Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Operations  —

Natural under z/VSE

This document contains an overview of special considerations that apply when you are running Natural under z/VSE.

Natural Subsystem

A Natural subsystem under z/VSE consists of the following components:

The Natural subsystem is identified by the Natural profile parameter SUBSID and by corresponding startup parameters for the components mentioned above. The default subsystem name is NATv, where v is the product's version number.

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Natural Shared Nucleus

The advantages of a Natural shared nucleus are explained in the section Natural Shared Nucleus under z/OS and z/VSE.

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TP Monitor Interfaces

For information on the TP monitor interfaces that are available with Natural under z/VSE, refer to the sections

in the Natural TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

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Interfaces to Database Management Systems

Except for Software AG's database management system Adabas, all operations requiring database interaction are performed by a corresponding Natural interface module.

For information on the database interfaces thta are available with Natural under z/VSE, refer to the relevant separate documentation:

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Natural in Batch Mode under z/VSE

See Natural in Batch Mode (All Environments) and Natural in Batch under z/VSE.

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