Text | File related to user DDM does not exist. |
Expl. | A VSAM user DDM is related to physical VSAM DDM, which does not
exist. A logical user DDM must have the same file number than the physical file. |
Actn. | Correct the file number or create an appropriate physical VSAM
DDM. |
Text | There is no physical file with the given number. |
Expl. | A VSAM DDM logical refers to a physical VSAM DDM which does not
exist. |
Actn. | Create an appropriate physical VSAM DDM, or logically relate the
DDM to another physical VSAM DDM. |
Text | Logical file must be of type KSDS or VRDS. |
Actn. | Change the logical file type. |
Text | File number missing for related physical file. |
Actn. | Enter a file number. |
Text | DDM too large, not enough size. |
Expl. | A DDM will be temporarily stored in an internal buffer during a
CHECK or CAT operation. There is not enough space available to allocate this buffer. |
Actn. | Reduce other Natural buffer sizes (e.g. ESIZE), reduce the size
of the DDM or contact a Natural administrator. |
Text | Primary key invalid for ESDS files. |
Actn. | Remove the primary-key field. |
Text | RRDS files must not contain any key. |
Actn. | Remove the key. |
Text | Duplicate long field name ... not allowed. |
Expl. | There are two DDM fields with the same long name. This is not
allowed. |
Actn. | Change the long name of the DDM field. |
Text | ... |
Expl. | No detailed explanation available. |
Text | KSDS file must contain at least one primary key. |
Actn. | Insert a primary key in the KSDS DDM. |
Text | Alternate index name valid only for types "A", "X". |
Expl. | An alternate index is specified for a field, but the descriptor
column of the field is not marked with "A" or "X". |
Actn. | Correct error. |
Text | Value for ... must be "Y" or "N". |
Expl. | The value for an input field must be "Y" or
"N". |
Actn. | Enter "Y" or "N" or contact a Natural
administrator. |
Text | ... must not be blank. |
Actn. | Enter a value other than blank, or contact a Natural
administrator. |
Text | ... must be .... |
Expl. | No detailed explanation available. |
Text | Catalog ... disallowed by security definition. |
Expl. | The user does not have the privileges in Natural Security to
catalog this DDM. |
Actn. | Contact a Natural Security administrator or change the name of
the DDM. |
Text | Catalog DDM disallowed for SYSDDM utility. |
Expl. | The user does not have the privileges to catalog a DDM with the
SYSDDM Utility. |
Actn. | Contact a Natural Security administrator. |
Text | Code "C" not supported. .... |
Expl. | An internal error during a call to Natural Security occurred.
Natural Security does not know code "C" for the cataloging of DDMs. Natural Security issued a response code. |
Actn. | Contact a Natural Security administrator. |
Text | Duplicate short name ... not allowed. |
Expl. | It is not allowed for this DDM to use a short name more than
once. |
Actn. | Change the short name of a field. |
Text | S-Descriptor ... must not refer to PE/MU field .... |
Expl. | The master field of a super- or subdescriptor must not be a periodic-group or multiple-value field. |
Actn. | Change the super- or subdescriptor. |
Text | Creator not found in DDM name, check against table not possible. |
Expl. | The DDM name of an SQL DDM is supposed to consist of the creator
name and the table name separated by a "-". If the creator and table name cannot be identified, the SQL DDM cannot be checked against a SQL table. Note that there is no check against the SQL table when you catalog the DDM. |
Actn. | Use a DDM name which consists of creator and table name separated by a "-". |
Text | Return code ... after Adabas LF-command. |
Expl. | An Adabas LF-command was issued to retrieve the field
characteristics of an FDT. A non-zero return code was received after the call. |
Actn. | Check the file number of the FDT or contact a Natural
administrator. |
Text | This command is disallowed. |
Expl. | There was an attempt to perform a function which is disallowed by Natural Security. |
Actn. | Contact a Natural Security administrator. |
Text | Specify table name and creator name. |
Expl. | Either the creator name or the table name of an SQL table was
missing during an attempt to generate a DDM from an SQL table. |
Actn. | Issue creator and table name. |
Text | Table ... created by ... not found. |
Expl. | The SQL table from which you wanted to create a DDM was not
found. |
Actn. | Either create the SQL table or issue the correct creator and
table name. |
Text | Too many columns for view (< 750). |
Expl. | The SQL table from which you wanted to generate a DDM has too
many columns. The maximum number of columns is 750. |
Actn. | Reduce the number of columns in the table. |
Text | Error ... parsing SQL View (NATG0301). |
Expl. | The error occurred during a check of a view for updateable
fields. There may be an error in the view definition. |
Actn. | Contact a Natural administrator. |
