Installation Procedure

This document describes installation procedures for Natural ISPF under the operating systems z/OS, z/VSE and BS2000.

If you are migrating from a previous version of Natural ISPF, be sure to refer to the section Migrating from Previous Versions.

This document covers the following topics:

Step 1: Copying the Medium Contents to Disk

To load the Natural ISPF installation medium, proceed as follows:

For z/OS:

Copy the data sets from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the data sets depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you use System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the copy job instructions provided in the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy all data sets from tape to disk.

Step 1: Copy Data Set COPY.JOB from Tape to Disk

  • Modify the following sample job according to your requirements:

    //* ---------------------------------
    // DISP=(OLD,PASS),
    // UNIT=(CASS,,DEFER),
    // VOL=(,RETAIN,SER=tape-volser),
    // LABEL=(2,SL)
    //SYSUT2 DD DSN=hilev.COPY.JOB,
    // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=disk-volser,
    // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),
    // DCB=*.SYSUT1


    tape-volser is the VOLSER of the tape, for example: T12345,
    hilev is a valid high-level qualifier, and
    disk-volser is the VOLSER of the disk.

  • Execute the job to copy the data set COPY.JOB to your disk.

Step 2: Modify hilev.COPY.JOB on Your Disk

  • Modify hilev.COPY.JOB according to your requirements:

    Set EXPDT to a valid expiration date, for example, 99365.

    Set HILEV to a valid high-level qualifier, for example, USERLIB.

    Set LOCATION to a storage location, for example, STORCLAS=ABC or UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=USR123.

Step 3: Submit COPY.JOB

  • Execute hilev.COPY.JOB to copy single, multiple, or all data sets to your disk.

For z/VSE:

Copy the data sets from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the data sets depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you use System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the copy job instructions provided in the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS (if supplied) from tape to disk. All other data sets can be installed directly from the tape.

Step 1: Copy Data Set COPYTAPE.JOB to Disk

  • Modify the following sample job according to your requirements:

    * $$ JOB JNM=LIBRCAT,CLASS=0,                                          +
    * $$ DISP=D,LDEST=(*,UID),SYSID=1                                      
    * $$ LST CLASS=A,DISP=D                                                
    // JOB LIBRCAT                                                         
    * *****************************************                            
    *     STORE COPYTAPE.JOB IN LIBRARY                                    
    * *****************************************
    // ASSGN SYS004,nnn 
    // MTC REW,SYS004                                                        
    // MTC FSF,SYS004,4                                                      
    ASSGN SYSIPT,SYS004                                                      
    // TLBL IJSYSIN,'COPYTAPE.JOB'                                           
    // EXEC LIBR,PARM='MSHP; ACC S=lib.sublib'
    // MTC REW,SYS004
    ASSGN SYSIPT,FEC                                                         
    * $$ EOJ


    nnn is the tape address, and
    lib.sublib is the library and sublibrary in which the data set COPYTAPE.JOB is to be stored.

  • Execute the job to copy the data set COPYTAPE.JOB to disk.

    COPYTAPE.JOB contains the JCL required to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS from tape to disk.

Step 2: Modify COPYTAPE.JOB on Your Disk

  • Modify COPYTAPE.JOB according to your requirements and set the disk space parameters as appropriate.

Step 3: Submit COPYTAPE.JOB

  • Execute COPYTAPE.JOB to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS to your disk.

For BS2000:

Copy the files (data sets) from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the files depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you want to copy the files from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you want to copy the files from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy all files from tape to disk.

Step 1: Copy Library SRVvrs.LIB from Tape to Disk

This step is not necessary if you have already copied the library SRVvrs.LIB from another Software AG installation tape. For further information, refer to the element #READ-ME in this library. The library SRVvrs.LIB is stored on the tape as a sequential file named SRVvrs.LIBS containing LMS commands. The current version vrs can be obtained from the Software AG Product Delivery Report.

  • Execute the following commands to convert SRVvrs.LIBS into an LMS library:

    /   VOLUME=volser, DEV-TYPE=tape-device)
    @READ  '/'
    @WRITE  'SRVvrs.LIBS'
    /MOD-JOB-SW  ON=1
    /MOD-JOB-SW  OFF=1


    tape-device is the device type of the tape, for example, TAPE-C4, and
    volser is the VOLSER of the tape (see the Software AG Product Delivery Report).

