that the DL/I DBD/PSB and the Natural NDB/NSB are fully consistent.

In the example above, the values in the Number of SENSEGs fields are different, because the Natural NATPSB procedure was not executed after the PSB had been changed by the DL/I PSBGEN procedure.

Top of page

Snapshot Function for SQL Statements

The snapshot function generates the Snapshot Report (see the following example screen) of the first SQL statement that matches the selection criteria specified in the DBLOG Menu. A snapshot does not interrupt the program flow.

Unlike the statements displayed with the DBLOG trace function, the snapshot shows the statement in its entirety (limited to 13 lines).

The snapshot data is kept in the Natural DBLOG buffer to be displayed only if the user enters the appropriate DBLOG command as described below.

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking Snapshot Report for SQL Statements

Start of instruction set To invoke the Snapshot Report screen for SQL statements

  1. In the DBLOG Menu, specify an SQL statement and additional criteria, if desired, and enter function code S.

    The message DBLOG snapshot facility started now is displayed.

  2. Execute a Natural program which contains the SQL statement specified in the DBLOG Menu. (Log data is written to the Natural DBLOG buffer.)

  3. Display the snapshot data by entering the following command:


    In the DBLOG Menu, enter function code E.

    A Snapshot Report screen for SQL statements similar to the example below appears:

    10:59:28              ***** NATURAL Test Utilities *****             2006-12-12
    User SAG                      - Snapshot Report -              Library SAG     
    CU SN M Typ R SQLC/W     Library  Program  Store Clock Value   Line LV CID(Hex)
    01 01 D DB2              SAG      SAGTEST  2002/04/03 14:23:06 0150 01 01500101
    SQL Statement                                                                  
    PNO > '000300' FOR UPDATE OF EDLEVEL                                           
    Command ===>                                                               
          Help  Print Exit                                                  Canc

Snapshot Report Information for SQL Statements

The following information is provided on the Snapshot Report screen for SQL statements:

Column Explanation
CU Cursor number.
SN Internal statement number.
M Mode: D for dynamic or S for static.
Typ Database type: DB2 or SQL/DS.
R Only applicable if the Natural File Server for DB2 is in use.

Indicates by an asterisk in front of the corresponding statement that a reselection has been performed; if not, the column is left blank.

See also Concept of the File Server in the Natural for DB2 documentation.

SQLC/W Either the SQL return code in the SQLCODE field of the SQLCA, or the warning in the SQLWARN0 field of the SQLCA if SQLCODE is 0.
Library The library where the Natural program with the logged statement was cataloged.
Program The name of the Natural program which contains the logged statement.
Store Clock Value The time stamp of the Natural program which contains the logged statement.
Line The source code line number of the logged statement.
LV The call level of the Natural program which contains the logged statement.
CID (Hex) The command ID of the logged statement in hexadecimal format.

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