Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

BPNAME - Name of Natural Global Buffer Pool

This Natural profile parameter specifies the name of the Natural global buffer pool.

Possible settings 1 - 8 characters, or blank

Name of the Natural global buffer pool.

If BPNAME=' ' (blank) is set, a local Natural buffer pool is used.

Default setting blank  
Dynamic specification yes This parameter can only be specified dynamically.
Specification within session no  

For general information, see Natural Global Buffer Pool in the Operations documentation.

This parameter can only be specified dynamically. It corresponds to the NAME specification of the BPI profile parameter or the NTBPI macro respectively.

The BPNAME profile parameter only applies to the primary Natural global buffer pool (TYPE=NAT, SEQ=0).If there is a primary buffer pool with SEQ=0 in NATPARM, only the NAME setting of this buffer pool is updated. Internally, the BPNAME specification is converted into an equivalent BPI specification.


BPNAME=GBP1 is converted into: BPI=(TYPE=NAT,SEQ=0,NAME=GBP1)

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