File 82
Task Perform various job variable functions, for example, define and delete job variables, query and change job variable values.

Relevant Error Codes

Code Text
530 Access denied by Security Facility.
531 Password missing or incorrect.
600 Unknown function.
626 DATA missing.
699 Not enough main storage available.
733 User ID does not exist.
756 Job variable name missing or invalid.
798 Task was not started under TSOS.
799 Entire Systems Management Adapter internal error.
987 Job Variable already exists.
992 Requested job variable not found.

Field Descriptions

Dictionary Field Name Format/





ACCESS (A5) Specifies whether access to the job variable is READ or WRITE. WRITE is the default. Valid with FUNCTION=MODATTR as input field. With ALLOC and ATTRIB, it is an output field.
CREATION-DATE (A8) Only for FUNCTION=ATTRIB: The creation date of the job variable.
CREATION-DATX (D) Creation date in Natural format.
DATA (A253) Usage of this field depends on the function.
  D When FUNCTION=READ, contents of job variable or part of it (substring).
    When FUNCTION=WRITE, value to be written (it is also possible to copy contents or substring from another job variable instead of data. Fields SECOND-NAME, FROM-SUBSTRING-START, FROM-SUBSTRING-LENGTH are relevant in this case).
DATA-APPENDIX (A3) This field contains bytes 254-256 of job variable. Refer to DATA field for more details.
EXPIRATION-DATE (A8) Only for FUNCTION=ATTRIB: The date after which the job variable can be erased.
EXPIRATION-DATX (D) Expiration date in Natural format.
FROM-SUBSTRING-LENGTH (N3) Only for function WRITE: Length of substring to be copied from job variable specified in SECOND-NAME. Required if FROM-SUBSTRING-START is specified.
FROM-SUBSTRING-START (N3) Only for function WRITE: Start of substring to be copied from job variable specified in SECOND-NAME. If this is omitted, the entire job variable is copied.
FUNCTION (A8) Required field.
  D Function to be performed. Possible options:
    ALLOC Define a job variable.
    ATTRIB Retrieve information about a job variable.
    DELETE Delete a job variable.
    LIST Retrieve list of job variables.
    MODATTR Modify characteristics of a job variable.
    READ Read value of a job variable.
    WRITE Set value of a job variable.
JV-TYPE (A10) The type of job variable is returned in this field when FUNCTION=ATTRIB. Possible values are “NUMERIC”, “NO NUMERIC”.
LENGTH (N3) Usage of this field depends on the function.
  D When FUNCTION=ATTRIB, the size of the job variable (length of JV value).
    When FUNCTION=READ, real length of data read.
    When FUNCTION=WRITE, length of data to be written.
    This can also be specified in the field SUBSTRING-LENGTH. If DATA is given, both can be omitted.
    SUBSTRING-START + LENGTH must not exceed 257.
NAME (A54) Required. Name of the job variable to be handled. With function LIST, the name can contain wildcards, but a name cannot start with an asterisk *. Wildcards in catalog ID or user ID of the JV name are only allowed for user TSOS.
PASSWORD (A8) Valid for all functions except FUNCTION=ATTRIB. If the job variable specified in NAME is password-protected, the appropriate password must be specified here.
READ-PASSWORD (A8) Usage of this field depends on the function.
  D Possible values:
    NONE No password is defined.
    YES Read password is defined for job variable.
    If caller is TSOS and ESA is running under
    TSOS, the password itself is returned.
    Blank Default. No read password.
    password New read password to be defined for job variable.
    *NONE Reset existing password.
    When copying from another job variable which is password-protected, the appropriate password for that job variable.
REPLACE (A3) Only for function ALLOC. Possible values:
  D IGN Default. Allocate job variable if it does
    not already exist and ignore allocate for
    existing job variable (corresponds to
    command DCLJV).
    NO Allocate job variable only if it does not
    already exist. If it already exists, Error
    987 is returned.
    YES Allocate job variable and replace any
    existing job variable with the same name.
    The existing job variable is erased before
RETENTION-PERIOD (N5) Only for FUNCTION=MODATTR. Specifies how many days the job variable must remain unchanged.
SECOND-NAME (A54) When FUNCTION=MODATTR, new name when renaming job variable. No user ID can be specified.
  D When FUNCTION=WRITE, input name when copying job variable.
SHARE (A3) Specifies whether the job variable is accessible to other users.
  D Valid with FUNCTION=MODATTR as input field.
    The value is returned with FUNCTION=ATTRIB or ALLOC. Possible options:
    NO Default. Job variable is not accessible
    to other users.
    YES Job variable is accessible to other users.
SUBSTRING-LENGTH (N3) Usage of this field depends on the function.
  D When FUNCTION=READ, the length of substring to be read.
    When FUNCTION=WRITE, the length of the substring to be written. This can also be specified in the field LENGTH. If DATA is given, both can be omitted.
    SUBSTRING-START + SUBSTRING-LENGTH must not exceed 257.
SUBSTRING-START (N3) Valid only with FUNCTION=READ or WRITE. Start position of substring, if only substring of the job variable is to be read or written. Maximum value is 256.
WRITE-PASSWORD (A8) Usage of this field depends on the function. Possible values:
    NONE No password is defined.
    YES Write password is defined for job variable.
    If caller is TSOS and ESA is running under
    TSOS, the password itself is returned.
    Blank Default. No write password.
    password New write password to be defined for
    job variable.
    *NONE Reset existing password.