Entire Transaction Propagator Version 1.5.2
 —  Entire Transaction Propagator  —

Replicate File Task Screens

This documentcovers the following topics:

Replicate File Task Selection Menu

By either entering the MR direct command or selecting the MR option on the ETP Maintenance Utility Main Menu, the Replicate File Definition Maintenance screen appears.

The Replicate File Task Selection Menu

23:59:59           ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****         2000-12-24
                      Replicate File Definition Maintenance

               AD  Add     replicate file definition                   
               MO  Modify  replicate file definition                   
               DI  Display replicate file definition                   
               DE  Delete  replicate file definition                   
               DIE Display error log for replicate files               
               RE  Reset   error state of replicate file               
               RI  Reset   in-use state for replicate file             

Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc  

The replicate file tasks you select from this menu cause the screens described in the following section to appear.

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Add Replicate File Definition

By either entering the Add Replicate direct command or selecting the AD option on the Replicate File Definition Maintenance menu, the Add Replicate File Definition screen appears.

The Add Replicate File Definition Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                         Add replicate file definition


                         DBID      FNR    Verify FDT    Password
 Replicate    file ... ______   ______     Y (Y/N)      ________
 Master       file ..* ______   ______ 
 Confirmation file ...          ______     Y (Y/N)

 Replication criterion (ISN/Key)................ I (I/K)

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last  Save  Flip              Tech              Canc   

To define an ETP replicate file, enter the information in the fields, as described below.

Screen Field Description

Replicate File
Enter the database ID and file number of the Adabas file that becomes a replicate file. Specify Y (yes) under "Verify FDT" to verify the file's Field Definition Table (FDT); otherwise, enter (or allow a default of) N (no). You must enter a database ID and file number; there are no defaults for these values.
To protect the replicate file from any accidental or unauthorized update by an application, you can define a password for the replicate file for ETP to use when applying transactions to the replicate file. The password is defined using Adabas Security.
Master file
Enter the database ID and file number of the master file for the replicate file you specified above. If you enter a wild card for the database ID and/or file number, a list of the master files already defined is displayed. You can then select a master file from the displayed list. To ensure data consistency, the log file must be empty; otherwise, adding a replicate file is not allowed.
Confirmation File
Enter the database ID and file number of the Adabas file that becomes a confirmation file for the replicate file specified above. The confirmation file must be on the same database as the replicate file; a single confirmation file can be used for multiple replicate files. You must enter a confirmation file number; there is no default, even if a confirmation file already exists on the replicate file's database.
Specify Y (yes, the default) under "Verify FDT" to verify the confirmation file's Field Definition Table (FDT); otherwise, enter N (no).
Replication criterion
  • Enter I (the default) in this field if the duplicate ISNs are to be used to identify corresponding records in the master and partially replicated file.

  • Enter K if a unique Adabas descriptor field has been defined as the distribution key for the master file.

Using duplicate ISNs (option I) is more efficient, but requires a complete Associator (ASSO) for the duplicate file, irrespective of the number of replicated records in the file being modified. Option K allows use of an ASSO subset, but causes additional calls to the replicated file's database.

After pressing Enter, the screen displays "More: +" in the top right corner. When a distribution key has been defined for the master file and you wish to change or add a distribution key value, enter either FORWARD or + on the command line to display the screen for defining the distribution key values.

Defining Distribution Key Values

When you define a replicate file containing only a subset of master file records, you can also define a value or value range for the distribution key. The distribution key is the control field in each file record that ETP uses to determine which records are contained in each replicate file.

Replicate File Key Definition Screen

23:59:59           ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****         2000-12-24
                          Add Replicate File Definition                 More: -
 Distribution key format A30

   Start value                            End Value
   ________________________________       ________________________________
   ________________________________       ________________________________
                   .                                    .
                   .                                    .
                   .                                    .

When you enter either FORWARD or + in the first Add Replicate File Definition screen, the screen shown above appears. Here you can enter up to 14 values and/or ranges of values contained in the record field with the format shown in the Distribution Key Format field.