Step 2: Copy the Procedure COPY.PROC from Tape to Disk

  • Call the procedure P.COPYTAPE in the library SRVvrs.LIB to copy the procedure COPY.PROC to disk:

    /   (VSNT=volser, DEVT=tape-device)

    If you use a TAPE-C4 device, you can omit the parameter DEVT.

Step 3: Copy all Product Files from Tape to Disk

  • Enter the procedure COPY.PROC to copy all product files to disk:


    If you use a TAPE-C4 device, you can omit the parameter DEVT.

    The result of this procedure is written to the file L.REPORT.SRV.

Step 2: Loading System Programs and Error Messages

Load files ISPvrs.INPL and ISPvrs.ERRN. They load objects into the following Natural libraries (if a library does not yet exist, it is created):

Library Name Description
SYSLIB Programs
SYSLIBS Incore database modules
SYSERR Error messages
SYSISPS1 ISPF system tables / menus / profiles
SYSISPFU ISPF user tables / menus / profiles
SYSISPH1 ISPF system help texts
SYSISPDB ISPF Incore database modules
SYSISPX ISPF exit sources
SYSISPXC ISPF user exits for Com-plete
SYSISPE ISPF example library
SYSISPI ISPF system interface library
SYSISPXU* ISPF user-defined exit sources
SYSISPHU* ISPF user-defined help texts
SYSISPIU* ISPF user-defined information (UINFO)

* The libraries marked with an asterisk (*) are created only, if Natural Security is installed at your site (see also Natural Security Definitions).

Job I061

Load the files using Job I061, Steps 2000 (INPL) and 2001 (ERRN).

For All Platforms on which Natural Security is Installed

If return code 5500 or 828 is issued, the job may not be authorized to make all Natural Security entries at your site. If this happens, reload program INTISPS1 from the INPL and run it in library SYSTEM in online Natural to ensure that all security entries are made.

Step 3: Loading Predict Data

This step must be skipped if you are using a Natural VSAM system file.

All Natural ISPF files used in Incore database examples are documented in Software AG's repository Predict. The ISPvrs.DATA data set on the installation medium contains these Predict data that can be loaded with the MIGRATE utility in Predict. This is optional.

The MIGRATE utility is described in the Predict Reference documentation. Use Job I200, Step 2000 to load the file.

The Predict MIGRATE utility may issue warning message IC2629, indicating that different fields are using the same Adabas short names. You can ignore this message. You can also ignore the message: Attribute OPSYS lost.

Step 4: Modifying Natural Front-end Modules - BS2000 only: Job I070

Front-end Requirements

There are no special requirements for the Natural TIAM driver (ANRTFRNT). However, it is recommended that you use the following definitions:

Definition Description
CURPRO=ON This is the default.
PFK=KN Recommended if all connected terminals are type 9756 or above.
PFK=KS Recommended in all other cases.

See also the section Setting the Dynamic Natural Parameters.

If you wish to modify the NATTIAM parameters, edit and reassemble the Natural TIAM driver source ANRTFRNT using Job I070.

Natural UTM Driver

The following requirements concerning the Natural UTM driver (ANUTFRNT) must be satisfied:

Requirements Description
ADACALL=name Recommended (not NO)
CDYNAM=10 Minimum value
CURPRO=ON This is the default
PFK=KN Recommended if all connected terminals are type 9756 or above.
PFK=KS Recommended in all other cases.

See also the section Setting the Dynamic Natural Parameters.

If you wish to modify the NATUTM parameters, edit and reassemble the Natural UTM driver source ANUTFRNT using Job I070.

Step 5: Modifying the Online Natural Parameter Module

Check the NATPARM module to see if it contains the following definitions. If not, add them:

Definitions Description
SSIZE=64 Editor area.
ASIZE=64 Entire System Server area also required for IDB.
CDYNAM=10 Minimum value.
CSTATIC=(... , NATPM, ...) Optional setting. Required only if Incore database applications make use of Natural's inverse direction display facility (for example, for use in Middle Eastern countries) (see Natural ISPF Administration Guide, section User Exits).
SYNERR=ON Trap syntax errors.
MAXCL=0 Recommended.
MADIO=0 Recommended.
LE=OFF Limit error (see Natural Parameter Reference documentation for details).
RECAT=OFF To allow stow of macros.
NTPRINT=(...) Define at least Printers 1 and 2 (see Natural Operations documentation). Note that if no printer can be accessed, the functions WORKPOOL and BROWSE-VIEW are not available.
NTFILE ID=186,DBID=n,FNR=m Definition of container file. If a VSAM container file is used, PASSW=ISPC must be added to this statement.
NTFILE ID=205,DBID=n,FNR=m, PASSW=passw Definition of versioning file. Required if Adabas versioning file is to be password-protected or a VSAM versioning file is used. If VSAM, specify PASSW=ISPV.
NTDB PROCESS,148 * Mandatory Entire System Server node.
NTDB INCORE,147 * Definition of incore database. **

