Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

READER - z/VSE System Logical Units for Input

This Natural profile parameter specifies the z/VSE system logical units which are to be used by Natural for input.

Possible settings READER=(n,device,...)

n is 0 for CMSYNIN and 1 for CMOBJIN

device is either SYSRDR or SYSIPT

Default setting READER=(0,SYSRDR,1,SYSIPT)

By default, the primary input stream (CMSYNIN) is read from SYSRDR and the input stream (CMOBJIN) is read from SYSIPT (if required).

If CMSYNIN or CMOBJIN are disk or tape files, the associated READER subparameter is ignored.

Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  

This overwriting of a system logical unit number only applies if the relevant file is a card file.

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