If you make an entry in only one of the start or end value columns, the entry is copied automatically to the other column. Multiple values/value ranges are ORed to create a complete "accept" criterion for the replicate file defined in the first screen.

When the total key length for a format is greater than 32 bytes for a format A field or 16 bytes for a format B field, another column of fields is displayed. You can use these fields to request extra space to enter a key value in full-length, wraparound fashion. If a value longer than 32 or 16 characters respectively is entered, the information entered previously is protected when the window is closed. You can change the value only by reselecting extended editing for the corresponding value.

A distribution key for a format A field is not converted to upper case.

To return to the first screen, use the BACKWARD (PF7 or -) dialogue function.

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Modify Replicate File Definition

By either entering the MOdify Replicate direct command or selecting the MO option on the Replicate File Definition Maintenance menu, the Modify Replicate File Definition screen appears.

The Modify Replicate File Definition Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                         Modify replicate file definition

                         DBID      FNR    Verify FDT    Password
 Replicate    file ..* ___211   _____9      Y (Y/N)     ________
 Master       file ... _____7   ____33
 Confirmation file ...          ____99      Y (Y/N)

 Replication criterion (ISN/Key)........... I (I/K)

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last  Save  Flip              Tech              Canc  

To change an ETP replicate file's definition, enter the information in the fields, as described below.

Screen Field Description

Replicate File

Enter the database ID and file number of an existing replicate. If you enter a wild card in either the database ID or file number field, a window appears from which you can select a single replicate file definition for modification.

When the Modify Replicate File Definition screen is first displayed, you must either enter (or have already selected) a valid replicate file; otherwise, you cannot make entries in the rest of the fields. Once you have selected a replicate file and press Enter, you cannot change the file unless you either exit the screen and then re-enter it again, or perform the SAVE dialogue function.

Specify Y (yes, the default) under Verify FDT to verify the replicate file's Field Definition Table (FDT); otherwise, enter N (no).

To protect the replicate file from any accidental or unauthorized update by an application, you can define a password for the replicate file for ETP to use when applying transactions to the replicate file. The password is defined using Adabas Security.

Master file DBID/FNR This field displays the current master file when a valid replicate file is first entered. To change the master file for this replicate file, specify a database ID and file number of the new master file. If you enter a wild card for the database ID and/or file number, a list of the master files already defined is displayed. You can then select a master file from the displayed list.
Confirmation File FNR This field displays the current confirmation file when a replicate file is first entered. To change the confirmation file, enter the file number of an Adabas file that becomes the new confirmation file for the replicate file specified above. The confirmation file must be on the same database as the replicate file; a single confirmation file can be used for multiple replicate files.
Replication criterion
  • Enter I (the default) in this field if the duplicate ISNs are to be used to identify corresponding records in the master and partially replicated file.

  • Enter K if a unique Adabas descriptor field has been defined as the distribution key for the master file.

Using duplicate ISNs (option I) is more efficient, but requires a complete Associator (ASSO) for the duplicate file, irrespective of the number of replicated records in the file being modified. Option K allows use of an ASSO subset, but causes additional calls to the replicated file's database.

When a distribution key has been defined for the replicate file and you wish to change or add a distribution key value, enter either FORWARD or + on the command line to display the screen for defining the distribution key values. See Defining Distribution Key Values for more information.

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Display Replicate File Definition

By either entering the DIsplay Replicate direct command or selecting the DI option on the Replicate File Definition Maintenance menu, the Display Replicate File Definition screen appears. The displayed output resembles the Modify Replicate File.

The Display Replicate File Definition Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                        Display replicate file definition

                      DBID      FNR
 Replicate file ..* _____*   _____*

 Printer name ..... ________ (' ' = terminal)

 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc   

Screen Field Description

Replicate File
Enter the database ID and file number of an existing replicate file. If you enter a wild card in either the database ID or file number field, a window appears from which you can select one or more replicate file definitions to display.
Printer name To print out the replicate file definitions, enter a valid printer ID here. Leave this field empty to display the replicate file definitions on your terminal.