* These definitions are required only if the Entire System Server (formerly Natural Process) is installed. Note also that the NTDB definitions must always be at the end of the NATPARM module. It is important that even if your Entire System Server default node ID is different from 148, the entry, NTDB PROCESS 148, has to remain unchanged here.

** All Incore database examples use this DBID. If 147 cannot be used at your site, all Incore database DDMs (ISP-IDB*) must be recataloged with the new value specified here. All Incore database example programs (IDB* and VER* in the example library) must also be recataloged accordingly.

If the specified SSIZE value is not available when Natural ISPF is invoked, no Natural ISPF command is accepted (the message Invalid command appears). If this happens, check whether SSIZE is available using the Natural command BUS.


  1. If the IMPORT/EXPORT PC functions are to be used with Entire Connection, Workfile 7 must be assigned to PC or PC3 (for example, NTWORK (7),AM=PC). The default Workfile 7 can be modified (see the description of the Import/Export Exits in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide, section User Exits).

  2. Use the NTPRINT macro to define at least Printers 1 and 2 (see the Natural Parameter Reference documentation).

    • If you specify NTPRINT (1,2),AM=OFF or the equivalent PRINT=OFF, the WORKPOOL and BROWSE-VIEW functions are not available. Of course, you can also specify the printer definitions online using the PRINT parameter which can complement or override the NTPRINT definitions.

    • You can specify any access method of your choice, but when using Natural ISPF in an online environment, you should specify the options OPEN=ACC, CLOSE=OBJ (it may be acceptable for batch environments to use the options OPEN=INIT, CLOSE=FIN).

Job I080

Reassemble and link the NATPARM module when modified (JCL is contained in member NATI080 in the Natural installation job library).

Step 6: Modifying Natural VSAM Parameters

Only required if Natural VSAM system files are used.

Set parameter KEYLGH in macro NVSPARM to 126. Then reassemble and link the macro using Job NVSI055, Steps 1400 and 1401. This job can be found in library NATvrs.JOBS or NVSvrs.JOBS.

Step 7: Assembling the Parameter Modules for the ESX Component

Please refer to the section Installing the Entire Systems Server Interface in the Natural Installation documentation for Mainframes to install the ESX component.

Step 8: Linking the Gateway Modules for the ESX Component

Please refer to section Installing the Entire Systems Server Interface in the Natural Installation documentation for Mainframes to install the ESX component.

Step 9: Relinking Natural with Natural ISPF

Please refer to the section Natural Installation documentation for Mainframes to install the ESX component.

Modules required if Natural VSAM system files are used (from Natural VSAM library):

Link Job Description
INCLUDE NVSPARM Natural VSAM parameter (see Modifying Natural VSAM Parameters)
INCLUDE NVSISPV Natural VSAM versioning file access
INCLUDE NVSLIB Natural VSAM container file access

If you are using a shared Natural nucleus, all modules can be linked to the shared nucleus.

Step 10: Loading / Migrating the Natural ISPF Versions File

The Natural ISPF versions file is used to store "update decks" for edited Natural members, PDS members and z/VSE members. This means that if versioning is active, previous versions of these object types are kept when selected for editing and can be retrieved.

For Natural objects: this applies only to objects that are maintained using the Software AG Editor, that is, maps and data area objects cannot use versioning.

You can use an Adabas file or a VSAM file as versions file.

Loading a Versions File

Follow these instructions if you do not yet have a versions file. If you already have one, skip to Migrating a Versions File.

Adabas Versions File

Load the empty Natural ISPF versioning file (data set ISPvrs.SYS1) using the ADALOD utility. All versioning data is stored in this file. The ADALOD parameter ISNREUSE must be set to YES:


The file number of the versions file can be freely chosen and must be entered in the Natural ISPF parameter screen of the configuration option. See the Natural ISPF Administration Guide, section System Configuration, subsection Natural ISPF Parameters.

