Entire Transaction Propagator Version 1.5.2
 —  Entire Transaction Propagator  —

Using Special Functions

This document describes certain ETP maintenance functions that are not performed often, if at all; some of these are operations that should only be performed after careful consideration.

This document covers the following topics:

Special Functions Screen

By either entering the SPecial direct command or selecting the S option on the ETP main menu, the Special Functions screen appears.

The Special Functions Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                               Special Functions

             DI  Display transactions                                
             DE  Delete  transactions                                
             MC  Modify  confirmation file time stamp                
             MS  Modify  system profile                             
             MU  Modify  user profile                                
             CD  Check   definitions for performance problems        
             CA  Change  to another administration file              

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc   

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Display Transactions

By either entering the DIsplay TRansactions direct command or selecting the DI option on the Special Functions selection menu, the Display Transactions screen appears.

The Display Transactions Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                            Display transactions

                    DBID        FNR
 Log file ......* ______     ______

 Time stamp or time start value for display
   Time stamp ..* 0000000000000000>      (hexadecimal value)
   Time ........* 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0> (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.t)

 Mark to display additional data for selected ETs
   Control block (CB) ............................ _
   Format buffer (FB) ............................ _
   Record buffer (RB) ............................ _
   CB, FB, RB as selected for all DB operations .. _

 Printer name .. ________ (' ' = terminal)

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc   

By default, a window appears that displays only the ET timestamps of previously logged transactions. If you want the CB (Control Block), RB (Record Buffer), or FB (Format Buffer) to be displayed for the entry, mark the appropriate fields in the screen. To display the marked data for all DB operations, mark the CB, FB, RB... screen entry.

Screen Field Description

Log file DBID/FNR

Enter the database ID and file number of the log file for which you want transactions displayed. If you use wild card notation for the log file, a window appears which allows you to select a single log file for which the transactions are to be displayed.
Time Stamp Enter either the hexadecimal ET time stamp to display a specific log file entry, or enter a wild card to display a list of all log file entries having time stamp values that meet the selection criterion. If you enter a value here, do not enter a time value in the next field.
Time Enter a valid ET date/time to limit the displayed log file entry, or enter a wild card to display a list of all log file entries having time values that meet the selection criterion. If you enter a value here, do not enter a time stamp value in the field above.

Entries in the Time field are first converted to the time stamp value and then back to normal notation. This conversion can result in a value slightly different from the entered value.

Control Block Mark this field with any non-blank character to display the Adabas Control Block.
Format Buffer Mark this field with any non-blank character to display the Adabas Format Buffer.
Record Buffer Mark this field with any non-blank character to display the Adabas Record Buffer.
CB, FB, RB ...
for all DB Operations
Mark this selection with any non-blank character if you also want to display the data selected in the above fields for all STORE, UPDATE and DELETE operations.
Printer Name To print out the log file entries, enter a valid printer ID here. Leaving this field blank causes the information to be displayed on your terminal.


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Delete Transactions

By either entering the DElete TRansactions direct command or selecting the DE option on the Special Functions selection menu, the Delete Transactions screen appears.

The Delete Transactions Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                            Delete transactions

                                      DBID        FNR
 Log file ........................* ______     ______

 Time stamp or time start value for display
   Time stamp ..* 0000000000000000>      (hexadecimal value)
   Time ........* 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0> (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.t)

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc  
The "Delete Transactions" function allows you to remove log file entries that have not been completed as well as those that have. Removing uncompleted transactions can cause loss of master/replicate file integrity. To remove only completed transactions, use the Clean Up Log File function.

Selection of transactions is restricted to the entries for a single log file. If you use wild card notation for the log file, a window appears which allows you to select a single log file for which the transactions are to be displayed.

Screen Field Description

Delete Entries for Log Enter the database ID and file number of the log file for which File DBID/FNR transactions are to be deleted. If you use wild card notation for the log file, a window appears which allows you to select a single master file for which the transactions can be deleted.

The following Time Stamp and Time fields allow you to select transactions to be deleted, either individually or after a specific time:

Time Stamp Enter either the hexadecimal ET time stamp to delete a specific transaction, or enter a wild card to display a list of all transactions having time stamp values that meet the selection criterion. If you enter a value here, do not enter a time value in the next field.
Time Enter a valid ET date/time to limit the transactions displayed for deletion, or enter a wild card to display a list of all transactions having time values that meet the selection criterion. If you enter a value here, do not enter a time stamp value in the field above.

Entries in the Time field are first converted to the time stamp value and then back to normal notation. This conversion can result in a value slightly different from the entered value.

This function displays a list of all transactions for a single specified log file:

The Delete Log File Entries for Master File Window

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                             Delete transactions

          !                                                           !
 Log file !     -------------------Log File (10,135) ---------------- !
          !     Time stamp          Time                   Replicated !
          !     0000000000000000>   1900-01-01 00:00:00.0>    (Y/N)   !
          !  _  A691B22513246901    1992-11-09 16:23:47.8       Y     !
 Time stam!  _  A691B65A8DFDCE01    1992-11-09 16:42:37.6       Y     !
   Time st!                                                           !
   Time ..!                                                           !
          !                                                           !

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Modify Confirmation File

ETP keeps information about replicated transactions in a confirmation file for the replicate files. Using this function, you can change the confirmation file time stamp.

You should use this function under special conditions and with extreme care, only to modify a replicate file's time stamp; otherwise, the integrity of the replicate file can be destroyed.

