VTAM Logmodes

This document discusses some MODEENT parameters relevant for Com-plete to set up correct TIB information for the various partner LU types. The LOGMODE specifications override any static TIBTAB definitions.

This document covers the following topics:

MODENT Parameters

The format of a LOGMODE specification is:

name MODEENT  LOGMODE=modename *
  TYPE= type, *
  FMPROF=fmprof,   Function Management Profile*
  TSPROF=tsprof,   Transport Services Profile* 
  COMPROT=comprot,  Common protocol *
  PRIPROT=priprot,  PLU protocol*
  SECPROT=secprot,  SLU protocol*
  RUSIZES=rusizes,  Rusize=1K*


type must be (negotiable) for LU6.2 sessions and 1 for all other types (default).
fmprof (1) X'03' for SNA terminals/printers
X'02' for non-SNA terminals printers
X'13' for LU6.2 sessions
tsprof (1) X'03' for SNA terminals/printers X'02' for non-SNA terminals/printers
X'07' for LU6.2 sessions
comprot 2-Byte hexadecimal value
Byte 1
1000 0000 the sending node does not accept receipt of segments (reserved for nonextended non-LU 6.2
0100 0000 FM Headers allowed (only value defined for LU 6.2)
00x0 0000 - 1 Brackets are used and reset state is BETB (in brackets)
This bit should be 0 for LU6.2 sessions (FMPROF=X'13')
000x 0000 - 1 Conditional Bracket termination (only value defined for LU6.2)
0 Unconditional termination
Byte 2 xx00 0000 - Normal-flow send/receive mode selection: 00 - full-duplex 01 - half-duplex contention 10 - half-duplex flip-flop (only value defined for LU6.2) 0010 0000 - Symmetric responsibility for recovery (only value for LU6.2) 0001 0000 - Primary is contention winner, secondary is contention loser 0000 0010 - Control vectors are included after SLU name 0000 0001 - HDX-FF reset state is SEND for primary and RECEIVE for secondary.
priprot 1000 0000 - multiple-RU chains allowed (only value defined for LU6.2) 0x00 0000 - 1= delayed request mode 0= immediate request mode (only value for LU6.2) 0000 xx00 - Chain response protocol used by primary LU: 00 = no response 01 = exception response 10 = definite response 11 = definite or exception response (only value for LU6.2) 0000 000x - 1= primary may send EB (End Bracket) 0= primary may not send EB (only value for LU6.2)
secprot bits have the same meaning as for priprot but applicable to SLU
rusizes Maximum RU sizes sent by primary and secondary half sessions. If bit 0 is set to 1 (only value defined for LU6.2) the Byte is interpreted as X'ab' = a*2**b.
pservic is a 12 Byte Hexadecimal field returned to the application in the INQUIRE macro: Byte 0 : LU-Type (0, 1, 2, 3 and 6 are supported).
For LU6.2:
Bytes 1-8 PS Usage Field. the only value defined is X'0200000000000000'
Byte 9 Must be X'00' for Transaction Routing Sessions and SNASVCMG. Access security will not be accepted on incoming FMH-5s. X'10' for native user Sessions: Access security will be accepted on incoming FMH-5s. Already-Verified will not be accepted.
Byte 10 Should be X'2F': - Synclevel=CONFIRM - either PLU or SLU may reinitiate sessions - parallel sessions are supported - CNOS GDS variables are supported
For LU-types 2 and 3:
Byte 1 bit 0 (X'80') indicates this is a Queriable Device . TIBSQRY is set in the TIB entry and Com-plete will issue a READ-PARTITION-QUERY just after OPNDST to check support and values for: extended highlighting color load program symbol
Bytes 2 to 5 Reserved X'00000000'
Byte 6 Default number of lines(2)
Byte 7 Default line length(2)
Byte 8 Aternate number of lines(2)
Byte 9 Alternate line length (2)
Byte 10 Screen size: Screen sizes can be specified in Byte 10 or Byte 10 can refer to bytes 6 to 9. If the base of SNA data streams is used, byte 10 may specify only X'00', X'01' or X'02'. X'00' permits either 480 or 1920 screen size. If X'03' is specified (LU Type 2 only), the default screen size is 1920 and the alternate size is specified in the Query Reply structured field. If X'7E' is specified, the screen size specified (bytes 6 and 7) is static.When in this mode, an Erase/Write Alternate command may be rejected with sense X'1003'. If X'7F'(dynamic screen size switching) is specified, an alternate screen size may be specified in byte 8 and 9.
Byte 11: Reserved (X'00')
For LU Type 1:
Byte 1 FM Header set
Bytes 2-6 Primary half session usage
Bytes 2 and 3 FM Header flags
Byte 4 Data Stream Flags:


  1. Some devices as gateways may require different values. Please refer to the device documentation.
  2. Default and alternate screen sizes may be overwritten as result of the READ-PARTITION-QUERY.
  3. Refer to the IBM documentation SNA - Sessions Between Logical Units for more information.