If the versions file is to be protected by an Adabas password, the password must be defined to Natural using the following NTFILE macro:

NTFILE ID=205,DBID=n,FNR=m,PASSW=password

When the NTFILE/LFILE parameter is used, regardless if with or without PASSW, the values for VERSIONS DBID and VERSIONS FNR in the Natural ISPF parameters are ignored, but some values must be set in these fields to activate versioning. It is highly recommended to use the correct numbers to prevent confusion.

Recommended ADALOD Parameters

The following ADALOD parameters are recommended:


Parameter Value
Job I050 step 2000

Additional parameters can be found in Job I050, Step 2000.

VSAM Versions File - z/OS and z/VSE only

  1. Add the following statement to the Natural parameter module:



    n is any VSAM DBID

    m is any number

    ISPV is DD(FCT,DLBL) name of the VSAM file.

    Due to the usage of the NTFILE/LFILE parameter, regardless if with or without PASSW, the values for VERSIONS DBID and VERSIONS FNR in the Natural ISPF parameters are ignored, but some values must be set in these fields to activate versioning. It is highly recommended to use the correct numbers to prevent confusion.

  2. The module NVSISPV must be linked to the Natural for VSAM nucleus.

    If you wish to use a VSAM file as versions file, sample JCL for defining the VSAM cluster can be found in Job I008, Step 2000.

  3. Natural for VSAM parameter KEYLGH must be set to 126 (minimum value).

  4. The file must be initialized by loading the data set ISPvrs.VINI with VSAM repro. See Job I008, Step 2001.

Under CICS

If you are defining a VSAM versions file under CICS, add an FCT entry. For an example, see Job I005.

Under Com-plete

If you are defining a VSAM versions file under Com-plete, catalog the VSAM versions file as follows:

  • Under Com-plete, use the CA function of the UFILE utility, and add the card:


    You must also add the appropriate DD cards to the Com-plete startup procedure. For example:


Under TSO

If you are defining a VSAM versions file under TSO, add the following statement to your CLIST for Natural:


Migrating a Versions File

An existing versions file that has been used by a Natural ISPF version lower than 2.5.1 has to be migrated to the new record format. This can be done by SMA Job I200, Step 2005 for operating systems z/OS, z/VSE and BS2000. This job runs the program ISPFMIG which is located in library SYSISPI. Specify the database and file numbers of your versions file as parameters in these example jobs. For VSAM version files, do not forget to add the DD statement in your migration job.

ISPFMIG can also be started in online mode. However, in this case the program checks only the specified versions file for old records and does not translate these records into the new logical structure. To execute the check for old records, logon to SYSISPI and type ISPFMIG in the Natural command line. Or type NAT ISPFMIG in the Natural ISPF command line.

The program ISPFMIG will temporarily change the LFILE definition to check the file. You can restart this utility in batch mode without loss of data. Old records will be converted into the new format within your versions file. Do not use copies of this file with existing version data. Any versioned SAVEs accessing the wrong versions file will cause version mismatches and loss of some versions. Instead, for backup reasons unload your Adabas versions file to a sequential data set or copy your VSAM versions file before executing this utility. Restore it only in case of ISPFMIG migration errors. If you receive Adabas Response Code 47 during migration, parameter NISNHQ (Adabas cards) should be set to NISNHQ=60.

If you intend to use two or more different environments running different versions of Natural ISPF, you should keep the following in mind:

  • If two environments provide access to identical data (for example, FUSER and FNAT files or PDS libraries), they should share a common versions file.

  • After migration, it is impossible to access member versions from an environment using the old program logic, as contained in releases of Natural ISPF lower than 2.5. However, you can enable such an environment to access the migrated versions file.

After copying, it is no longer possible to access an old versions file.

ISPFMIG displays the following startup screen:

                        *  N S P F  MIGRATION UTILTY  *

  Migrates versioning file from earlier format to Version 2.4 format.
  This utility can only be started in batch mode. Running online it will
  check the versioning file for old records only. No FDT changes are required.
  You can restart this utility in batch mode without loss of data. Old records
  will be converted into the new format within your versioning file. Don't use
  copies of this file with existing versioning data. Any versioned SAVEs
  accessing the wrong versions file will cause version mismatches and loss of
  some versions. Instead, unload your versioning file to a sequential dataset
  before executing this utility and reload it in case of errors.
  After migration it is impossible to access member versions from ISP earlier
  than 2.5.1. 