Text | Table ... has no columns. |
Expl. | An attempt was made to generate a DDM from an SQL table which has
no columns. |
Actn. | Contact a Natural administrator. |
Text | Too many columns - cannot generate short names. |
Expl. | There is a limited number of short names for key fields and
non-key fields in SQL DDMs. The maximum number of one kind of field has been exceeded. |
Actn. | Reduce the number of columns in the SQL table. |
Text | Invalid database number. |
Expl. | A database number was issued which is not valid in the context. |
Actn. | Enter another database number. |
Text | DDM already defined on database other than DB2. |
Expl. | You were trying to catalog a DDM whose name already exists; however, the DDM is not for DB2. |
Actn. | Use another name for the DDM. |
Text | DB2 not active, DDM cannot be tested. |
Expl. | An attempt was made to check a DB2 DDM against the DB2 database,
but Natural found that DB2 is not active. |
Actn. | Contact a Natural administrator. |
Text | Null indicator must be of type I2. |
Expl. | A null indicator is not of the required type and length. |
Actn. | Change format and/or length of the null indicator. |
Text | Invalid format or length in LOB or long alpha field. |
Expl. | LOB fields may have the format "A", "B" or
"U". The maximum length for format "A" or "B" is 1073741824. The maximum length for format "U" is 536870912. Long alpha fields may have the format "A" or "U". The maximum length for format "A" is 16381. The maximum length for format "U" is 8190. |
Actn. | Specify the correct format/length. |
Text | Null indicator is a descriptor. |
Expl. | The null indicator is defined as a descriptor, but the
null-indicator field in the DDM is not a descriptor. |
Actn. | Define the null-indicator field of the DDM as a descriptor. |
Text | Null indicator could not be related to a field. |
Expl. | Possible reasons for this message: - The short name of a field and the short name of the corresponding null indicator must be equal. - A null indicator must be preceded by its related DB field. |
Actn. | Change short name or position of null indicator. |
Text | Invalid null indicator field name. |
Expl. | The long name of a null indicator must be the long name of the corresponding field prefixed by N@. On mainframe platforms, "@" is the character with the hexadecimal value H"7C". |
Actn. | Change the long name of the null indicator. |
Text | Format must be binary (B). |
Expl. | The format of a field was found to be binary during the check of the DDM against the database. |
Actn. | Set the format of the field to binary. |
Text | Field is not defined as LOB field in Adabas. |
Expl. | The DDM field is marked with the field option "LB", which indicates that the field is an Adabas LOB field. However, the field is not defined as an LOB field in Adabas. |
Actn. | Regenerate the DDM; or change the field option on the extended
field editing map, activated with the .e line command. |
Text | Field is not defined as a long alpha field in Adabas. |
Expl. | The DDM field is marked with the field option "LA", which indicates that the field is an Adabas long alpha field. However, the field is not defined as a long alpha field in Adabas. |
Actn. | Regenerate the DDM; or change the field option on the extended
field editing map, activated with the .e line command. |
Text | CMZUL ... with response code .... |
Expl. | There has been an error calling the CMZUL editor. |
Actn. | Contact a Natural administrator. |
Text | Invalid file number. |
Expl. | A file number in the range from 1 to 5000 must be entered. |
Actn. | Enter a valid file number. |
Text | CICS file name missing. |
Expl. | No detailed explanation available. |
Text | Only K,E,R,V (file-org); Y,N (compress); F,C (zone) allowed. |
Expl. | No detailed explanation available. |
Text | Y (compress) only allowed for KSDS, ESDS and VRDS files. |
Expl. | No detailed explanation available. |
Text | Invalid command, please enter valid command. |
Expl. | A command has been entered which is not valid. |
Actn. | Enter a valid command. |
Text | Element length cannot be greater than .... |
Expl. | A length for a field has been entered which is longer than the
maximum for this field type. |
Actn. | Check and enter correct length. |
Text | Function cancelled. |
Expl. | A function has been cancelled by the user. |
Actn. | No action required. |
Text | Database ID ... invalid for DB2 tables. |
Actn. | Enter or select a valid database ID. |
Text | Not allowed to write a Super Natural user file. |
Expl. | A Super Natural user file will be generated by a Super Natural application. You can read or list the file and store or backup it with another file type. But it is not allowed to change it, because the Super Natural application which uses the file may not longer run. |
Text | Please specify a file name. |
Expl. | If the function LIST FILE is selected, a file name must be specified. |
Actn. | Enter function and file name. |