Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Database Management System Interfaces  —

Installing Natural for VSAM

This section describes how to install Natural for VSAM (also referred to as NVS) in the various environments supported. The installation procedure depends on the TP monitor being used.

Notation vrs or vr: If used in the following document, the notation vrs or vr stands for the relevant version, release, system maintenance level numbers. For further information on product versions, see Version in the Glossary.

General Information

Below is information on:

Installation Jobs

The installation of Software AG products is performed by installation jobs. These jobs are either created manually or generated by System Maintenance Aid (SMA).

For each step of the installation procedure under z/OS and z/VSE, the job number of a job performing the respective task is indicated. This job number refers to an installation job generated by SMA. If you are not using SMA, an example installation job of the same number is provided in the job library on the NVS installation tape; you must adapt this example job to your requirements. Note that the job numbers on the tape are preceded by the product code (for example, NVSI070).

Using System Maintenance Aid

For information on using Software AG's System Maintenance Aid (SMA) for the installation process, refer to the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

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Products and versions are specified under Natural and Other Software AG Products and Operating/Teleprocessing Systems Required in the current Natural Release Notes.

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Installation Tape - z/OS Systems

The installation tape contains the datasets listed in the table below. The sequence of the datasets is shown in the Report of Tape Creation which accompanies the installation tape.

Dataset Name Contents
NVSvrs.SRCE NVS source modules.
NVSvrs.LOAD NVS load modules.
NVSvrs.EXPL NVS sample programs.
NVSvrs.JOBS NVS installation jobs.

The notation vrs in dataset names represents the version number of the product.

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Installation Tape - z/VSE Systems

The installation tape contains the datasets listed in the table below. The sequence of the datasets and the type and space they require on disk is shown in the Report of Tape Creation which accompanies the installation tape.

Dataset Name Contents
NVSvrs.LIBR NVS source modules, macros and relocatable modules.
NVSvrs.EXPL NVS example programs.

The notation vrs in dataset names represents the version number of the product.

Copying the Tape Contents to Disk

Copy the sublibrary containing the sample installation jobs from tape using the following JCL:

// ASSGN SYS006,cuu,VOL=Tnnnnn
// MTC REW,cuu
// MTC FSF,SYS006,nn
* Tape positioned at tape mark nn
* $$ EOJ


cuu represents the physical unit address of the tape drive.
nn represents the file sequence number as shown in the Report of Tape Creation.
vrs represents the version number of the product.

If you are not using System Maintenance Aid, adapt and run job NVSTAPE to copy the dataset from tape to disk. NVSTAPE is contained in sublibrary NVSvrsJ on the Natural installation tape.

The dataset type and the space it requires on disk are shown in the Report of Tape Creation.

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Installation Procedure - z/OS and z/VSE

To install NVS under the operating systems z/OS and z/VSE, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Define CICS RDO Definitions - Job I005

Step 2: Prepare NVS Demo File - Job I008, Steps 1403 to 1407

Step 3: Create NVS Parameter Module - Job I055, Steps 1400 and 1401

Step 4: Create NVS I/O Module - Job I055, Steps 1410 and 1411, or Job I070, Step 1400

Step 5: Adapt all Natural Parameter Modules - Jobs I060, I080

Step 6: Relink all Natural Nuclei - Jobs I060, I080

Step 7: Load Examples - Job I061, Step 1400

Step 8: Customize your TP Monitor

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Installation Verification - z/OS and z/VSE

To verify whether the installation has been successfully performed, log on to the library SYSEXNVS and run the following programs:

If all these programs can be executed successfully, the installation of Natural for VSAM is completed and verified.

Note for z/OS batch mode: For verification in batch mode under z/OS you can run the job NVSI200 which executes the above programs.

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