  Versioning file DBID:        File number:           Old records:

Enter the database and file numbers of your versions file. ISPFMIG will show the number of old records. After pressing PF3, the original settings of the versions file are restored.

If you interrupt the program (for instance by typing the Natural terminal command %%) be aware that the current input of dbid / file number has been changed. In this case, you should re-initialize the Natural ISPF session.

Step 11: Loading the Natural ISPF Container File

The Natural ISPF container file can be used to store Incore database files, which can then be retrieved and manipulated in the Incore database.

You can use an Adabas file or a VSAM file as container file.

Adabas Container File

Omit this step if you already have a Natural ISPF container file.

Load the empty Natural ISPF container file (data set ISPvrs.SYS2) using the ADALOD utility. All Incore database data is stored in this file.

Recommended ADALOD Parameters

Following ADALOD parameters are recommended:


Parameter Value

The file number of the container file can be freely chosen and must be defined using the NTFILE parameter in the NATPARM module.

If the container file is to be protected by an Adabas password, the password must be defined to Natural using the following NTFILE macro:

NTFILE ID=186,DBID=n,FNR=m,PASSW=password

Job I050 Step 2001

Additional parameters can be found in Job I050, Step 2001.

VSAM Container File - z/OS and z/VSE only

  1. Add the following statement to the Natural parameter module:



    n is any VSAM DBID

    m is any number

    ISPC is DD(FCT,DLBL) name of the VSAM file.

  2. The module NVSISPC must be linked to the Natural for VSAM nucleus.

    Sample JCL for defining the VSAM cluster can be found in Job I008, Step 2002.

  3. Natural for VSAM parameter KEYLGH must be set to 126 (minimum value).

  4. The file must be initialized by loading the data set ISPvrs.VINI with VSAM repro. See Job I008, Step 2003.

Under CICS

If you are defining a VSAM container file under CICS, add an FCT entry. For an example, see Job I005, Step 2203.

Under Com-plete

If you are defining a VSAM container file under Com-plete, catalog the VSAM container file as follows:


You must also add the appropriate DD cards to the Com-plete startup procedure. For example:


Under TSO

If you are defining a VSAM container file under TSO, add the following statement to your CLIST for Natural:


Step 12: Natural Security Definitions

This step applies only if Natural Security is installed at your site.

All security entries for applications and files are made automatically. The entries are not protected and may thus require appropriate modification by the system administrator.

  1. Define the applications:

    Application Description
    SYSISPS1* ISPF system tables / menus / profiles
    SYSISPFU* ISPF user tables / menus / profiles
    SYSISPH1 ISPF system help texts
    SYSISPDB ISPF Incore database modules
    SYSISPX* ISPF exit sources
    SYSISPXC* ISPF user exits for Com-plete
    SYSISPE ISPF example library
    SYSISPI ISPF system interface library
    SYSISPXU* ISPF user-defined exit sources
    SYSISPHU* ISPF user-defined help texts
    SYSISPIU* ISPF user-defined information (UINFO)

    * To increase security, the applications marked with an asterisk (*) should be defined as people-protected (private) and be linked to the system administrator. Startup programs and error transactions must not be defined, and all applications should allow REPORT mode.

    All libraries ending with U are empty, as they are to be used for customized menus and site-specific help and online information. The content of all other libraries is supplied by Software AG. However, INPL will load modules COPYSYS and ISP-CvrsN into library SYSISPFU to ensure proper execution of sample modules.

  2. Define the following files in Natural Security as public:


    These files are used in Incore database examples.

  3. From the Natural Security Administrator Services Menu, select code G (General Options) and set the field Free access to functions via interface subprograms to value Y.

Step 13: Required Interfaces to Other Software AG Products

Library SYSISPI contains some interface programs to other Software AG products. Execute program INSTALL from this library to ensure that all required interface programs are installed properly.

The INSTALL program makes sure that all required interface programs are installed properly by copying them from the library SYSISPI to SYSLIB and/or SYSLIBS. In addition INSTALL copies your user exits from the user exit library to SYSLIB, thus ensuring that Natural ISPF will not be invoked without your user exits being active.

Before executing the program INSTALL in a Natural Security environment, be sure that the prerequisites mentioned in Note 1 (see below) are fulfilled.

