Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Operations  —

External SORT

This document provides information on using external SORT programs with Natural.

The following topics are covered:

Support of External SORT

The Natural SORT statement may optionally invoke an external SORT program that carries out the actual sorting. An external SORT program is used if the keyword subparameter EXT of the macro NTSORT is set to ON.

Natural supports all external SORT programs that comply with the SORT interface documented in the relevant IBM manuals (for z/OS, z/VSE and CMS) and Siemens manuals (for BS2000/OSD).

The requirements (for example, space and datasets) are identical to those for the execution of a 3GL (for example, COBOL, PL/I) application program that invokes the operating system SORT program and can vary according to the external SORT program in use.

The communication with the external SORT program is via the E15 and E35 user-exit routines. As a consequence, Natural does not require the datasets SORTIN and SORTOUT.

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Special Considerations for z/OS

All external SORT programs supporting the extended parameter list can be used.

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Special Considerations for z/VSE

The external SORT program is loaded into the partition program area. For this reason, you must add round about 200 KB additional storage to the size requirements of the Natural batch nucleus specified in the SIZE parameter of the EXEC statement.


// EXEC <natural>,SIZE(<natural>,200K)

where <natural> is the name of your Natural phase.

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Special Considerations for BS2000/OSD

The external SORT program is called using the level 1 interface. That is, Natural passes all SORT control statements to the external SORT program and dataset SYSDTA is not used for input.

The external SORT program is searched for in the following libraries:

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