Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Operations  —

Natural Swap Pool Initialization

This document describes how to control the initialization of a Natural swap pool and contains an overview of the keyword parameters available for initialization in the macro NTSWPRM.

The following topics are covered:

Swap Pool Initialization Control

The parameter SWPINIT in the macro NTSWPRM controls the initialization of the swap pool.



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Swap Pool Initialization Parameters

The following is an overview of the keyword parameters that are available for initialization in the macro NTSWPRM.

Parameter Explanation
SWPSLSZ Defines the number of logical swap pools, their slot sizes and the numerical relation between slot number and logical swap pools.
SWPINIT Defines the access to the swap pool initialization data through the Natural system file.
SWPLSWP Defines the maximum number of logical swap pools for reorganizing swap pools dynamically.
SWPSDIF Defines the even-numbered minimum difference between the slot sizes of the different logical swap pools. This value will be controlled during slot-size calculation and dynamic swap-pool reorganization.

The following TP-monitor-specific requirements apply:

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