Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Database Management System Interfaces  —

Problem Determination Guide

The items listed below are cross-referenced by Natural for DL/I error messages. They are supplied to advise Natural programmers, DL/I database administrators and system support personnel of actions required to correct a given problem.

This document covers the following topics:

Item 1: Activate Natural Trace Facility for DL/I

How to activate the Natural trace facility for DL/I:

How to create and display the Natural trace for DL/I:

  1. Start the Natural session with DSIZE=64 (or smaller). This is required because the trace data is written into the DSIZE buffer.

  2. Activate the trace facility (see above) and specify the following commands:

    TEST DBLOG D    Start DBLOG for DL/I.
    ... Reproduce your problem here.
    TEST DBLOG D Display the data logged.

The Natural trace facility for DL/I is available in all Natural for DL/I environments.

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Item 2: Obtain the Program Listing

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Item 3: Obtain the View Listing

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Item 4: Obtain the DBD Macros

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Item 5: Obtain the PSB Macros

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Item 6: Obtain the NDB Description Printout

To obtain the printout, execute the Natural module NDLBLOCK in the library SYSDDM with the following parameters:

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Item 7: Obtain the NSB Description Printout

To obtain the printout, execute the Natural module NDLBLOCK in the library SYSDDM with the following parameters:

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Item 8: Obtain the UDF Description Printout

To obtain the printout, execute the Natural module NDLBLOCK in the library SYSDDM with the following parameters:

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Item 9: Obtain a DUMP

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Item 10: Obtain the NDLPARM Listing

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Item 11: Obtain the NATDBD Procedure Output

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Item 12: Obtain the NATPSB Procedure Output

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