By either entering the MOdify Confirmation direct command or selecting the MC option on the Special Functions selection menu, the Modify Confirmation File screen appears.

The Modify Confirmation File Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                      Modify confirmation file time stamp

                      DBID        FNR
 Replicate file ..* ______     ______

 Time stamp or time value of confirmation file

   Time stamp .. _____________________ (hexadecimal value)
   Time ........ _____________________ (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.t)

 Command ===>___________________________________________________________________
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc   

When the screen is first displayed, all fields except the replicate file DBID/file number are protected against updating. After you enter a valid DBID/file number, those fields are then protected against updating, but all other fields can be changed. To change your original DBID/file number selection, you must exit and then reselect the screen.

Screen Field Description

Replicate file
Enter the database ID and file number of the replicate file whose confirmation file time stamp you want to modify. If you enter a wild card in either the database ID or file number field, a window appears from which you can select a single replicate file definition whose time stamp you want to modify.
Time stamp Enter a valid time stamp for the confirmation file. If you enter a time stamp value here, do not enter a date/time value in the next field. The initial value of this field is the current time stamp of the confirmation file.
Time Enter a valid date/time value for the confirmation file. If you enter a date/time value here, do not enter a date/time value in the previous field. ETP converts any time value you enter to a hexadecimal time stamp value, which ETP uses for all comparisons.

Entries in the Time field are first converted to the time stamp value and then back to normal notation. This conversion can result in a value slightly different from the entered value.

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Modify System Profile

The ETP operating profile, defined when the administration file is first installed, permits you to set parameters that apply to all definitions contained in the administration file.

The Modify System Profile Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                              Modify system profile

 Parameters for program start after master file ET

   Name of program to be started ................ HUGO____
   Terminal ID (used for CICS only) ............. NOWHERE_

 Verify transaction consistency during logging .. N (N/Y)

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc  

By either entering the Modify Sysprof direct command or selecting the MS task on the Special Functions menu, the Modify System Profile screen. The screen fields and their possible settings are:

Screen Field Description:

Parameters for program start after master file ET:

Name of Program Specify the name of the user program you want ETP to run after to be Started each ET command performed on a master file. The master file's definition (see Add Master File Definition screen or Modify Master File Definition screen) must enable the user program call. Only one user program can be defined. For more information, see ET-Time User Program.
Terminal ID (CICS only) Specify the terminal ID when the user program defined above runs under CICS.
Verify transaction consistency If, during logging, you want ETP to verify that all master files during logging updated in the same transaction have the same log file assigned, specify "Y". If multiple master files with different log files are updated by a single transaction, the consistency of the transaction during replication cannot be preserved. If you specify "N" (no, the default), transaction consistency is not checked.

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Modify User Profile

Certain ETP maintenance utility tasks display confirmation windows before executing. These Are you sure?... windows are always displayed for those functions unless you disable them for the individual user's profiles. This "Modify User Profile" function lets you control the various confirmation windows.

By either entering the Modify Userprof direct command or selecting the MU task on the Special Functions menu, the Modify User Profilescreen appears. The screen fields and their possible settings are:

The Modify User Profile Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                               Modify user profile

 Profile for user HAL

 Display a window before EXIT, CANCEL, MENU .. Y (Y/N)

 Display a window before DELETE, RESET........ Y (Y/N)

 Display a window before SAVE, EXECUTE ....... Y (Y/N)

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc   

The default values shown in the figure above are the original values effective at installation for all users, and are displayed when you first select the screen. The field descriptions below describe how to display the current settings for a specific user.

Screen Field Description

Display a window before
Enables the confirmation window before the current EXIT screen, CANCEL, and MENU (return to the main menu) functions. An example of a confirmation window that appears, if enabled (Y), is shown under the heading Dialogue Functions.
Display a window before
Enables the confirmation window before one of the following objects is actually deleted; - master file definition - replicate file definition - logged transactions in the log file - the in-use or error indication is reset for a replicate file
Display a window before
Enables the confirmation window before either the SAVE (current data) or EXECUTE (specified program).

The following applies:

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Check Definitions for Performance Problems

To check your master and replicate file definitions for potential performance problems, use the Check Definitions... function. "Potential" problems are problems that are reported by the function but that may not actually occur due to, say, a low update frequency of the log file. However, the hints given by the Check definitions... function should be checked carefully.

The Change Administration File Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                  Check definitions for performance problems

 Display definition xref .. N (Y/N)
 Printer name ............. 

  (' ' = terminal)

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc  

By either entering the CHEck Definitions direct command or selecting the CD task on the Special Functions menu, the Change Administration File screen appears.

Screen Field Description

Display definition xref

If Y (yes) is specified, all master and replicate file definitions are summarized to show their relationships and to give an overview.

Printer Name To print out the check results, enter a valid printer ID here. Leaving this field blank causes the information to be displayed on your terminal.

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Change Administration File

Use the "Change Administration File" function to specify a new administration file for the ETP environment. You can use this function to switch back and forth among different administration files from within the same application at a single node.

By either entering the CHAnge Administration direct command or selecting the CA task on the Special Functions menu, the "Change Administration File" screen appears.

The Change Administration File Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                            Change administration file

                                  DBID      FNR
 Current administration file ...    10      152
 New     administration file .. ______   ______

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc   

Screen Field Description

Current administration file
These fields show the database ID and file number of the administration file that is currently active.
New administration file
Enter the database ID and file number of the file you want to become the new administration file.

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