The following screen will be displayed by INSTALL, fill in the input fields and press PF5 to start execution:

Please fill in fields and press PF5 to start
 08:38:02                   N A T U R A L   I S P F               07-11-15
                             Installation Program
 Installation environment
   Natural version  ... FNAT DB     ... FNR    ...
   PREDICT version  ...
   Natural security ...
 Installation parameters
   Enter printer to trace activities. . . . .  :
   Copy user exits from library . . . . . . .  :   SYSISPXU
   Copy user profiles from file number  . . .  :      ...
   Do you want N-ISPF to be the only
   user interface (no MAINMENU any more) (Y/N) :   N
                  END         OK

The meaning of the input fields:

Field Meaning
Printer to trace activities The Natural utility SYSMAIN is used for copying interface programs and user exits. If you want to trace the generated SYSMAIN commands, enter a printer name in this field.
Copy user exits from library If you want INSTALL to copy your user exits to SYSLIB, enter the name of the library where your exits are stored. If this field is blank, before starting execution, INSTALL displays a warning that no exits will be copied.

If you are installing Natural ISPF for the first time, delete the default value and set this field to blank.

Do you want Natural ISPF to be the only user interface (no longer using MAINMENU)? (Y/N)

Use default N if you want to keep MAINMENU active.

Y replaces MAINMENU with the Natural ISPF user interface.

Have exits been migrated to version 2.1.x conventions at least? (Y/N) If you are migrating from a version lower than 2.1.1:

Since the parameters for some of the user exits have changed, confirm that your user exits have been modified as described in the section Migrating from Previous Versions.

Copying exits with old parameter lists results in serious run time errors.

Depending on the version of the products installed, the following programs will be copied to SYSLIB and/or SYSLIBS:

Program Description
NSCX* Natural Security interface subprograms
SAT* System Automation Tools subprogram
IS-NCP-* Default command processors for Natural ISPF
NSPF For Natural ISPF *

* Last program to be copied, used for verification of successful execution of the INSTALL program.

The INSTALL program must be executed after every INPL of Natural and/or Natural Security.


  1. Before executing the INSTALL program, check whether the libraries SYSISPFU, SYSISPS1, SYSLIB and SYSLIBS are defined in Natural Security, and verify that you are authorized to access them.
  2. All user exits are copied to SYSLIB (members IS* from SYSISPX or from the library specified in the screen above).
  3. If the FNAT system file is protected by an Adabas password, INSTALL prompts for the password. If the FNAT system file resides in a VSAM file, INSTALL prompts for the FNAT name as defined in the NATPARM parameter module.
  4. Some of the copy operations performed during execution of the INSTALL program are done as "copy without replacement". For this reason, any NAT4810 messages reported during execution of the INSTALL program are normal and can be ignored.
  5. If the INSTALL program has not executed successfully, Natural ISPF cannot be started.

Step 14: Optional Interfaces to Software AG Products

Con-nect Application Programming Interface

If you intend to transfer files to and from Con-nect, or if you want to activate the Con-nect subsystem of Natural ISPF, the application programming interface must be copied: you must copy all objects starting with Z from the library SYSCNT2 to the library SYSLIBS.


  1. The Con-nect system file must be assigned to a physical database file.
  2. Library SYSLIB may also contain old programs beginning with Z from previous installations. All these interface programs must be deleted to ensure that Natural ISPF calls the newest versions.

Extended Natural / USPOOL Interface under Com-plete

If you are installing Natural ISPF under Software AG's TP-Monitor Com-plete, you also have the option of installing the extended Natural/USPOOL interface. This interface enables Natural ISPF users to use logical printer drivers defined in Com-plete, when printing Natural ISPF objects. If you choose not to install this interface, it is still possible to route Natural ISPF printouts to printing devices defined within Com-plete, but users will not be able to use logical printer drivers.

No specific installation steps are required. It is sufficient to activate the USPOOL interface by setting APPLYMOD 22, as described in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide.

Step 15: CA Librarian Interface - z/OS only

To activate the CA Librarian interface, you must assemble and link the Entire System Server (formerly Natural Process) module NATPAML into the Entire System Server load library. For instructions, refer to the section Installation in the Entire System Server documentation.

Step 16: Setting the Dynamic Natural Parameters - BS2000 only

Many Natural ISPF functions are cursor-sensitive. If you wish to make use of this comfortable mode of operation, you must select appropriate parameter settings to suit your terminal equipment.