Sample LOGMODE Specifications

*LOGMODE for 3278 Model 5 Terminal
M3278S5 MODEENT LOGMODE=M3278S5,       *
   FMPROF=X'03',  Function Management Profile *
   TSPROF=X'03',  Transport Services Profile *
   COMPROT=X'3080', Common protocol    *
   PRIPROT=X'B1',  PLU protocol     *
   SECPROT=X'90',  SLU protocol     *
   RUSIZES=X'8787',         *
  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9 1011
*            LOGMODE for SCS Printer
   FMPROF=X'03',  Function Management Profile *
   TSPROF=X'03',  Transport Services Profile *
   COMPROT=X'3080',  Common protocol   *
   PRIPROT=X'B1',  PLU protocol     *
   SECPROT=X'90',  SLU protocol     *
   RUSIZES=X'8787',         *
   SRCVPAC=1,   SLU: Receive Pacing Count  *
   PSNDPAC=1,   PLU: Send Pacing Count  *
   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9 10 11
*  LOGMODE for SCS Printer on SAA Gateway
   FMPROF=X'03',  Function Management Profile *
   TSPROF=X'03',  Transport Services Profile *
   COMPROT=X'3080',  Common protocol   *

   PRIPROT=X'B1',   PLU protocol     *
   SECPROT=X'90',  SLU protocol     *
   RUSIZES=X'8787',         *
   SRCVPAC=1,    SLU: Receive Pacing Count *
   PSNDPAC=1,    PLU: Send Pacing Count  *
   0  1  2  3 4  5  6  7 8  9 10 11

*  LOGMODE for SNA Printer
   TYPE=1,   Nonnegotiable Bind   *
   FMPROF=X'00', Function Management Profile *
   TSPROF=X'07', Transport Services Profile  *
   COMPROT=X'3080',  Common protocol   *
   PRIPROT=X'B1',  PLU protocol    *
   SECPROT=X'90',  SLU protocol    *
   RUSIZES=X'8787',       *
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9 1011
*LOGMODE for SNA Service Manager Sessions - Mandatory for LU6.2 parallel sessions
   TYPE=0,    Negotiable Bind    *
   FMPROF=X'13',  Function Management Profile *
   TSPROF=X'07',   Transport Services Profile  * 
   COMPROT=X'50B1', Common protocol   *

   PRIPROT=X'B0',  PLU protocol    *
   SECPROT=X'B0',  SLU protocol    *
   RUSIZES=X'8787',  Rusize=1K    *
   SRCVPAC=0,   SLU: Receive Pacing Count *
   SSNDPAC=0,   SLU: Send Pacing Count  *
   ENCR=0,     No encryption,     *
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9 1011
*  LOGMODE for LU6.2 parallel sessions (no security)
   TYPE=0,    Negotiable Bind   *
   FMPROF=X'13',  Function Management Profile *
   TSPROF=X'07',  Transport Services Profile  * 
   COMPROT=X'50B1', Common protocol   *
   PRIPROT=X'B0',  PLU protocol    *
   SECPROT=X'B0',  SLU protocol    *
   RUSIZES=X'8787',  Rusize=1K    *
   SRCVPAC=0,   SLU: Receive Pacing Count *
   SSNDPAC=0,   SLU: Send Pacing Count  *
   ENCR=0,    No encryption,     *
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9 1011

* LOGMODE for LU6.2 parallel sessions (Security)
   TYPE=0,    Negotiable Bind   *
   FMPROF=X'13',  Function Management Profile *
   TSPROF=X'07',  Transport Services Profile  *
   COMPROT=X'50B1', Common protocol   *
   PRIPROT=X'B0',  PLU protocol    *
   SECPROT=X'B0',  SLU protocol    *
   RUSIZES=X'8787',        *
   RCVPAC=0,   SLU: Receive Pacing Count  *
   SSNDPAC=0,  SLU: Send Pacing Count    *
   ENCR=0,  No encryption,       *
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9 1011