Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Natural Optimizer Compiler  —


For programs optimized with the Natural Optimizer Compiler, certain statements can be directly converted into machine code when cataloged. As a result, when executing the optimized objects with Natural at runtime, the performance can be improved considerably.

The NOCSTAT command analyses cataloged programming objects and provides statistical information to help decide whether program statements benefit from optimization with the Natural Optimizer Compiler and, if so, to what extent they can be optimized.

If a program is cataloged (STOW, CATALL), the Natural compiler generates an internal (pseudo) object code based on the statements in the source program. In most cases, one source statement is transformed into one pseudo-code instruction. However, for complex statements, such as FOR and REPEAT, several pseudo-code instructions are generated. The NOCSTAT analyses are based on the generated pseudo-code instructions. Therefore, the number of statements indicated in the statistical reports may exceed the number of statements in the source program.

This document covers the following topics:

Invoking NOCSTAT

Start of instruction setTo invoke the NOCSTAT command  

To obtain field-specific help information, either enter a question mark in the relevant field and press ENTER, or place the cursor in the field and press PF1. Press PF3 to exit NOCSTAT

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Generating Reports

You can generate statistical reports for a single program or a set of programs. If you analyze more than one program at a time, the reports are produced in series. When you have finished looking at one report, press ENTER to view the next report. 

The main NOCSTAT menu provides the following options:

Field  Explanation
Name Enter a name or a range of names to specify the program(s) you want to examine:
value is any combination of one or more characters.
value Single program.
* All programs.
value* All programs whose names begin with value.
value> All programs whose names are greater/equal value.
value< All programs whose names are less/equal value.
Library Enter the name of a library or specify a range; the same applies as described for the Name field above.

The current library is the default.

Objects only
Mark this option to exclude programs already compiled with the Natural Optimizer Compiler.

Otherwise, the NOCSTAT command selects all Natural programs specified in the Name and Library fields by default, including NOC-compiled programs.

Output Report Mark any of  the options to select statements by category, type or code profile. 

See Statement Category, Statement Type and Code Profile below.

Output Destination Mark any of the following options to determine the output format and destination:  
Screen Online display.
CSV to 
Work File 1
Generates spreadsheets with comma-separated values. Use the file extension .csv to write the work file directly to your PC for further processing.

You can only route reports to a PC if Entire Connection is installed. 

XML to
Work File 1
Generates XML documents. Use the file extension ".xml" to write the work file directly to your PC for further processing.

If a value is entered in the field "with XSL", a processing instruction is added at the top of the XML output document:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="
value "?>

The value entered should be the absolute or relative url of the style sheet, for example:



The processing instruction causes the document to be transformed according to the given style sheet when it is viewed by an XSLT-capable browser or transformed by a batch XSLT run. A typical use of this feature is to convert the output XML to an HTML page. 

There are two XSLT style sheets delivered with Natural as text members NOCSTLS1 and NOCSTLS2 in the Natural library SYSEXUEX in the FNAT system file.

NOCSTLS1 provides formatting instructions for report type Statement Category, NOCSTLS2 for report type Statement Type as described below.

Download the style sheets with file extension .xsl to the same directory in which the XML work files are stored.

You can only route reports to a PC if Entire Connection is installed. 

Progress Control Only applies to Work File 1 output destinations.

If this option is marked, a brief message appears online for each program listed in the report generated.

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Report Formats

You can choose between three output formats described below to display the statistics NOCSTAT provides for the statements analyzed. Different report layouts are produced for programs already optimized with the Natural Optimizer Compiler and for programs to be considered for optimization. The example reports below show the difference. Press PF3to interrupt report processing and return to the NOCSTAT menu.

Below is information on:

Statement Category

The statistical report generated with the option Statement Category lists various categories of statements with the corresponding number of occurrences and the total number of statements already optimized or suitable for optimization, depending on whether or not the program was optimized with the Natural Optimizer Compiler. 

Example of NOC-Optimized Program:

  14:07:17             ***** NATURAL NOCSTAT COMMAND *****             2000-09-04
                  Library SAGTEST  Name NOCTEST1 Type Program                    
       MCG Options: (ON,OVFLW,INDX,MIX,IO)                                       
        Database Loop:        0                                                  
      Database Simple:        0                                                  
      SORT / WORK I/O:       29                                                  
         FOR / REPEAT:        0                                                  
     Screen / Printer:       59                                                  
  String Manipulation:        6                                                  
      Arith / Logical:        0                                                  
        Program Calls:        3                                                  
     Control Transfer:       49                                                  
          Block Start:       25                                                  
      Set Environment:        2                                                  
     System Functions:        0                                                  
        Miscellaneous:        0                                                  
     Total Statements:      949                                                  
        NOC optimized:      762  ( Ratio:  80 % )                                
      Longest NOC Run:      180  Statements                                     