The following topics are covered below:

Terminal Type 9756 and Equivalent PC Emulations

  1. For type 9756 terminals and for equivalent PC terminal emulations that are capable of the key codes F1 to F20, it is recommended that you use the new Siemens key logic (%KN), as this enables cursor-sensitive use of function keys, which makes optimal use of Natural ISPF functionality.

  2. It is also recommended that you use CURPRO=OFF (that is, %T+), thus enabling the cursor to be moved to protected fields: this means you can use the cursor-sensitive form of commands like HELP, POP, BROWSE :C etc., not only in EDIT sessions, but also in BROWSE and LIST sessions.

Terminal Types 9750 and 9755

For Type 9750 and 9755 terminals, it is recommended that you use standard Siemens key logic (%KS), even if this means that function keys cannot be used in a cursor-sensitive way.

In this mode, cursor-sensitive functions can only be used by typing the appropriate command (for example, BR :C) into the command line.

Especially the Editor commands RFIND and RCHANGE should then be used in conjunction with the command redisplay feature to allow successive scanning for all occurrences of a search string in an Editor session. To do so, proceed as in the following example:

  • enter a FIND command as normal, causing the cursor to be placed on the first occurrence of the search string;

  • type &RFIND in the command line and press Enter; the cursor is again placed on the first occurrence, and the command stays in the command line until it is erased from there;

  • successive pressing of the Enter key causes the cursor to be placed on further occurrences of the search string.

The command &RCHANGE can be used in the same way.

When you are working with %KS, you might prefer the default cursor protection setting (CURPRO=ON, that is, %T- ) if you are used to this mode.

Mixed Terminal Types

If your site uses different terminal types, you should not use the Natural TIAM / UTM driver to set these parameters (see the section Modifying Natural Front-end Modules). Instead, it is recommended that you control these session parameters via the LOGON user exit of Natural ISPF. An example of this technique can be found in library SYSISPE, member ISP-LONU (see also the section User Exits in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide as well as the online documentation of the user exit).

Step 17: Starting Natural ISPF for the First Time


  1. If you are using the Natural ISPF user interface, you can omit this step.
  2. The PS parameter must not exceed 43. If it does, Natural ISPF will display a warning at startup time: NATURAL />>> Page size (parameter PS) must not exceed 43. Natural ISPF is designed to work with the most common display devices. As it accesses the SAG Editor frequently, the whole screen is kept in arrays which are dimensioned to work with terminals. A PS value greater than 43 will result in runtime errors or dumps of the executing Natural nucleus.

To start Natural ISPF, enter the command:


in the command line of your Natural session. This displays the Natural ISPF main menu on your terminal screen. Select the ADMIN (Administrator Functions) option from the Main Menu. The Administrator Menu appears.

All available administrator functions are described in the Natural ISPF Administration Guide.

Starting Natural ISPF in Batch

Natural ISPF can be used in batch environments similar to online sessions. However, there are some prerequisites:

  1. The entire SAG Editor environment must be linked to the Natural nucleus, and the necessary files (Editor Work File) and the correct parameters must be supplied, in particular:

  2. The PS parameter must not exceed 43. See note above.

Step 18: Installation Verification

To verify whether the installation of Natural ISPF was successful, issue the following commands in the Natural ISPF Main Menu:


This starts a Natural ISPF command script which guides you through a test cycle of various Natural ISPF functions. First, a help screen appears that tells you how to control the test run and which components are tested. Press PF3 to continue; the next screen is the output of the Natural ISPF TECH command.

Step 19: Moving Incore Database Applications to Production Environment

To move Incore database applications to your production environment, proceed as follows:

  1. Repeat all steps in this installation except the following:

    • Do not load the Natural ISPF INPL data set.

    • Do not load the Natural ISPF versions file.

    • Natural Security definitions are not required.

    • Do not execute the Natural ISPF INSTALL program.

    • Neither the Con-nect interface nor the USPOOL and CA Librarian interfaces are required.

  2. Use SYSMAIN to copy all objects from SYSISPDB to SYSTEM (or another STEPLIB of the application that uses the CALLNAT interface) in the production environment, or define SYSISPDB as STEPLIB for your application.

  3. If an explicit creation of an incore file is used in your application, you also need the file (DDM) in your production environment. Use SYSMAIN to copy it.

  4. Define library SYSLIBS as steplib for your Incore database applications.