Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Operations  —

Refresh of Natural Load Pool

This document describes the prerequisites, restrictions and procedures that are applicable for refreshing a Natural load pool and contains a list of the keyword parameters provided in the PREFRESH program.

The following topics are covered:


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Keyword Parameters for the Program PREFRESH

The program PREFRESH has the following keyword parameters:


The program PREFRESH has the following syntax (If available, default values are shown.):


NAME - Common Memory Pool and Module Name

This parameter determines the name of the module and the name of the common memory pool. The name must be specified. No default value exists.

NAME=xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx: valid module and common memory pool name.

The name must be identical with the existing module/common memory pool name.

The maximum number of characters is 8.

LIBR - Load Library

This parameter determines from where the defined module is to be loaded. The name must be specified. No default value exists.

LIBR=library library is the name of the load library.

LOAD - Module Load Method

This parameter determines which macro shall be used for loading a module into a common memory pool.

LOAD=ASHARE The macro ASHARE will be used.
LOAD=BIND By default, the macro BIND will be used.

When LOAD=ASHARE is defined, for the start of the common memory load pool (with program CMPSTART), LOAD=ASHARE also must be defined.

ALNK - Activate AUTOLNK Function

This parameter determines whether the AUTOLNK function of the dynamic binder loader (DBL) is activated.

ALNK=YES The AUTOLNK function is activated.
ALNK=NO By default, the AUTOLNK function is deactivated.

TIM1 - Wait Time in Seconds before the Load Pool Refresh is Started

This parameter determines the waiting time in seconds before the new Natural nucleus is loaded. It serves to synchronize Natural sessions which are currently active in the nucleus.

TIM1=xx xx must be in the range from 1 up to 99.
TIM1=10 The default value is 10 seconds.

TIM2 - Wait Time in Seconds after the New Natural Nucleus was Loaded

This parameter determines the waiting time in seconds after the loading of the new Natural nucleus is complete until the serialization identification for the corresponding application has been enabled. It serves to synchronize the relativizing of all address constants in the newly loaded nucleus.

TIM2=xx xx must be in the range from 1 up to 99.
TIM1=20 The default value is 20 seconds.

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