Example of Program without NOC Optimization:

  14:13:01             ***** NATURAL NOCSTAT COMMAND *****             2000-09-04
                  Library SAGTEST  Name NOCTEST2 Type Program                    
                        No NOC      NOCable                                      
                       --------     --------                                     
        Database Loop:        0            0                                     
      Database Simple:        0            0                                     
      SORT / WORK I/O:        0            0                                     
         FOR / REPEAT:        0            5                                     
     Screen / Printer:       57            0                                     
  String Manipulation:        4            8                                     
      Arith / Logical:        0          491                                     
        Program Calls:        3            0                                     
     Control Transfer:       19           69                                     
          Block Start:       15            0                                     
      Set Environment:        0            0                                     
     System Functions:        0            0                                     
        Miscellaneous:        0            0                                     
                  Total Statements:      672                                     
                   NOC optimizable:      573  ( Ratio:  85 % )                   
                   Longest NOC Run:      192  Statements                        

Report Columns and Fields:

Column Explanation
No NOC Statements not suitable for optimization.
NOCable Statements suitable for optimization.
Database Loop The number of database statements that generate a processing loop, such as FIND and READ
Database Simple Database statements that do not generate a processing loop, such as STORE, UPDATE, DELETE and GET.
SORT / WORK I/O SORT and work file statements.
FOR / REPEAT Statements generating loops.
Screen / Printer Screen and printer I/O, such as WRITE, DISPLAY and INPUT.
String Manipulation String statements, such as EXAMINE and COMPRESS.
Arith / Logical Arithmetic and logical statements, such as MOVE, COMPUTE and IF.
Program Calls Transfer of control to a subroutine or subprogram, such as PERFORM, CALLNAT and FETCH.
Control Transfer Jumps within the program, such as ESCAPE BOTTOM, FOR and REPEAT loops. 
Block Start Non-executed statements that demarcate code blocks, such as DEFINE SUBROUTINE and AT END. These statements are never optimized because they are never executed. 
Set Environment Statements that set the environment, such as SET CONTROL, SET GLOBALS and SET KEY.
System Functions Statements, such as TOTAL, SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN and *COUNT.
Miscellaneous Pseudo-code statements not relevant for optimization and, therefore, ignored by the NOC.
Total Statements The total number of  statements found in the program. This number may not correspond to the actual source statements as described in the introduction to NOCSTAT command above.
NOC optimized For an optimized program, these are the actual pseudo-code statements (as described in the introduction to NOCSTAT command above) that have been NOC-optimized to machine code.
NOC optimizable For non-optimized programs, this is the possible number of statements that could be optimized. The figure may be slightly higher than the actual number, since certain factors are not considered in the NOCSTAT program. For example, a SUBSTRING statement that has more than four arrays will be indicated as "optimizable" though it will not be optimized.
Ratio Relation between Total Statements and NOC-optimized statements or Total Statements and NOC-optimizable statements in percent.
Longest NOC Run NOC-optimized program:

The number of contiguous optimized statements -  the fewer fragment sequences, the better the performance.

Non-optimized program:

The number of contiguous statements to be expected if the program were optimized.

Statement Type

The statistical report generated with the option "Statement Type" lists single statements with the corresponding number of occurrences and the NOC coding generated for optimized objects.

Example of NOC-Optimized Program:

 09:21:45             ***** NATURAL NOCSTAT COMMAND *****             2000-09-06
                  Library SAGTEST  Name NOCTEST1 Type Program                    
         Statement            Number                                             
  ------------------------   --------                                            
  DB AT CONDITION                   6                                            
  READ/WRITE WORK FILE             29                                            
  EXAMINE                           6                                            
  WRITE                            51                                            
  INPUT                             3                                            
  NEWPAGE                           2                                            
  REINPUT                           3                                            
  FIND                              1                                            
  READ                              2                                            
  NOC CODE                        760                                            
  BLOCK START                      18                                            
  ON ERROR                          1                                            
  END                               1                                            
  STOP                              2                                            
  RETURN                            3                                            
  RETURN INLINE                    15                                            
  ESCAPE ROUTINE                    3                                            
  ESCAPE ROUTINE IMMEDIATE          1                                            

Example of Program without NOC Optimization:

 09:23:15             ***** NATURAL NOCSTAT COMMAND *****             2000-09-06
                  Library SAGTEST  Name NOCTEST2 Type Program                    
         Statement            No NOC   NOCable                                   
  ------------------------   --------  --------                                  
  DB AT CONDITION                   6         0                                  
  MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN               0       371                                  
  EXAMINE                           4         0                                  
  COMPRESS                          0         7                                  
  WRITE                            47         0                                  
  INPUT                             2         0                                  
  NEWPAGE                           2         0                                  
  REINPUT                           6         0                                  
  FIND                              1         0                                  
  READ                              1         0                                  
  HISTOGRAM                         1         0                                  
  ELSE/CLOSE LOOP                   0        55                                  
  LOOPEND FOR/REPEAT                0         5                                  
  BLOCK START                       8         0                                  
  ON ERROR                          1         0                                  
  END                               1         0                                  
  STOP                              2         0                                  
  RETURN                            2         0                                  

Code Profile

The statistical report generated with the option "Code Profile" displays contiguous sequences of statements grouped by categories in a source program suitable for optimization, or lists the NOC coding generated for an optimized program. Occurrences are highlighted.

Example of NOC-Optimized Program:

 09:59:04             ***** NATURAL NOCSTAT COMMAND *****             2000-09-06
                  Library SAGTEST  Name NOCTEST1 Type Program                    
  Line   Statement                                                               
  -----  -------------------------                                               
  0000   ON ERROR                                                                
  0000   MCG OPTIONS                                                             
  0045   MCG OPTIONS                                                             
  0050   NOC CODE                                                                
  0050   NOC CODE                                                                
  0050   NOC CODE                                                                
  0050   NOC CODE                                                                
  1110   SET KEY                                                                 
  1140   NOC CODE                                                                
  1140   NOC CODE                                                                
  1145   NOC CODE                                                                
  1145   NOC CODE                                                                
  1150   NOC CODE                                                                
  1150   NOC CODE                                                                
  1155   NOC CODE                                                                
  1155   NOC CODE                                                                
  1160   NOC CODE                                                                
  1160   NOC CODE                                                                

Example of Program without NOC Optimization:

 10:01:36             ***** NATURAL NOCSTAT COMMAND *****             2000-09-06
                  Library SAGTEST  Name NOCTEST2 Type Program                    
  Line   Statement                                                               
  -----  -------------------------                                               
  0000   ON ERROR                                                                
  0000   MCG OPTIONS                                                             
  0100   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  0100   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  0100   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1920   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1920   FOR                       <-- NOCable                                   
  1920   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1920   FOR/REPEAT IF             <-- NOCable                                   
  1930   COMPRESS                  <-- NOCable                                   
  1940   LOOPEND FOR/REPEAT        <-- NOCable                                   
  1960   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1960   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1970   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1970   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1980   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1980   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   
  1990   MOVE/COMPUTE/ASSIGN       <-- NOCable                                   

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Batch Execution

Below are job examples for processing NOCSTAT reports in batch mode. After job execution, the work files generated can be transferred from host to PC for further processing with standard transfer tools.

Example Job z/OS:

  //NOCBATCH JOB  (NOC,,,30),CLASS=K,MSGCLASS=X                           00000100
  //NATEX EXEC PGM=NATBAT31,REGION=6200K,PARM=('IM=D')                    00000200
  //STEPLIB  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TESTNAT.LOAD                                 00000300
  //CMPRINT  DD SYSOUT=X                                                  00000400
  //CMWKF01  DD DSN='NOC.NOCSTAT.OUT',DISP=(NEW,CATLG),                   00000500
                SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=SAG001               00000600
  //SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=X                                                  00000700
  //CMSYNIN  DD *                                                         00000800
  NOCSTAT                                                                 00000900
  *,library,X,,,X                                                         00001000
  .                                                                       00001100
  FIN                                                                     00001200
  /*                                                                      00001300

Example Job z/VSE:

  // ASSGN SYS001,DISK,VOL=xxxxxx,SHR
  // EXTENT SYS001,xxxxxx,1,0,1,150
  *;library;X; ; ; ;X;

Example Job BS2000/OSD:

  /.BAT234 LOGON  NAT,1      
  /SKIP   .NOP000                                                                
        NAME   : E.NAT314          S T A R T  B A T C H   N A T U R A L           
  /.NOP000 REMARK                                                                 
  /        FILE    NOCSTAT.OUT,LINK=W01
  /        FILE    ADAUSER  ,LINK=DDCARD                                      
  /        FILE    $SAG.ADA623.MOD       ,LINK=BLSLIB00 
  /        SYSFILE TASKLIB=MOD234     
  /        FILE    $NAT.ADALNK.PARMS,LINK=DDLNKPAR                                
  /        REMARK  %%%%%%%%%%  BATCH-PHASE   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%   
  /        EXEC    NAT314                                                   
  *,ADE,X, , , ,X, , ,X

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