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Delete Replicate File Definition

By either entering the DElete REplicate direct command or selecting the DE option on the Replicate File Definition Maintenance menu, the Delete Replicate File Definition screen appears.

The Delete Replicate File Definition Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                         Delete replicate file definition

                             DBID      FNR
 Delete replicate file ..* ______   ______

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc  

To delete a replicate file's definition, enter the information in the fields as described below. To make changes to a replicate file's definition, enter the MOdify Replicate direct command on the command line at the bottom of the current screen.

Screen Field Description

Delete Replicate File
Enter the database ID and file number of an existing replicate file. If you enter a wild card in either the database ID or file number field, a window appears from which you can select one or more replicate file definitions to delete.

If you have enabled the confirmation window using the "Modify User Profile" function, the confirmation window appears, asking you to confirm the deletion. If the log file of the related master file is not empty, deletion is not allowed.

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Display Error Log for Replicate File

ETP keeps information about failed replication operations in an error log for the replicate files. You can display part or all of the logged error information with this function.

By either entering the DIsplay Error direct command or selecting the DIE option on the Replicate File Definition Maintenance menu, the Display Error Log for Replicate File screen appears.

The Display Error Log for Replicate File Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                       Display error log for replicate file

                            DBID      FNR
 Replicate file ........* ______   ______

 Mark to display data of failing ADABAS transaction
    Control block (CB) .. _
    Format buffer (FB) .. _
    Record buffer (RB) .. _

 Printer name ........... ________ (' ' = terminal

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc   

Screen Field Description

Replicate file DBID/FNR Enter the database ID and file number of the replicate file for which you want errors displayed. If you enter a wild card in either the database ID or file number field, a window appears from which you can select a single replicate file definition for displaying the error log.

To display more Adabas data from the failed operation, mark the appropriate field on the screen as described here below. Note that not all data are always available:

Control Block Mark this field with any non-blank character to display the Adabas Control Block for the failed operation.
Format Buffer Mark this field with any non-blank character to display the Adabas Format Buffer for the failed operation.
Record Buffer Mark this field with any non-blank character to display the Adabas Record Buffer for the failed operation.
Printer name To print out any error information selected above, enter a valid printer ID here. Leave this field empty to display the added error log information on the terminal.

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Reset Replicate File Error State

By either entering the RESet Error direct command or selecting the RE option on the Replicate File Definition Maintenance menu, the Reset Error State for Replicate File screen appears.

The Reset Replicate File Error State Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                      Reset error state for replicate file

                      DBID      FNR
 Replicate file ..* ______   ______

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc  

To reset a replicate file's error state, enter the information in the fields as described below. To make changes to a replicate file's definition, enter the Modify Replicate direct command on the command line at the bottom of the current screen.

Screen Field Description

Replicate File DBID/FNR Enter the database ID and file number of an existing replicate file. If you enter a wild card in either the database ID or file number field, a window appears from which you can select one or more replicate file definitions to reset the error state.

If you have enabled the confirmation window using the "Modify User Profile" function, the confirmation window appears, asking you to confirm the reset operation.

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Reset Replicate File In-Use State

By either entering the RESet In-use direct command or selecting the RI option on the Replicate File Definition Maintenance menu, the Reset Replicate File In-Use State screen appears.

The Reset Replicate File In-Use State Screen

 23:59:59          ***** ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR *****          2000-12-24
                     Reset in-use field for replicate file

                      DBID      FNR
 Replicate file ..* ______   ______

 Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Last        Flip              Tech              Canc  

To reset a replicate file's in-use state, enter the information in the fields as described below. To make changes to a replicate file's definition, enter the Modify Replicate direct command MO on the command line at the bottom of the current screen.

Screen Field Description

Replicate File
Enter the database ID and file number of an existing replicate file. If you enter a wild card in either the database ID or file number field, a window appears from which you can select one or more replicate file definitions to reset their in-use flags.

If you have enabled the confirmation window using the "Modify User Profile" function, the confirmation window appears, asking you to confirm the reset operation.

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