Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  System Commands  —


It is recommended that the EDIT command be used instead of the EDT command.

EDT [object-name [library-id]]

This command invokes the Natural line editor and causes edit mode to be entered. Edit mode may be used to edit an existing Natural object (program, copycode, subroutine, subprogram, helproutine). Once edit mode has been entered, you may position to any line and make changes, using the subcommands and PF keys listed below.

Use .E to terminate EDT mode.

This document covers the following topics:

Syntax Explanation

object-name As object-name, you enter the name of the object to be edited (maximum 8 characters). If object-name is entered, Natural will load the object into the source work area and set the object name for a subsequent SAVE, CATALOG, or STOW command.

If you enter the EDT command without an object name and there is no object in the source work area, you will be prompted with line 0010 to enter an object.

If you do not specify an object name and there is an object in the source program work area, the first lines of that object will be displayed.


If the object to be edited is contained in a library other than the one to which you are currently logged on, you have to specify the ID of the library in which the object is contained.

The setting for library-id must not begin with "SYS" (except SYSTEM).

Entering a library ID is not permitted if Natural Security is active.

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EDT Subcommands

The following subcommands may be used during line editing:

Command Function
.B Position to bottom.
.Cnnnn(m) Copy the line identified by nnnn. m indicates the number of lines to be copied.
.C'text'(m) Copies the line that starts with text. m indicates the number of lines to be copied.
.D Delete line.
.D(n) Delete n lines.
.E Exit from line editor.
.I Insert line.
.I(program) Insert program.
.Mnnnn Move the line identified by n.
.M'text'(m) Move the line that starts with text. m indicates the number of lines to be moved.
.R Renumber.
.S'text' Scan for text.
.T Position to top.
.nnnn Position to line nnnn.
.+n Position n lines forwards.
.-n Position n lines backwards.

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EDT Function Keys

The following PF keys can be used during line editing:

Key Command Function
PF1 .-18 Scroll 18 lines backwards.
PF2 .T Scroll to top.
PF3 .B Scroll to bottom.
PF4 .+5 Position 5 lines forwards.
PF5 .+10 Position 10 lines forwards.
PF6 .+18 Position 18 lines forwards.
PF7 .R Renumber.
PF8 .I Insert line.
PF9 .E Exit from line editor.
PF10 .E,RUN Exit from line editor and run program.
PF11 .E,SAVE,RUN Exit from line editor, save and run program.
PF12 .E,CAT,SAVE,EX Exit from line editor, catalog, save and execute program.

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